At the brightly lit family banquet, the guests are talking with each other, very harmonious. Each person has a glass of red wine, and they travel between the family banquets nobly and elegantly. Song Jiayin and Gong Yichen hold hands and talk at the banquet. Jing Junling, sitting in the middle of the banquet, is very upset when she sees their sticky model.

Jing Junling jealously looks at Song Jiayin and Gong Yichen to meet the guests. It is clear that song Jiayin doesn't know anything and has no social knowledge, let alone talk about business and other topics. Jing Junling's cold eyes hide her hatred for song Jiayin.

When Gong Jianting saw that Jing Junling was sitting alone in the seat, he also saw that Gong Yichen took song Jiayin to meet the guests and talked about their happiness. He was a little angry. Gong Jianting sat down, opened his chair and sat down.

Jing Junling takes back her hatred in her eyes and raises a beautiful smile on her delicate face. Many of the guests have been looking at Jing Junling, who is so beautiful that they wonder why she didn't marry into their palace.

"You don't have to pay attention to that. In my palace Jianting, you have been recognized as the daughter-in-law of our palace family. As for song Jiayin, sooner or later, Gong Yichen will be tired of her. Junling, my uncle has a place for you." Gong Jianting's recognition of Jing Junling is beyond words.

"Thank you for loving me so much, but..." Jing Junling pretended to be disheartened and bowed her head. Her pitiful expression really grabbed Gong Jianting's heart. "Yichen has been with Jiayin. Even if I like Yichen, I can't do it."

Jing Junling looks at Gong Yichen, who is talking with him. At a glance, Jing Junling sees song Jiayin's embarrassment and apathy. She can't help laughing at Song Jiayin's performance and looking back at Gong Jianting.

Jing Junling talks about song Jiayin's background and ability intentionally or unintentionally. Gong Jianting is more and more dissatisfied with song Jiayin.

"Although song Jiayin knows how to design, it's of no use, except to flatter the old man all day. It's a pity that she has so much weight“ Gong Jianting shook his head with regret and sighed.

Song Jiayin and Gong Yichen approach Jing Junling, but Gong Yichen doesn't care about anything at all. Jing Junling directly embraces song Jiayin's slender waist and hugs her body. Song Jiayin freezes her body and brushes against Gong Yichen's face. However, Jing Junling turns black behind them and is very unhappy. Gong Jianting draws Jing Junling's attention back.

"Junling, what are your plans for the future?" Gong Jianting's unsmiling face shows his love for Junling, and his indifferent eyes bend with smile lines.

Jing Junling lifted her hair and threw it back, showing a sweet smile. The speed of changing her face is really incomparable. "Uncle, it's still like that. If you find an opportunity, you'd better make progress in this year."

"Don't you have other plans, such as finding someone together or trying to get close to that person first?" Gong Jianting's eyes indicate that Jing Junling looks at Gong Yichen behind him.

"Can I still do that?"

Jing Junling deliberately prolongs her tone, purses her lips and lowers her head in shame. How can Gong Jianting not know what Jing Junling is thinking in her heart? He also hopes that Jing Junling can enter their palace house. In this way, he and Gong Yichen are a couple of talented women. He doesn't know how the outside world will praise her.

Gong Jianting chuckled a few times. He put down his glass and looked at Jing Junling intently. "In fact, what I hope most is that you can be with my family, Yichen. Do you think you are a good match?"

Song Jiayin, who was behind Gong Yichen, heard their conversation no matter how absent-minded she was. Her eyes trembled and she took Gong Yichen's hand and grasped his sleeve.

Song Jiayin lowers her head and hides behind Gong Yichen to prevent others from seeing her expression. At this time, song Jiayin is very disappointed. She is very aggrieved. Why did she try her best to meet Gong Jianting's requirements for her daughter-in-law? Why didn't she accept her.

"Come here." Gong Yichen reaches for song Jiayin's shoulder and leans it on his arm. Although his face is still cold, Gong Yichen hears Jing Junling's conversation and feels a chill in his heart. He wants to take song Jiayin away from them.

Gong Yichen's voice hides irresistible majesty, "go, I'll take you to a place."

"Where are you going? There are so many people watching here, not to mention that my uncle is still here. " Song Jiayin pulled Gong Yichen back.

"Yes? Can't you resist? " Gong Yichen suddenly puts his head close to Song Jia's voice, which is like kissing Song Jia's voice.

From different perspectives, Jing Junling looks like Gong Yichen kissing song Jiayin. He holds his hand tightly and suppresses his emotions. If it is not for the family dinner, Jing Junling may have slapped song Jiayin in the face.

Seeing that song Jiayin's face turned red, Gong Yichen straightened up and hugged song Jiayin with a smile. "I'm afraid you're upset. Some people want to take you out to relax. By the way, explain to me what you're doing with Lu Junyan?"

Song Jiayin looks up at Gong Yichen, who is as cold as a craftsman. She is protecting herself. At least song Jiayin thinks Gong Yichen loves her. That's enough. Song Jiayin smiles. She's not afraid to explain to Gong Yichen about Lu Junyan. The high-heeled shoes just take a step, When Gong Yichen wanted to take song Jiayin away, Gong Jianting came up.

"Stop! Where are you going? Come back to me, Yichen. If you don't take the chance to have such an important family dinner, how would it be for you to go to love song Jiayin“ Gong Jianting's sharp hawk eyes seemed to pierce the song Jiayin beside Gong Yichen, with a pressing tone.

Gong Yichen frowned, it is not good to openly resist, the song Jiayin protection, cold voice.

"Dad, Jiayin and I will go to chat with other guests. You can have a good talk with Miss Jing."

When Gong Yichen talks about Jing Junling, her tone is not so easy-going. Instead, she is full of such a mixture of disgust and irony. How can Jing Junling not understand Gong Yichen's meaning? She bears it until she gnashes her teeth. Her gentle eyes suddenly look at Song Jiayin fiercely, and song Jiayin coldly looks into her eyes, With Gong Yichen's protection, she is not afraid of Jing Junling's threat at all.

"Come on! Didn't you cooperate with a customer recently? Junling is also involved. You and she will discuss the next process with the client. " Gong Jianting ignored the existence of song Jiayin and called Jing Junling in a faint tone.

Gong Yichen lowers his head to meditate and looks at Song Jiayin beside him. No matter how wronged song Jiayin is, he can't delay Gong Yichen. Song Jiayin nods and smiles.

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