The eyes gathered, and everyone could see that the silver needle held by Qin Feng at this time was not as simple as the silver needle.

Visible to the naked eye, the silver needle seemed to be dissolved by a strange force. It lost its sharpness and flexibility. Instead, it was a soft and illusory visual effect like mercury.

Looking from a distance, it seemed that what Qin Feng held in his hand at this time was not a needle, but a silver water line suspended in mid air and not controlled by gravity. There was no logical science at all!

Qiu Tianyue and others feel dazzled.

The two people in the miracle doctor hall were shocked.

In any case, the divine medicine hall is also a national brand and old signboard that has stood in China for decades. As the two best old Chinese doctors of the divine medicine hall, one of them is also the master of the divine medicine hall, and the research on traditional Chinese medicine is naturally very profound.

Since it is profound, how can we not know Taiyi divine needle?

Although the reproduction of this long lost needlework is still reproduced in a young man, it is a very, very unbelievable thing

"Taiyi divine needle, this is Taiyi divine needle!"

"God, I didn't expect that I could see Taiyi divine needle with my own eyes in my lifetime!"

"It's incredible, it's amazing! Unexpectedly, the Taiyi divine needle has not been lost! "

"According to ancient records, this is... The second type of Taiyi divine needle, fine water flow? It is said that this type is totally opposite to the first type of burning the mountain. The former is as strong as fire and the latter is as gentle as water. It is used to expel poison and has great miraculous effect! "


Looking at the silver needle like a waterline, the two of the magic doctor hall looked wonderful. They broke out strong emotions beyond their control. At this moment, they almost forgot their gambling appointment with Qin Feng.

For two people who have studied medicine all their life, nothing is more exciting than seeing Taiyi divine needle with their own eyes at this time!

"What shit Taiyi needle? Playing tricks, I don't believe it. Can you really bring this bad old man back to life? " When the old people in the two magic medicine halls were excited and uneasy, Qiu Shanyue standing at the door looked particularly gloomy.

He doesn't believe, or can say, he doesn't want to believe Qin Feng.

Unfortunately, Qiu Shanyue's silent curse did not affect Qin Feng at all.

At this time, Qin Feng has completely entered the state of needle application. The silver needle of Qi transportation, the second type of Taiyi divine needle, fine water flow!

Compared with the first type of burning mountain, this needle consumes a lot less, but the difficulty of details is more strict and harsh. A careless, gentle silver needle will be directly crushed!

It's just smashing in vitro. If smashing in vivo, it's like killing!

Qin Feng dared not neglect it until the silver needle in his hand was completely stable. Just then he found the acupoint on Qiu Lao's body and the needle went in and out of the meat.

With the silver needle into the body, others can see that the old enemy, who has not moved at all since last night, suddenly frowned, his feet twitched slightly for a moment, and then returned to calm.


Qiu Shanyue's face changed slightly at the door.

Qiu Tianyue's sister and brother were greatly surprised, but they didn't dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing Qin Feng.


Qin Feng took out the needle again and plunged into another acupoint of Qiu Lao.

Another needle.


Before and after, Qin Feng stabbed Qiu Lao with six needles to completely block his internal organs to prevent damage to his lungs during detoxification.

Everything is in order.


Qin Feng breathed softly.

Then, his eyes were frozen, his hands were used together, and two silver needles were taken out at the same time.

The two people in the miracle doctor hall stared, and the color of shock and shock in their pupils became several times stronger: "God, he showed two needles of water flow at the same time. How did he do it? This... How is this possible? "

Qiu Tianyue's brother and sister all want to kick them out. It's too noisy!

Fortunately, Qin Feng, completely immersed in his own world, was not disturbed by external voices. He focused on the two silver needles in his left and right hands, prepared for a long time, and finally shot again.

Two silver needles, one left and one right, pierced into Qiu Lao's temples on both sides.

At this moment, everyone in the room held their breath and looked at Qiu Lao. They were nervous to the extreme with their different mentality, because they all knew that Qin Feng's two needles might be the key to success!

Yes, it's dangerous.

No, all previous efforts are wasted!

Under the intense gaze, strange things happened.

Two white mists came out of Qiu Lao's ears.

Yes, white smoke!

Two white smogs, visible to the naked eye, also exude an extremely strong fragrance, which is like the fragrance of flowers. People smell it and feel comfortable and sleepy.

Qiu Tianyue shook his head, frowned and said, "this... What's going on?"


Qin Feng wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and said with a smile.

"Ecstasy?" The two old people of the miracle doctor hall standing aside were shocked and said, "but the strange poison and enchanting fragrance from the western regions?"

"Or what? Is it the enchanting fragrance used to smoke mosquitoes? " Qin Feng glanced at them lightly.

"Ha ha..." they were embarrassed and laughed. Now, they have no temper in front of Qin Feng. Thinking of the gambling agreement just made with Qin Feng, they just feel ashamed and regret.

Up to now, how can they not realize that Qiu Lao has been saved? When the white smoke dissipates, it is the moment when Qiu Lao opens his eyes and wakes up!

But Qiu Tianyue still didn't know why: "what is ecstasy?"

"A strange poison from the western regions." Qin Feng explained casually: "this strange poison takes the air as the medium and enters the body through breathing, destroys the poisoned person's nervous system and falls into deep sleep. Because of its special body nature, modern medical technology can't verify it at all, so people who are often poisoned will sleep until they die. If it is used on the elderly, it will directly cause the illusion of old death!

If I guessed correctly, someone threw ecstasy incense into Qiu's room when he was sleeping, and Qiu didn't notice anything. After smoking for several nights, he finally fainted at dinner last night and couldn't wake up.

It's also because of this. Even though Tianhao has been following Qiu Lao and keeping a close eye on clothes, food, housing and transportation, it's still impossible to prevent in the end. "

"Asshole, if you let me find the bastard who poisoned, I have to divide him into five parts!" After listening to Qin Feng's explanation, the filial and impatient Qiu Tianhao ran away directly.

Qiu Tianyue naturally wanted to calm down a lot. After a moment of meditation, she looked at Qin Feng and asked, "so... Now, is Grandpa out of trouble?"

"The ears and nose are connected. The enchanting fragrance inhaled from the nose is discharged from the ears. When these white fog are discharged, Qiu will naturally wake up. There will be no big problem."

Qin Feng smiled twice, and then without waiting for Qiu Tianyue to speak again, he turned his eyes to Qiu mountain standing at the door and grinned: "a hundred heads, you can start performing!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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