Is this still the earth he knew?

If he hadn't seen the familiar words everywhere around him, he would have wondered if he had walked out of the place.

Although let's say, there should indeed be changes in the past thirty years, and he has thought about it, but isn't this change too fast?

Is the speed of technological development too alarming?

However, before he recovered his senses, people gradually began to gather around him, all of them aimed at him.

Because Hongmeng still follows the ancient style, so now he has long hair and ancient clothes, naturally he caused a commotion here at once.

"What a tall man, what a handsome face, what... what a powerful temperament!"

Many people expressed emotion towards Qin Feng.

After all, his cultivation base is here, and now Qin Feng's temperament is indeed incomparable, completely crushing these people, the gap is too big.

Also because of the huge gap that cannot be compared, they did not perceive Qin Feng's strength at all. Seeing him with such standard ancient long hair, wearing standard ancient clothes, and having such a temperament, they couldn't help being shocked. .

"Such a good temperament, this height, is it an actor?"

"Maybe, he is really handsome, he is much more manly than the current Chinese men, hey, learn it hard!"

Many women became nympho on the spot, and boldly came up to ask: "Brother with a good figure and good temperament, do you want to take off your clothes?"

"Undressed?" Qin Feng frowned, somewhat puzzled.

But seeing a lot of men around scolding this woman, scolding her for being shameless, for being so dissolute in public, Qin Feng probably guessed it.

As for the women who were looking for Qin Feng, they didn't show any weakness, they yelled at each other, while talking to other men, and at the same time, they talked about their private life, freedom and so on.

This is what Qin Feng did not expect. How many years have passed, and men and women are still opposing each other?

And looking at this posture, they can yell and scold on the street. The confrontation between the two sides seems to be more serious than before?

From this point of view, although their technological level has improved for hundreds of years and thousands of years, their thinking has not improved much!

Qin Feng closed his eyes for a while, and found a few people to spy through the sky eye, and finally confirmed this point.

This undressing is indeed the meaning of that layer!

In this era, everyone wears a very special kind of leather clothing!

This kind of clothes is very against the sky. It can improve people's strength all the time. Not only strength, but also appearance, figure, and even age, etc. can be continuously improved in all aspects, and the level is very high. Will easily take off this leather clothing.

Only when men and women need to reproduce, will they take off their clothes. This process, called undressing, has now become a term for courtship between men and women.

Various new nouns such as stripped women and skinless men have become new vocabulary for men and women to scold each other in this era.

Qin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to these, and disappeared in place, leaving these people in a daze.

After a little noise, they concluded that this should be a rich actor with his own private shuttle.

The so-called shuttles are light spots one after another on the ground, which can lead people to travel to various places.

Qin Feng blurred his figure, remained absolutely invisible in the eyes of everyone, and silently observed everything that happened!

The times have changed so fast that even he has not adapted to it yet!

"This shuttle is probably similar to the teleportation circle, but it is really amazing to be able to use technological means to achieve great things!"

In any case, in this era, the improvement is indeed very fast, and he should adapt to it.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now, it's still important to do things!"

Shaking his head and not thinking about it anymore, Qin Feng originally planned to open his big eyes and take a thorough look, but found that when he exerted a little force, something serious seemed to be disturbing him.

It's some kind of original avenue that's stopping him!

"Yes, although the aura of the earth has only recovered for a few decades, after all, it was once extremely prosperous, and it can recover a lot in a few decades. Probably, on the earth, the eyes of the sky are not allowed to spy on others, at least not on a large scale. others!"

There is a certain law on the earth that prevents him. He was able to spy on those people before because he had few things to spy on, and the gap between those people and his cultivation base was too huge, plus the influence of spying on those people Small, so not blocked.

Now that he wants to spy on the entire earth, he is naturally not allowed!

"It seems that I can't rush to find it. At the very least, I have to familiarize myself with the new laws of the earth for a few days before I speak, otherwise it is easy to cause trouble!"

Qin Feng said to himself, no longer thinking about it, and disappeared in the same place directly, wanting to find a place where no one is there to feel it first.

However, when he traveled around the earth, he was surprised to find that the entire earth, in terms of overall layout, was like a huge cage, tightly bound.

In various places on the earth, there are strange pillars, towering into the sky and reaching beyond the earth.

This pillar also seems to be some kind of technological product, very technological.

Qin Feng has carefully observed that there seems to be such strange pillars on every country on the earth. The stronger the place, the more pillars there are.

"What is this pillar?" Qin Feng frowned. What happened in the past few decades?

"Forget it, no matter what happens, let's find a place to feel it first!"

It can be clearly seen that the earth today is much larger than before, more than twice as large. People and creatures on the earth are aware of this, and the scope is still increasing.

However, today's people feel that their lives are more crowded than before. Too many foreign objects have come and squeezed their original space!

Even Qin Feng finds it difficult to find a place to comprehend the current laws of the earth. It's not that it is difficult to comprehend the laws, but it is difficult to find a place that has not been developed and has no intelligent creatures!

Even above the sea area, there are a large number of strange creatures and some kind of technological products that have never been seen before, and even penetrate the bottom of the sea, there is no space at all.

Qin Feng didn't find a suitable position in a daze!

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Qin Feng found a tomb.

There is an ancient corpse in the tomb. Although it is dead, it has a heart to live again. It is constantly sucking the blood and essence of the alien creatures, and then nibbling away the flesh on its body, without any waste.

When Qin Feng came, the ancient corpse was also overjoyed, thinking that another fat sheep was coming, so he attacked decisively.

As a result, Qin Feng almost smashed the ancient corpse to pieces with a big pocket. His consciousness was almost blurred, and his strength was so strong that it was outrageous!

"What are you doing, I want to enlighten, don't bother me!" Qin Feng also cursed angrily!

"If you bother me again, I won't be polite!"

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