In the dead of night, loneliness surged into my heart.

These words can hardly describe Qin Wei's state of mind at this time.

She sat on the back of the rock like this, and the oncoming cold wind made her feel a little cold in the middle of the night, so she couldn't help curling up, holding her knees with both hands, as if to keep warm, but it was more like a lonely little girl abandoned by the world and without any care.

She looked at the bright moon far away in the sky, in her watery beautiful eyes, deep and bottomless. No one knew what she was thinking.

The ultimate silence is broken by a man's voice.

"The cold poison in your body has not been dispelled. Blowing the cold wind here in the middle of the night is equivalent to consuming your own life." Soon after the words rang out, Qin Feng's figure came to Qin Wei.

Qin Wei was awakened by the sudden sound. She turned her head slightly and saw that Qin Feng, who had sat beside her, was stunned. Then she glanced and said, "I heard you had a good time tonight. What's the matter? After playing, I think of my old deskmate? "

"To tell you the truth, I didn't think of you after the game." Qin Feng said frankly, "I just couldn't sleep at night. I came out for a cigarette and happened to see you."

"So..." Qin Wei smiled bitterly at the corner of her mouth: "you thought of coming to accompany me because I was poor and full of compassion?"

"You seem to be right." Qin Feng nodded.

He's here to talk, so he's not going to lie.

When Qin Wei heard this, she flashed a look of loss and self mockery in her eyes, lowered her head, sighed secretly, and said, "I don't need anyone's sympathy!"

"Whether you need it or not is your business, and whether you give it or not is my business." Qin Feng smiled and said, "besides, your so-called sympathy is actually based on friendship. If you really want to say it, I think it's my old deskmate's love to give you proper care."

"After all, it's not sympathy?" Qin Wei tilted her lips, and there was obviously displeasure and loss in her tone.

Feeling Qin Wei's wrong tone, Qin Feng was stunned and looked at Qin Wei strangely. Why does this girl seem to dislike his sympathy for her care?

In fact, Qin Feng doesn't know whether he sympathizes or not.

So he didn't tangle too much about it.

As soon as his eyes turned, Qin Feng took a cigarette and said, "you said that this person's change was really great. I remember when you were a runny girl, it wasn't so difficult to speak."

"Do you think someone in this world will be bullied by you all his life?" Qin Wei glanced at Qin Feng angrily and said, "besides, haven't you changed a lot over the past ten years? When the weak boy who failed in sports turned over, he directly became the God of war. Compared with you, what's my change? "

"I just changed my physiology, but my character has never changed." Qin Feng said.

"If you say so, I just changed my character and didn't change much in my physiology." Qin Wei held her chest out as she said.

Qin Feng glanced at it and nodded secretly.

Indeed, from childhood to adulthood, Qin Wei seems to have never lived up to the nickname "Bobo Wei".

There was a sudden chill in the atmosphere.

Qin Wei glanced at Qin Feng, pursed her lips and said angrily, "didn't you come to sympathize with me? As a companion, it's not very professional to keep the atmosphere cold. "

"I'm thinking." Qin Feng smiled.

Qin Wei: "what do you think?"

"Think about personality changes." Qin Feng said, "when everyone's character changes greatly, there is often a major incentive. I don't understand. What happened to you that turned you into today's lonely and unsociable widow Wei?"

"Why should I tell you?" Qin Wei still insisted on self sealing: "you are just my old deskmate, not my relatives or my lover. I need to tell you how much?"

"Maybe I'll be your lover after you tell me?" Qin Feng said with a bad smile.

"Nonsense." Qin Wei looked contemptuous: "I don't take care of myself. What virtue do I have in mind? People like you can only hook up with those simple and kind little girls. They don't have any charm in front of me! "

"You can hit people." Qin Feng was speechless.

"Just tell the truth." Qin Wei shrugged.

Qin Feng didn't care either. After thinking about it, he said, "in fact, you can try to meet some new friends. If you have more friends, the circle of activities will be large. It's good for your physical and mental health to go out and walk."

"Not interested." Qin Wei's answer was very straightforward.

Qin Feng wanted to stop talking, the topic was ended again, and the atmosphere returned to tranquility again. It seemed that whether Qin Feng came or not could not change anything.

In the cold, Qin Wei looked at the lonely moon in the sky again, with a complex look in her beautiful eyes.

If she could, why didn't she want to have more friends and go out more?

It's just fate doesn't allow it.

Because of those grudges, she was destined to live a life with friends. All those close to her would become the food of the jackals.

Once, she did not believe that the jackals would be so cruel and cruel, and finally led to her best friend, because she died in a pool of blood.

She was born a comet. She doesn't know when to leave the world. Why bother to harm others?

Qin Wei has no interest in talking again. Qin Feng wants to speak several times, and finally swallows his words back.

He knows that some things have not happened to him and will never know what it feels like. He can try to enlighten Qin Wei, but he can't forcibly change her world.

So they were silent.

Qin Wei holds her knees and sits on the back of the rock looking at the moon.

Qin Feng sat beside her, silent, lit a cigarette from time to time, no longer disturbed her quiet, and played a qualified companion.

Two people sitting here, even if they don't talk, at least they feel much better than sitting alone.

This company is more than half an hour.

It's windy.

Qin Wei, who had cold poison, was afraid and curled up tighter.

Qin Feng looked at her faint trembling appearance. After thinking about it, he took off his little coat and applied it to Qin Wei. A rare gentleman once.

Feeling the sudden warmth, Qin Wei was stunned and immediately raised her head to look at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng happened to look at her.

The four eyes are opposite, and there is a flash of light.

Looking from a distance, the picture of the two people turning their heads to look at each other is quite a bit of love. It is romantic like a painting, so that the bright moon emitting soft light has become a background plate at the moment., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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