Suddenly, the whole villa was quiet.

The dull atmosphere is frightening!

Lin Jing hangs up Ye Dongqing's phone. Meimou looks helplessly at Qin Feng: "what should I do? Qin Feng, what should we do now? There are too few clues. How can we find qiuxue in this great Yangcheng? "

Looking at Lin Jing's worried and flustered appearance at this time, Qin Feng was slightly stunned. At this time, there was some love for this woman in his heart.

Although Lin Jing is enchanting and deceiving on weekdays, her relationship with Li qiuxue is indeed stronger than Jin Jian. At this moment, there is no third person who can care about Li qiuxue like her, except Qin Feng.

Li qiuxue disappeared yesterday. Looking at her face, Lin Jing is probably worried. She didn't sleep all night.

"Worry can't solve the problem. You're tired. Go upstairs and have a rest first. I'll find qiuxue." Qin Feng thought about it and said.

"No." Lin Jing's attitude is very firm: "I want to find qiuxue with you. I don't know how qiuxue is now. How can I sleep?"

"All right." Qin Feng didn't insist. He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The other side was soon connected, and there was a flattering voice from the snake king: "master!"

"Immediately search for my wife all the way. She was kidnapped." Qin Feng said faintly, "the last place to disappear is near Yunhe street. If you find her kidnapper, kill her!"

"Yes!" Snake Jun hung up.

Qin Feng put away his mobile phone, sat on the soft sofa, lit a cigarette and smoked silently.

When it comes to finding people, snake king is undoubtedly top-notch. At present, there is no clue. Qin Feng can only explain this to snake king and wait for the news quietly.

Under such a situation, Lin Jing didn't want to talk to Qin Feng. She smoked in the house. Now she sat next to Qin Feng and said with concern: "Qin Feng, who did you call? Can he find autumn snow? "

"I don't know." Qin Feng shook his head: "I hope he can find it."

Lin Jing pursed her mouth and didn't make a sound again. She also knew that it was superfluous to say anything at this time.

Qin Feng didn't expect much from snake king. Although snake king's Kung Fu in looking for people was top, Li qiuxue was almost mutilated by Li Qingkun's father and son last time, thanks to snake king finding people in time.

However, the difficulty of this time is obviously not comparable to that of last time.

The mysterious trader has been hidden in the dark and well prepared. Qin Feng is not even sure whether he will also be under his surveillance. If so, even if snake king tries his best to search, it is difficult to find Li qiuxue.

After all, even if it is a snake, it is impossible not to miss people in every corner. As long as the mysterious trader knows the existence of the snake king and is on guard, it is difficult for the snake king to play a role.

Sure enough, when Qin Feng finished smoking half a pack of cigarettes, snake Jun called him back.

Qin Feng immediately answered, "how's it going?"

The snake king's voice was weak: "the snake king is incompetent. He failed to find his mistress. Please bring down the master!"

Qin Feng hung up the phone and thought, "sure enough..."

Qin Feng trusted snake king.

He knew that in this nearly one hour, snake king must have spared no effort to find people, driving ten thousand snakes to search the whole city, but he still didn't find anyone. It can be seen that Qin Feng's guess was not wrong.

The mysterious trader not only knew the existence of snake king, but also probably left Yangcheng with Li qiuxue and hid in other cities and even other countries!

Of course, it's unlikely to take a living man abroad in just one day

After pondering for a moment, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number with a very long number.

After waiting for nearly half a minute, the phone was answered, and a young man's excited voice came: "God! God, God, boss, you called me again! Do you know that I'm dying for you. When will you return to the Canglong regiment? "

The person who answered the phone, Baiye, code named night wolf, is an elite member of the Canglong regiment, the world's best hacker, and one of Qin Feng's most powerful men in recent years.

The night wolf played a key role in the last action to destroy the black tiger hall.

"Don't say that first. Help me find someone." Qin Feng said in a deep voice: "yesterday morning, my wife was kidnapped and disappeared by a mysterious man in Yangcheng. The last place she appeared was near Yunhe street. No matter what method you use, I must check the whole China in the fastest time. If China can't find anyone, look for it all over the world!"

"Shit, is there a mistake?" The night wolf seemed dissatisfied: "after waiting so long, you called me to do hard work again. God, boss, is that too unkind?"

Qin Feng frowned. Suddenly, he killed others: "night wolf, do you think your life is too long?"

The night wolf on the opposite side realized the seriousness of the matter. He didn't dare to play tricks and hurriedly said, "God calm down, my subordinates will do it now!"


Qin Feng snorted coldly and hung up the phone directly.

Lin Jing on one side was pale and stared at Qin Feng for a long time.

Just now, she felt the breath of death on Qin Feng!

At that moment, it was like... It was like, she had become a dead man!

Qin Feng didn't feel it against her. I can't imagine what a tragic end it would be if she angered Qin Feng. I'm afraid she could be scared to death?

What kind of person can have such a terrible momentum?

Lin Jing can't recover for a long time.

Qin Feng didn't notice the change of Lin Jing's look. After hanging up the white night phone, he lit a cigarette and fell into thinking.

Looking for people all over the world is no doubt not a good way, but Qin Feng's helpless strategy.

He knew that instead of being led by the nose to find Li qiuxue, he might as well use his brain to find the mysterious trader. Although the man was extremely mysterious and never left any clues that people could guess his identity, Qin Feng always felt that he had seen the man.

This is an intuition.

But I have to admit that many times, intuition is very accurate.

"Who is it..."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and had the feeling to think of the person several times. Finally, the feeling collapsed and couldn't form a clear face in his mind.

Think hard, no results!

After about three hours, it was late at night.

Bai Ye finally called Qin Feng back.

Qin Feng answered with an eager and cold voice: "say."

The white night sighed and said in a deep voice, "boss God, I'm sorry. I've searched every corner of the world and haven't found the signal of Mrs. God's mobile phone. The signal source in her mobile phone has been destroyed!"

Qin Feng clenched his teeth and said nothing. His face became ferocious.

Everywhere, no news!

How can I find it?, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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