
Knock knock ~

"Please come in."

Hearing a knock on the door, Teresa knew she had asked Bronia to be informed that she had arrived.

At this time, she and Jiang Ming were waiting for Bronia, and according to what she understood Jiang Ming, Bronia was very familiar with the two sisters.

It is estimated that they can be persuaded to join Saint Freya, in addition to a batch of anti-entropy tactical mechs, which is simply a gift for nothing.

It just so happens that St. Freya can study the anti-entropy mecha, learn from it, and develop a weapon that is helpful to the Valkyries.

"Headmaster, do you have something to do with Bronia?"

Bronia, who was holding Roar, pushed open the door and walked in after getting permission, and said.

She also wondered why the head of the academy suddenly told her to come to the office.

To know that her academic performance is particularly good, it should not be related to grades.

Could it be that her identity was exposed! Bronia couldn't help sighing in her heart, it was still this day....

In fact, she had long been prepared for the day when her identity was discovered, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Bronia, it is Jiang Ming's meaning to let you come over, because he went out on a mission and met your two sisters Lilia and Rosalia, so he needs you to contact him." Teresa looked at Bronia and said directly.

And hand the tablet to Bronysa.

At the same time, the meaning indicated in the words is that she already knows Bronia's identity, but because of Jiang Ming.

She can generously accept Bronia, as long as Bronia does not betray Saint Freya, then she is Saint Freya's person.

"Lilia, Rosalia!?" Bronia exclaimed.

She took the tablet handed over by Teressa, and immediately saw Jiang Ming and the others on the opposite side surrounded by anti-entropy tactical mecha.

There are also Lilia and Rosalia, two familiar sisters, who are standing at the top of the ship.

How could they lead tactical mecha to surround Jiang Ming, could it be that this was Kokolia's mother's arrangement.

"Bronia, I originally wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect that your two sisters didn't believe me, and the matter of your identity, you don't have to worry at all, Teresa and Himeko, I have already told them." Jiang Ming explained.

The future Saint Freya is not just a universal Valkyrie.

There will also be people with special status, such as lawyers, mythological people, and fusion warriors of former civilizations.

In contrast, Bronia's identity as an inverse entropy is less important.

“...... Jiang Ming, do you want Lilia and Rosalia to join Saint Freya? Bronia guessed what Jiang Ming meant and said.

If this were not the case, then she would not have been allowed to come.

But this is fine, let her two sisters stay in St. Freya to study like her.

She could just look at these two mischievous sisters, but she knew Lilia and Rosalia's idle personalities.

It is estimated that this time, in addition to Kokolia's mother sending them out, there should also be a reason why they sneaked out.

Otherwise, no matter how short of manpower Kokolia's mother is, she will not let Lilia and Rosalia, who have no mission experience, lead the tactical mech of anti-entropy.

This is not like what her shrewd Kokolia mother would do, and Bronia guessed that Kokolia's mother must have some actions to follow.

"Yes, instead of letting them follow your Kokolian mother, it is better to join St. Freya and learn to become a Valkyrie with you." Jiang Ming nodded and said.

He did have the same idea, although the two sisters, Lilia and Rosalia, were very naughty.

However, he believed that with Bronia watching them, he would be a little better off thinking about it.

"Well, I'll help persuade." Bronia did not refuse.

Now she has decided to study to be a Valkyrie with Kiana and Sister Bud at St. Freya.

Now there is nothing wrong with having her two younger sisters study with her as Valkyries in St. Freya.

On the one hand, she could watch them, and on the other hand, there were many people of similar age in the academy.

Lilia and Rosalia should be able to make some friends, presumably because there are too few peers in the orphanage.

And she and the apricot they don't deal with are both assigned tasks by Kokolia's mother.

There is little time spent with each other, but now is a good opportunity.

Bronia has decided to let Lilia and Rosalia come to St. Freya's Academy.

After discussing with Bronia, Jiang Ming took the mobile phone to Lilia and Rosalia and handed it to them, and said: "No~ see if this is your sister Bronia, I didn't lie to you."

"Cloth, sister Bronia! What kind of academy did you really learn to be a Valkyrie! Rosalia looked at Bronia, who was on video on her phone, and said in surprise.

She really didn't expect that the Bronia sister she and Lilia were looking for was right in front of her.

It turned out that this male markyrie of destiny really did not lie to them.

"Sister Bronia, you haven't come to the orphanage to see us for a long time, and why did you go to St. Freya Academy to be a Valkyrie?" Lilia took the phone and asked directly.

She thought about it, could this be the task that Kokolia's mother gave to Bronia's sister?

"Rosalia, Lilia, long time no see, I really stayed in Saint Freya because of the task given by Kokolia's mother."

"But now that I've decided to actually join St. Freya and learn to become a Valkyrie, come with you two."

"I will introduce Sister Nha Yi to you, the desserts she makes are very delicious, and you can eat them every day."

Bronia directly targeted the two sisters' favorite food temptation.

Rosalia, in particular, is very fond of sweets.

You must know that they living in orphanages may not be able to eat desserts in normal times.

Only when Kokolia's mother came to visit them at the orphanage would she buy some.

I remember once Rosalia and her sister Lilia found a lot of cookies that Kokolia had secretly hidden.

After being discovered, Lilia ran straight away, and Rosalia ate a full meal and has loved this delicious dessert ever since.

"Dessert heart!! Really, really can you eat it every day! Rosalia said in disbelief.

Is that what academy so good! You can eat dessert every day.

If this is really the case, then Rosalia also joins that academy to see.

And Sister Bronia is also there, and Mother Kokolia should not say anything.

"Sister Bronia really knows our preferences, but can we really eat dessert every day?" Lilia finally couldn't help but ask.

Being able to eat dessert every day was a dream for her and Rosalia.

After all, in the orphanage, they did not have financial resources, and the small treasury saved was given by Bronia's sister when she came to visit them.

But now it's finished and eaten into their stomachs.

"Really, and it's not just desserts, there's a lot of food..." said Bronia with certainty.

It's easy to get it, and as for the dessert, I asked Sister Bud to help make it.

Just when Bronia helped Jiang Ming get Lilia and Rosalia.

Another group of anti-entropy tactical mechs surrounded them.

"Hahaha, the weak chicken Valkyrie of the Mandate of Heaven, you Uncle Xing is here, hand over the golden sword!" Tomboy's apricot said disdainfully.

And control all the tactical mecha to surround Jiang Ming and the others, if they do not cooperate.

She wouldn't mind getting her hands on them all here.


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