Chapter 15, The Iron Dragon stands tall on the earth!

Everyone in the chat group was talking and laughing, but when they saw this message, they all became confused.

Furninna:”What’s going on?”

Toosaka Rin:”Sister Qilin, what happened to you?”

Bronya:”Oh no! Sister Qilin has asked for help in the chat group. This is a big deal!”

Su Lun:”Qilin, please speak slowly, don’t be anxious.”

Qilin:”I had an accident here. I was attacked just now.”

Qilin:”Just now, my colleagues and I were on patrol on our way to the airport when we were attacked by aliens!”

Qilin:”This is outrageous. I thought it was outrageous enough that there were two idiots with special physical qualities, but who would have thought that there were aliens!”

Qilin:”And they are all high-tech aliens. The troops have surrounded this place and the battle is very fierce.”

Qilin:”If you are free now, please lend a hand. The enemy’s firepower is too strong and we can’t handle it!”

Fu Nina:”Qilin, don’t worry. I remember that you bought a lot of equipment uploaded by Boss Su Lun. You should be able to hold on for a while.”

Furninna:”I’ll think of a way. If that doesn’t work, I’ll force Violet on you!”

Toosaka Rin:”Funina, you idiot, the chat group’s current capabilities are not yet open. You can use red envelopes to teleport living target characters. If you want to go to other members’ worlds, you need points.”

Fu Nina:”Oh, sorry, I was a little too impatient, what are you going to do now?”

Bronya:”Fool Fernina, Kiana is giving me a headache, I didn’t expect you to be a fool too.”

Bronya:”Bronya is currently on a mission and cannot be with you for now.”

Bronya:”If you need Bronya’s help, I will ask for leave from Teacher Jizi now. It will take some time.”

Qilin:”Ah, you, Bronya, your situation is also very dangerous!”

On the battlefield

Qilin hid behind the police car, relying on the Xianzhou standard charging weapon, shooting one enemy at a time.

The various debris and shock waves thrown out by the battle were blocked by the small shield.

Now, with these equipment, he has become the only one in the team who can kill Taotie. Main firepower!

During the break in the attack, Qilin quickly glanced at the chat group

When she saw Bronya offered to help him, Qilin hesitated for a moment, but chose to refuse.

In some cases, Bronya’s situation is more dangerous than hers.

The Honkai beast is no joke!

Qilin took the time to understand the other person’s worldview.

Looking at the Taotie soldiers running back and forth in the sky, Qilin was filled with anger.

This is not a long-term solution

We can’t defeat them just by fighting on the ground!

The enemy relied on their aircraft and maneuvering devices far superior to those of the ground forces.

For a moment, everyone was overwhelmed by them!

Su Lun:”Please invite me over. I have time now.”

Qilin:”I can only ask you, Brother Su Lun, it’s great, isn’t it too shocking to see a steel dragon that’s 100 meters tall? Is there a slightly smaller battle mode?”

Su Lun:”Hahaha, there may be no future at the moment. Get ready, I’ll be there soon.”

Qilin choked up when she saw the message from Su Lun.

She knows the strength of everyone in the chat group

Most of them are hovering at the first level or even at the edge of the second level.

Bronya relies on her equipment, so she may stand out a little, but she is still in the first-level range.

If she were to come over, not only would her world become worse due to Bronya’s absence,

Even coming here to give away heads

Qilin:”Now I can only ask for help from Master Su Lun!”

Fu Nina:”Boss Su Lun, you must save Qilin!”

Su Lun:”Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Su Lun gave a thumbs up to Su Lun’s assist

In the restaurant, the three of them looked at Su Lun, who suddenly stood up and stretched himself, with some curiosity.

Su Lun replied with a smile

“I’m going to the bathroom and clean up the trash. I’ll be back soon.”

The three of them were a little puzzled, but seeing that the other party seemed to be in a good mood, they didn’t care.


Street battlefield outside the airport

At this moment, under the dim light, countless artillery fire roared.

The entire road was littered with large holes due to the bombing!

The thick smoke and frequent radio sounds show the horror of the battle!

Qilin raised her head with difficulty to fight back under the intensive firepower of the Taotie soldiers.

The stance protection device produced by Xianzhou on her body loyally protects her!

Seeing that the enemy’s offensive was getting more intense, and the reinforcements were slow to arrive,

This made the comrades beside him anxious and said

“Qilin, didn’t you say there were reinforcements? Why haven’t they arrived yet?”

Qilin glanced at the outside world and said,”It’s almost here, it’s coming soon.”

“These guys’ good days are over!”

Qilin’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Because reinforcements have arrived.……”


Not yet, waiting for the comrades next to him to react

In outer space, a huge object slid across the sky, leaving behind a trail of burning

The torn sky brings light to people!

But when it fell to the ground, thick smoke rose!

The huge noise spread in all directions, waking up the entire city!!

When the smoke cleared, a hundred-meter-long steel dragon rose from the ruins.

He who described the weapons of war declared that the initiative on the battlefield was in his hands!

The scarlet mechanical eyes lock onto every enemy!

The steel dragon let out a deafening roar!

The sound broke through the sky!

Shocking the world!

Qilin looked at the steel dragon excitedly, while her colleague next to her was blown all over the place, not caring about the dust on her face, and looked at the steel dragon in shock!

“Qilin, is this the reinforcement you mentioned?”

“This is too horrible!”

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