Chapter 10, Extracting Fontaine Technology, everyone in the Engineering Department is excited!

Su Lun returned to his residence and lay on the bed

Enjoying the comfort brought by the pillow, looking at the screen of the chat group

【Do you want to receive the reward?】


Su Lun responded, and then the item was taken out

Unexpectedly, this thing called the All-World Technology Collector was directly loaded onto his template.

Its role is self-evident

As long as you go to any world in the universe, this thing will automatically collect valuable technology from that world.

This is the main function of this thing

Another function is to extract the technology from its mechanical creations with a high probability.

The effect of this thing shocked Su Lun!

Infinite Dragonmon itself is an Ultimate Digimon and essentially possesses similar powers.

But this thing is tailor-made for him.

He is not on the path to his destiny yet.

But the main combat power now is the power related to technology.

The effect of this thing is the finishing touch!

The technology contained in the Ten Thousand Worlds is unimaginable

The existence of chat groups connects all worlds.

With the blessing of this thing, the future combat power may reach the level of Star God.

Su Lun’s eyes were full of determination and expectation for the future.

Next, in order to test the usefulness of this thing

I spent some points and bought a self-discipline robot uploaded by Funina from the chat group mall.

This is the only mechanical creation in the chat group that he can take a look at.

Many of Teyvat Fontaine’s technologies are derived from the Red King’s technology.

In the world of Genshin Impact, many technologies are very interesting and outrageous.

The energy technology contained in this autonomous mechanical mechanism is one of them.

Su Lun remembered that in the explanation of that year, the energy used by these self-regulatory agencies came from the mixed energy of law compensation transformed from the emotions of the Fontaine people’s belief in the judgment of justice.

The energy source is very special, and basically provides energy for the entire Fontaine.

Su Lun was very interested in it.

Then I used the template to scan it, and soon a 100% sign appeared on the progress bar.

It clearly shows that the extraction was successful!

【Extraction is completed, and the production technology of compensatory mixed energy is obtained】

Su Lun’s eyes flashed with excitement, and random techniques were instilled into his mind.

In an instant, he completely understood the secret.

I have to say, the person who came up with this is a genius.

The setting and technology of converting faith emotions into energy are not common in the world.

But being able to master it and apply it is a remarkable invention.

However, although this thing is of rare technology, it is of little use to him at present.

He remembered that before this, the soldiers of the Cloud Cavalry Army told him that people from the Industrial Manufacturing Department wanted to see him.

Teng Xiao also told him before that many departments on Tianzhu wanted to visit him.

Su Lun took this opportunity to visit the various departments on the fairy boat.

Thinking of this, he opened the connection beacon with Teng Xiao.

On the other side, Teng Xiao, who was handling affairs in the General’s Mansion, received a call from Su Lun.

He was also very surprised and said

“Mr. Su Lun, I am very busy with my work. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Su Lun:”Yes, I don’t know anyone here, and you are the one I know best.”

“Please introduce me to the people from the Industrial Manufacturing Company. I want to meet them.”

Teng Xiao raised his eyebrows and said,”Oh, it looks like everything has been arranged, and you have time now.”

“Those old guys kept urging me to find you.”

“Now I can finally have some peace and quiet”

At this point, Teng Xiao’s face looked a little better.

He was already overwhelmed by work and wanted to slack off all the time. Now he was caught by a group of engineers who were engaged in scientific research and asked

He can’t handle it.

Su Lun could hear the resentment and anger in his tone, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Now he seriously suspected that the later general Jing Yuan also learned his lazy nature from this master.

Jing Yuan is a wise general, while Teng Xiao is a militant general. How could they go to work honestly?

“Don’t worry, we still have a long time to work together, and I will trouble you in the future.”

“Haha, that’s right. Okay, I’ve already asked for your information. You know the address. There will be someone to greet you when you get there.”


After Su Lun hung up the phone, he picked out a set of clothes that fit him from the clothes prepared by Xian Zhou and left.


The other side

In the Industrial Manufacturing Company, a group of senior researchers are gathering together.

Together they watched the scene of Su Lun transforming from a steel dragon hundreds of meters long into a human body.

The surprise from time to time

For them, big, thick and strong war machines are simply men’s romance!!

The steel dragon hundreds of meters high is simply growing on their XP

Mechanical golden men are no match for the steel dragon!

They now really want to know how the young man named Su Lun suddenly turned into a giant steel dragon!

This transformation is so cool!!

A giant steel dragon stands tall above the earth, isn’t it?

When a group of scientific researchers were concentrating on studying how the other party could transform.

Not far away, a young man received a call from the general. After understanding the meaning, he randomly found the general.

“Masters, the general called, and a distinguished guest will arrive next”

A group of old masters waved their hands after hearing this.

He continued to look at the screen as if he didn’t care, and muttered a few words from time to time.

“The general is really impressed. It’s true that all kinds of people are stuffed into our factory.”

“Can’t you see that we are investing in research? This is a giant steel dragon, right?”

“If we can research a little bit of technology from the other side, our next battle with Bu Liren will become much easier!”

The young man looked embarrassed and said

“But this person is……”

“Oh, I see. It must be Jing Liu who wants us to make weapons. Isn’t Ying Xing his good friend? Let him make them.”

“Gongshu boy, if it really doesn’t work, you can go with Yingxing to pick it up. We don’t have time.”

A bunch of scientific research leaders waved their hands, looking unconcerned.

In the crowd, Ying Xing, who was pushed out, felt helpless.

He has some white hair and can’t fight against these immortals.

To be honest, he wanted to study the young man named Su Lun more than to receive his friends.

The Iron Dragon is really cool.

Ying Xing’s eyes flashed with admiration

I really want to make friends with a genius like this.

Gongshu Liang’s mouth twitched. He really couldn’t hold it anymore.

Finally he sighed and said

“Dear teachers, the distinguished guest the general is referring to is Mr. Su Lun.”

In an instant, the atmosphere became silent.

Then a group of old men rushed to him in unison, staring at him with eyes wide open.

“Good boy, you are teasing me, right? Why didn’t you say so earlier!”

“Just go, and let me do the reception work that you haven’t completed yet!”

“Do you think these old guys can let me go? I am young, but they are the iron dragon, right?”

“Okay, okay, stop arguing. If you neglect Mr. Su Lun, there will be no fun for the Iron Dragon!”

After this was said, everyone calmed down and made preparations with clear division of labor.

The two of them were stunned and felt sad for the bottom line of this group of people.

At the same time, Su Lun arrived at the entrance of the Industrial Manufacturing Department and saw a group of people lined up in two rows, applauding each other to welcome him. and the banner hanging at the main entrance welcoming him to visit the Industrial Manufacturing Division.

Is scientific research really so abstract?

Su Lun fell into deep doubt

I doubted my choice to come here.

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