"A road that is blocked!" After learning about this, Qin Feng felt a little blocked.

It seems.

Not only are the rumors limited to ten years, but the so-called multi-party battlefields, from entering Yuanguidao, Tongtian, Shenyu, and even the battlefield of kings, to the later restricted areas, are basically deduced and divided. Chance, in fact, is supposed to be in those forbidden areas.

In short, the Xingyuan Realm is larger than the outside world, the advanced battlefield is larger than the low-level battlefield, the development area is larger than the battlefield, and the restricted area is larger than the development area!

If there are some undeveloped lands in the restricted area, there may really be some great opportunities.

But the premise is that there is that life to take it.

The restricted area already represents strength. As for some development sites in the restricted area, they are places that even Tianzun dare not touch easily. Naturally, it is not so easy to get the opportunity.

However, it was precisely because of knowing this that Qin Feng felt blocked.

Because those real controllers, their strength is due to the benefits they got in the ancient earth back then. Without the share of the ancient earth, it is absolutely impossible for them to reach the current level now!

The more he thinks about this, the angrier Qin Feng becomes.

This Ji Fu seems to be really good at observing words and expressions. He could see at a glance that Qin Feng seemed to be a little annoyed. A place, that place is very special, there is a mysterious passage in the starry sky, I don't know where it leads!"

"The villain has never been to the other end of the passage, but through the other end of the passage, the villain can vaguely feel that the other end is very mysterious, and there may be an extremely powerful opportunity!"

"This is what the villain planned to keep for himself. He will go to the other end of the passage to find out when the time limit for the crime expires!"

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ji Fu to have such a skill.

Is it a mysterious passage...

They were originally haunting the development land in search of opportunities, so they could go and have a look.

He glanced at Ji Fu, and it could be seen that he had an expression of reluctance. Obviously, if it wasn't for Qin Feng's sudden anger and frightened him, he probably wouldn't have mentioned this place.

But... is that really the case?

Qin Feng looked at Ji Fu carefully, everything about him seemed to express this characteristic, but for some reason, Qin Feng always felt that it was inexplicably weird, but he couldn't tell where the weirdness was.

After that, Qin Feng and others asked Ji Fu about some things, basically about the development site.

And I have to say that Ji Fu's four hundred and ninety-six years in the development area was indeed not in vain. He did know some things that Qin Feng and others did not.

Rather, in some places, it is actually possible to vaguely see whether there is an internal crisis or not. Although not all of them, it can still improve their safety a lot. These are Ji Fu's 496 years of experience The accumulated conclusions drawn!

According to the experience Ji Fu said, Qin Feng and others discovered that they had already stepped on more than one big thunder in the past.

If it were other people, hundreds of lives would not be enough to die, that is to say, they are strong enough to survive now.

For example, the corpse of Great Immortal Hunyuan is so powerful. After Ji Fu activated the corpse of Great Immortal Hunyuan, in his original experience, Qin Feng and others should all be shot to death within a few strokes. After all , That's the Great Immortal Hunyuan.

But they found the best and only solution in this predicament. Qin Feng was responsible for escaping, and the others were responsible for finding Ji Fu.

Then there is the current situation.

And even they have experienced life and death crises more than once.

Many times it was abruptly overturned.

When they think back now, they also feel a burst of regret.

This is really wandering back and forth countless times on the edge of life and death!

In order to show his favor, Ji Fu and the others went back to the corpse of the Great Immortal Hunyuan, and lifted up the immortal corpse of the Great Immortal Hunyuan in front of them, and manipulated it.

Of course, Qin Feng and others are suppressing Ji Fu, because the corpse of Hunyuan Daxian is too strong, they must prevent Ji Fu from turning his face.

Of course, Ji Fu was very stable. He didn't do anything unusual. Instead, he dug out a few more Hunyuan Divine Stones from the shattered void and handed them over to Qin Feng and others.

Strictly speaking, this is considered to be a relatively deep place in the development site. The original plan of those big figures was only a generalization, and it is impossible to clearly distinguish everything according to the strength of the deduction. It's really not their turn to get it.

After all, the highest limit of this Hunyuan Divine Stone is even enough to be used as an auxiliary material for the Supreme Weapon.

Although a lot was lost, everyone was satisfied that the most important Hunyuan Divine Stone could be obtained and lost again.

Of course, the premise of becoming a supreme accessory is that the Hunyuan Divine Stone is complete enough and the inner avenue is complete. Obviously, in its heyday, it was up to the standard when the Hunyuan Great Immortal was alive, but the current Hunyuan Divine Stone, obviously It cannot be used as an auxiliary material of the supreme device.

Even building the Heavenly Venerable Weapon is mysterious enough, because the shattering is too powerful.

But even so, this is still a top-notch item, and it is more than enough to be used as the embryo of a king's weapon.

And since the power in the Primordial Divine Stone is constantly being lost, it is impossible for them to really wait until they become kings before using it. Naturally, they refined it immediately.

The internal Dao power has been absorbed by themselves, and everyone's strength has been greatly improved. At the same time, their respective magic weapons have also been greatly improved. The quality is extremely high and almost flawless.

It can be said that the Primordial Divine Stone has made their respective magic tools reach the most excellent level. Among the same level, their magic tools are absolutely ahead of all on the battlefield.

On the Tongtian battlefield, or even on the Shenyu battlefield, there must be no magic weapons stronger than them, but there must not be many!

Even so, the Primordial Divine Stone still has some power remaining, and both themselves and the Magical Artifact have reached saturation and cannot be consumed any longer.

It's a bit wasteful, but it's better than dragging it until the future to become a king and then refine it. The longer the delay, the worse the effect of this Primordial God Stone, after all, it's not complete.

Qin Feng distributed this part of his power to Yaoxing, which was still more than enough.

Seeing that they were exhausted, Ji Fu boldly begged them to share the rest of their strength with him.

Qin Feng thought for a while, after all, this Hunyuan Divine Stone was re-discovered by Ji Fu, and there was only a little bit left, so it didn't matter to give it to him, so he let him absorb the last part of the power.

Ji Fu is grateful to Dade, and has become more and more loyal to Qin Feng and others.

Soon, the last bit of power in the Primordial God Stone was completely absorbed by Ji Fu. His improvement was greater than expected, and it was already a faint sign of breaking through the sky, but it was still a little bit short.

Out of gratitude, Ji Fu also appeared to be very active when he led Qin Feng and others to the mysterious starry sky passage.

Finally, under the guidance of Ji Fu, Qin Feng and others arrived at their destination, the mysterious starry sky passage!

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