With the opening of Rao Wuye's sky eye, his state is undoubtedly much stronger than before. His sky eye is obviously extraordinary.

Even Qin Feng felt incredible when he felt this breath.

Because, this is the strongest enemy who has opened the eyes of the sky among the enemies Qin Feng has encountered so far!

For many giants of the sky eye, the sky eye has given them a huge improvement, but more afterwards, they only break through for the sake of breaking through the sky eye, rather than really pursuing the flawlessness of the sky eye.

Not everyone has that kind of condition, let alone someone who has the courage to dare to open up a new path and create a real eye like Qin Feng.

It is already so reluctant to open the eyes of the sky. Even though the eyes of the sky can still greatly improve them, it is obviously not comparable to Qin Feng.

But this Rao Wuye is different.

So far, among the giants below Tongtian and below, Rao Wuye is the only one who can feel that his sky eye is good after opening the sky eye. largest of all.

At this moment, his body was clear and clear, and his body became empty, as if he had lost his tangible body and became a regular physical body.

An astonishing aura of primordial spirit shone on his body, and with just a single movement, a terrifying avenue of wind was generated around him, and it even faintly felt like a super storm!

Qin Feng squinted his eyes, and was also more and more amazed at the changes in Rao Wuye.

As expected of a formidable enemy at the top of the Tiantian list, I thought he was a good weapon, but after he broke out, his divine fire was overwhelming, and he felt that he was good at fire.

Unexpectedly, right now, when his heavenly eyes are truly opened, what he is best at is actually the power of wind, and the physical body that is so illusory that it seems invisible. This kind of vision is too amazing.

This shows that he is either good at both wind and spirit-like laws, or he has cultivated the power of wind to an astonishing level, so that he can return his physical body to the wind and become one of the others. part.

The former shows its astonishing potential, but the latter obviously proves its current strength and is even more difficult for Qin Feng!

It's a pity that with Qin Feng opening his big eyes to spy, he finally came to the conclusion that the other party belongs to the latter!

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, staring closely at the person in front of him, vigilant but also looking forward to it.

Because there are not too many people who can cultivate the power of wind to this level.

Among the natural powers, wind, fire, water, thunder, earth, gold, light, darkness, etc., the power of wind has been the least cultivated from the beginning.

Because its offensiveness is relatively speaking, it is indeed inferior to others. Among them, the light and dark requirements are too harsh, and it is also rare. A little more, but not noticeably.

The most common ones are fire, earth, gold and water, each with its own strengths.

The fire burns the world, the earth governs the gods and Buddhas, the gold conquers the universe, and the water marshes all things. These are the more famous and obvious of these few things.

Only the wind.

Seemingly comprehensive, it can attack all things, resist everything, overcome powerful enemies at a micro level, and heal everything. However, everything is not as good as the other. Comprehensive, but it is really mediocre.

Under the same level, the power of wind is obviously inferior to others, so in the starry sky, there are very few people who practice the power of wind, almost comparable to thunder, second only to the law of light and darkness.

But the power of controlling the wind is obviously not at the same level as that of controlling the thunder.

Due to many reasons, many people, even those who mainly cultivate the power of wind at the beginning, will eventually choose to give up and switch to other methods due to various reasons.

Those who can persevere in cultivation are even rarer.

Even if all methods are returned to the ancestors, in the end, many techniques and methods are actually the same in the end, and there is no distinction between strength and weakness, but this process is too tortured, enough to dissuade too many people who major in the power of wind.

Among the cultivators of this kind of natural force, the conditions for cultivating Thunder are the most demanding, but once they major in Thunder, they seldom give up. Why, isn't it because of their strength!

For various reasons, among the high-level powerhouses, there are very few who major in the power of wind.

So much so that when Qin Feng saw that Rao Wuye was actually a person with the power of wind, he was very surprised.

At this level and strength, the difference between cultivating the power of wind and cultivating other laws is not too big, and the most difficult process has been passed by the opponent.

At this moment, the opponent will have some advantages, because there are very few high-level people who major in the power of wind, and most of them have never seen what a really powerful power of wind is like, including Qin wind!

At this time, Rao Wuye opened his sky eyes and manifested his miraculous wind power, but he did not disappoint Qin Feng.

Just for a moment, in front of Rao Wuye, his divine light shines brightly, a slender wind blade as thin as a fingertip shoots out through the palm, sweeping towards Qin Feng, it is very small, but it has a shocking divine power!

Qin Feng used almost all means.

Jin Guangxuan Physical Technique, Sword Qi Gangfeng, Indestructible Gang Body, and even the body-defending magical skill developed by his own physical body, resisted with all his strength, but was still destroyed by the opponent.

It was just a fingertip-sized wind blade, but it seemed unstoppable. Finally, relying on Qin Feng's last ray of body-protecting Dao Qi, he barely blocked the wind blade.

But there is only such a ray of body-protecting Dao Qi in a short time, and it is obviously impossible for him to rely on the body-protecting Dao Qi to resist without limit. Next, if the opponent repeats the same trick, he will be unstoppable!

"So ruthless, is this the power of wind after being cultivated to perfection? A wind blade the size of a fingertip can break through all my defenses!" Qin Feng was startled, and became more and more amazed at the strength of his opponent.

Cut defense!

Qin Feng realized that the comprehensive but mediocre power of wind is only limited to when it is not very strong.

But when Rao Wuye, who has truly cultivated the power of wind to the top, exerts his strength, the power of wind has an advantage that other natural forces cannot have, that is, defense reduction.

Qin Feng's various defenses were almost forcibly cut off by the other party's wind blade in various ways, and finally pointed at himself, only by the consumed Dao Qi of body protection to avoid catastrophe.

I'm afraid, except for those who are physically invincible, any defensive means are futile in front of this level of wind power masters.

Can't help it!

It is an exaggeration to say that it is even impossible to guard against!

Either he was so hard that the opponent couldn't penetrate, or he took the initiative to attack and showed a stronger force than the opponent to suppress the opponent.

Although Qin Feng is the ultimate body, the ultimate body does not mean that he is invincible. Compared with the original, Qin Feng's physical body is still a lot improved, but obviously, although his current physical body is strong, it is obviously not strong enough to compete with the other side. The degree of force collision.

Then there is only the latter.

"Since you can't guard against it, then you can't guard against it. Use a power stronger than yours to suppress you!"

Qin Feng said to himself, at this moment, his temperament changed suddenly, and the sky eye in his body also opened suddenly at this moment!

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