Chapter 2: Comments from group members shocked the chat group

Su Lun looked at the information on the screen

Some information and names flashed on the screen

The content is quite interesting and feels good

There is a feeling of fiction and reality colliding.

Su Lun looked at the screen curiously and sadly.

If this had happened in earlier years

He wouldn’t be so boring.

But despite my feelings, facing this group of old friends’

Su Lun still thinks it’s better to say hello

【Su Lun joined the chat group】

Su Lun:”Hello everyone, I am Su Lun”

Qilin: Welcome, welcome, this time we are new friends and we are polite.

Tosaka Rin:”Welcome newcomer!”

Bronya: The newcomer has good qualities, unlike someone who, when he first joined the group, kept yelling and calling for his dad, and it took everyone a long time to coax him.

Rin Toita: You little dwarf! That’s my dark history. If anyone encounters a chat group that can connect to all the worlds, they will be shocked.

Bronya: Bronya won’t, she will just feel very excited.

Rin Toita: You! I want to duel with you!

Funina: Okay, everyone, stop making trouble. The newbie is still here. Now let me, the god of justice, enlighten this newbie!

Fu Nina:”Newbie, this is the Wanjie chat group, where you can chat and trade with people and things from other worlds.”

Fu Nina:”If you are like Qilin, from an ordinary world, and want extraordinary powers, just buy my Upload Eye Shell. It doesn’t cost 998, it doesn’t cost 888, just 99 points, and you will have the opportunity to become extraordinary!!”

Qilin:”This is fucked, we can’t keep this Funina anymore, she’s been marinated by modern advertising”

Tosaka Rin:”As expected of Sister Funina”


Qilin:”I shouldn’t have given you the TV, computer and internet. That’s the general situation.”

Qilin:”If you are a newbie and need strength or self-defense, you should first buy the weapons uploaded by Bronya. Rin’s Magic Refining Manual is also a good choice, but as for the Eye of God, I suggest you consider it carefully.”

Fu Nina:”What? Qilin, you are bullying me again. The Eye of God is something that many of us can only encounter once in a lifetime. I uploaded it secretly without telling Vilet. My points are almost used up. Newbies, please buy my stuff. Please,”

Looking at Funina crying and begging for the purchase in the chat group

Su Lun was in a very good mood and was very happy to see it.

I have to sigh, it’s Fu Fu, the upper and lower limits are quite arbitrary

As for the other people in the chat group, Su Lun knew these roles.

Qilin is from the Super God Universe. From some information, she has not been injured by Taotie yet, and the plot has not yet begun.

As for Furninna, the god from the next-door Genshin Impact world, she is a strong-hearted, lovely and pitiful god. Her world is closer to the Star Iron Universe.

A character from the Moon World of Toosaka Rin, but there is too little information to tell what period it is from.

Bronya is next to the Collapse Universe 3, and is in the same place as the train Walter Yang

Just as he was thinking, the content on the chat group was refreshed again.

If Su Lun wasn’t using the power of the mechanical template Infinite Dragon Beast

I guess it can’t keep up with the screen refresh rate.

Su Lun took a look at the items for sale in the chat group store. Most of them were uploaded by group members from their own worlds.

And I saw that the most popular item sold in the group was the Valkyrie item uploaded by Bronya.

Su Lun narrowed his eyes

Funina:”I’m so angry. Every day is the same trial. I really want to go home and watch TV.”

Bronya:”Funina, if you are bored, Bronya will give you a game console. Let’s connect to the chat group and play Mortal Kombat.”

Fu Nina:”Ah, you can still play like this, hurry up, I want to play, wait a minute I will find a reason to leave here first”

Funina:”Speaking of the newcomer, he was here just now, is he shy?”

Su Lun:”No, I’m not shy, I just think it’s interesting. Bronya’s weapons in the store seem to be standard weapons.”

Su Lun:”The production cost is low and it can be mass-produced, but there are some technical flaws. There are few special technologies used on the materials to ensure hardness. It should be specially used by the middle and low-end people.”

Su Lun:”A person who can create weapons that are compatible with various energies is a talented person.”

Tosaka Rin:”Hmm?”



When these words were spoken, everyone was shocked!

Qilin, who was on duty, turned the car aside and ignored the scolding looks from Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun.

Subtle look at the chat group

This new guy is not simple

Bronya:”Oh, there are actually people who know this. Bronya has shown a strong interest in you.”

Bronya:”Would you like to work for Bronya and help me make Bronya famous in your world? How about a 30-70 split?”

Bronya’s love for talent rises

This was the first time she saw something that suited her taste in the chat group.

Bronya:”Newcomer, please consider it. Bronya is always open to you.”

When Su Lun saw this, he was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, and immediately started jokingly saying

Su Lun:”Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it. I will exchange more experiences on weapons later.”

Bronya:”Bronya agreed”

Finina:”I see, wait, I just thought of something. No wonder it was so strange to see the people from the Shadow Chasing Court holding your weapons. They are actually standard weapons. Bronya, you lied to me!”

Funina:”Didn’t we agree that they were all high-end weapons? Funina is about to cry.jpg”

Bronya:”Ah, I have my reasons. I am a student and cannot get high-end goods. Besides, the technology of Bronya’s products is much better than the forging technology in your world.”

Bronya:”It seems that it is not wrong to say that it is a high-end product.”

In the classroom of Honkai Impact 3, Bronya licked her tongue cutely

With tears in her eyes, Funina looked at the screen

Those were the points she had worked so hard to accumulate.

She wants to make the Shadow Chaser Court a beautiful business card for the whole of Teyvat!

Thinking of this, she wanted to cry but had no tears

Fernina:”Bronya, you little dwarf, I want a refund!”

Bronya:”Sorry, the chat group does not support refunds at the moment.”

Bronya:”Funina, this is not Bronya’s fault. You didn’t ask Bronya about her situation in advance. Besides, the chat group has been identified. There is no good product at a low price.”

Funina:”….Am I really stupid?”

Su Lun:”It seems so, take it easy”

Qilin:”The newcomer is right.”

Toosaka Rin:”Poor sister Fernina, your points have become Bronya’s piggy bank.”

Funina:”You are a newbie, but we haven’t asked you what world you are from yet.”

Toosaka Rin:”Really?”

Bronya:”Bronya likes this newcomer very much, so she asked me, the senior, to take a look at this….Wait, a newcomer is this strong?!”

Everyone clicked on Su Lun’s profile picture immediately.

When the chat group’s strength assessment panel shows

When the newcomer Su Lun possesses the fifth-level explosive power


It seems like a big guy has arrived….

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