"Qin Feng... Qin Feng is not dead!"

The informer's face was ugly and said, "he not only didn't die, but also left a few blood words after killing everyone at the scene!"

"What word?"

Otaro Ueda raised his eyebrows and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

For the news that Qin Feng is not dead, reasonable, he is not surprised at all. After all, the strength of the latter is above the sword God. He just heard the guarantee from the warrior who wants to call, so he will be disappointed now.

Now, it is said that Qin Feng still left blood words on the scene, and Ueda Taro's mood is even worse.

He knows, it must not be a good word!

The informer said, "those are some Chinese characters. I can't understand them very well, but I took photos."

With that, the samurai quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the photos taken at the scene and sent them to taro Ueda.

Taro Ueda has some knowledge of Chinese culture.

At a glance, he recognized the scarlet words.

"The unrighteous, die!"

Taro Ueda read these words with a calm face.

The whole hall was silent, and the atmosphere of killing anger quietly shrouded the whole audience.

The unrighteous die.

Today's sword God will, if you ask yourself, who is not an unjust man?

Does Qin Feng mean to kill all the people of the sword God society?

Arrogant, arrogant!


Otaro Ueda suddenly smashed the mobile phone and flew into a rage: "crazy child, boasting of being noble! Who is he talking about? Are you talking about us? Damn, damn! "

"Yes! That nosy guy is so conceited! Zoe yingzi joined hands with him and just let the sword God fall. People with clear eyes know who is the unjust! "

"Zoe yingzi killed his father and rebelled. Shouldn't we clean up the door?"

"Kill, kill Qin Feng! It was he who colluded with Zoe yingzi that the sword God fell. We want to avenge the sword God! "


It has to be said that this group of British warriors have strong learning ability. In the twinkling of an eye, they made every effort to learn the essence of Ueda Taro's gentleman sword. At present, all of them are awe inspiring, as if they are justice in the world.

After a long time, the atmosphere in the hall just calmed down.

A warrior said in a deep voice, "president, although Qin Feng is not dead, he has also been poisoned by Mr. Ishikawa Guang. Now his strength must have been greatly reduced. We can't give him a chance to breathe. We must eradicate him as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Another warrior said, "Qin Feng is mean and cunning, and his strength is very unusual. If you give him time, we will be in trouble in the future!"

A group of warriors admonished one after another to issue a killing order to Qin Feng.

Otaro Ueda frowned and thought for a moment. He also felt that what they said was reasonable. He waved his orders and said, "look for Qin Feng's whereabouts immediately and inform me as soon as you find it. Don't act rashly!"


It's really inconvenient to go abroad.

Even though Qin Feng didn't come to Yingguo Dongshi for the first time, he still couldn't find the North alone.

Language barrier is a big trouble!

No, Rao took nearly two hours to find a hotel in the urban area after leaving the abandoned factory because of Qin Feng's survival ability.

"I'm alone now?"

After taking a cold bath, Qin Feng looked at the empty room while wiping his head. He shrugged helplessly and couldn't cry or laugh.

At this time, Qin Feng especially missed his close wife in Yangcheng.

She is a lovely and versatile wife. She is proficient in the eight languages. The English language is one of them. If she comes here, can she still have trouble with language barrier?

Or bring Zoe Jian. Although that guy is a drag bottle, he is also a native at least. Are the advantages outweighing the disadvantages?

To blame, we can only blame Qin Feng for his carelessness. At the beginning, he didn't think of Yi Chuanguang as bad.

Qin Feng said nothing to himself: "it's just that I've lived in the happy nest for too long. My vigilance has fallen to this level. Women are really terrible."

However, once it comes, it will be easy.

After make complaints about automatic speaking, Qin Feng threw all these melancholy things behind him, mobile phone called Zoe healthy person.

Zoe yingzi disappeared without any clue. Yi Chuanguang had already rebelled. Qin Feng undoubtedly found Zoe yingzi in the vast crowd, which was much more difficult than expected.

At this time, the only person who can help him is Zoe Jianren. If necessary, Qin Feng has to let the boy come over.

Zoe Jianren obviously had been waiting for Qin Feng's news, so the phone didn't ring twice, so he picked it up.

Before Qin Feng spoke, Zoe Jian's anxious voice came from his mobile phone: "Mr. Qin Feng, how's the situation? Have you found my sister? "

"Not found." Qin Feng said: "not only didn't find it, but also ran into a lot of trouble."

"Trouble?" Zoe was stunned.

Qin Feng thought about it and decided to tell the truth: "you may not believe it, but there are some realities. You must know, or you may never know how dangerous the people in the world are."

Zoe Jian was a little confused: "Mr. Qin Feng, what do you mean...?"

Qin Feng sighed: "Yi Chuanguang, who is regarded by you as a close uncle, has betrayed you for a long time. The reason why he communicated your sister's affairs to you is to deceive you back to the Ying Kingdom, then kidnap you and force your sister to show up."

"What?" Zoe Jian was shocked: "this... How is this possible? How could Ishikawa betray us? "

Qin Feng frowned: "don't you believe me?"

"No, of course not!" Zoe Jianren hurriedly explained: "of course I believe Mr. Qin Feng, but... It's just the betrayal of Yi Chuanguang..."

Obviously, it is difficult for a simple Zoe to accept such a thing.

Qin Feng didn't have the patience to talk too much with him. He said calmly, "believe it or not, things have happened. Now I'm alone in the Ying country, and no one has given me information about your sister. Your sister shouldn't know that I came to the Ying country. Things have become very troublesome, you know?"

"I'm going back to Ying kingdom!" Zoe Jian humanitarian.

"Not yet." Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "when you come to Ying, it's still mostly dangerous. You'd better give me some news about your sister first."

"Message?" Zoe Jian was very embarrassed: "Mr. Qin Feng, if I had news, I would have told you!"

"Why are you so stupid?" Qin Feng turned his eyes and said, "does the news have to be something everyone knows? Can't it be speculation? "

Zoe Jianren: "guess?"

Qin Feng: "for example, based on your understanding of your sister, where should she hide in this situation?"

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