Chapter 48, Bronya: Goodbye, cowardly me,

Su Lun looked at Cocolia expressionlessly.

It’s like looking at a dead person.

Bronya saw Cocolia so crazy

She was a little overwhelmed. In her impression, her mother Cocolia shouldn’t be like this!

No matter how crazy she is about power!

But don’t be so overconfident!!!

Bronya is more entangled than ever before, but the situation has deteriorated to this extent.

It’s too late to say anything now.……

“Brother Su Lun……”

Bronya grabbed the corner of Su Lun’s clothes

Su Lun looked at Bronya who was in a depressed mood beside him.

He could understand what Bronya was thinking at this moment.

The adopted mother was arrogant and wanted to provoke death

Bronya is just asking for mercy.

After all, Bronya has not yet experienced the incident in which Cocolia manipulated her and stabbed her in the back.

There is still some affection between the two.

He can understand common sense.

But he’ll still get it done.

It can be said that in fact, Cocolia’s character is very complicated.

The desire for power is extremely high, but it is mixed with the love for family and relatives.

Ambitious but incompetent, lack of self-positioning, and inability to control one’s own desires

She can’t do things absolutely every time.

Always using love as an excuse to exercise one’s own selfish desires, almost never accomplishing anything, but always causing trouble

If he said he didn’t love his daughter, that would be false, but if he said he loved her

Just the fact that he could control his beloved daughter by inserting a backdoor into her chip

I can no longer face this character properly.

Cocolia directly facilitated the encounter between the three lawyers

And she herself never realized that she was being used by Otto

He was always complacent and thought he could compete with Otto.

Cocolia’s personality is that once she has strength, she becomes arrogant. Once she becomes arrogant, she wishes the whole world would

When Cocolia thought she was the chess player, she didn’t realize she was the chess piece.

In the original work, the massive invasion of Anti-Entropy was caused by Otto, but now the invasion is obviously supported by both Otto and the World Serpent.

All the leading Valkyries were transferred away, and the security guards were almost completely open.

So many clones and Titan mechas entered St. Freya Academy without any warning.

Moreover, with the current size of Anti-Entropy, there is no such energy to achieve such a value.

Just because of the little technology they have now

It’s incredible to have one or two First Herrschers copy questions, but there are so many on the scene.

The World Snake must have contributed a lot behind the scenes. The other party probably wanted to use these things to test his strength. His behavior was the same as Otto’s.

Su Lun sneered

After the treatment, if there is a chance

He went to the Quantum Sea to have a good talk with Kevin.

Su Lun stroked Bronya’s hair and said

“Bronya, you know my character. I am not the kind of person who is willing to suffer a loss. Now the other party is attacking me.”

So I……”

“Brother Su Lun, can you give Cocolia’s mother an ending?”

Su Lun was stunned for a moment, but Bronya still explained it to him.

“Bronya can understand the difficulties of Brother Su Lun, but Cocolia’s mother looks very wrong now.”

“It is obvious that he has been bewitched. He has made mistakes again and again, and it has reached a point where it is irreversible.”

“In addition, due to her personality, she has committed countless sins and cannot truly have a good ending.”

“So you want……”

Su Lun probably guessed what the girl meant.

Bronya closed her eyes and nodded.

The mistakes that Kokolia made have always been exposed. This is a sin that she cannot escape.

No matter how much Bronya persuaded me, it was useless.

Millions of wronged souls have been hovering over Changkong City!

Sin cannot be erased by a few words, tampering with memory, or controlling people to forget.

If you do something like this, you must be determined to bear the consequences.

Bronya sees it more clearly than anyone else……

Her values ​​are not so twisted that they should be punished.

Wrong is wrong, right is right. Cocolia’s character is destined to make countless enemies.

Compared to leaving no trace

At least now there is a chance

Combined with Kiana’s tragic experience, Bronya guessed that her future was bound to be bumpy.

Now give Cocolia a better ending

So as not to cause another disaster in the future

Suffering even greater erosion and backlash, he ended up in disgrace and disgrace.

This is the daughter of Cocolia.

The only thing Bronya can do is her own selfish desire.

Su Lun nodded

Kokolia saw the two people fighting in sign language

She didn’t understand what her beloved daughter was going to do, but now she couldn’t care less.

If the two are friends, then beat the man into submission.

Just give Bronya some compensation.

“Haha, Su Lun, right? In this situation you simply can’t unleash your full strength!”

“I have recorded your fight with them in real time.”

“You only succeeded by sneaking up on them, but now you are facing the most elite force of Anti-Entropy!!”

“There are more than 500 First Herrschers present. Under the absolute gravity pressure, even stars will be crushed into pieces!!!!”

Cocolia looked at him crazily!!

Randomly commanding a huge army of Titans and countless clones to rush forward!

Others say they are oppressed by the sheer numbers

The picture is very impactful!!

Su Lun snapped his fingers

The crisp sound of snapping fingers drowned out all the footsteps!

In an instant, all the Titans stopped.

They turned around in unison and engaged the clones charging behind them!

The collision of machinery and flesh and blood caused screams to ring out everywhere!

No one expected that the Titan mecha from Anti-Entropy would actually fight with their own people!

What is going on?

Cocolia was stunned. She couldn’t accept this fact!!

This is obviously different from what Gray Snake told him!

She had clearly made many tactical deductions before this, and basically brought out all her assets this time, but why did it end up like this?!!

Cocolia couldn’t figure it out.……

But she still didn’t want to give up. He was a man who was willing to do anything for his desire for power.

Then a thought came to mind!

The command hidden in Bronya’s chip was activated.

Bronya thought of it and looked at her in disbelief!

But Su Lun had anticipated this.

As early as the first time he met Bronya offline, he had already hacked the chip.

Kokolia probably won’t figure it out in her lifetime.

Why did my hands get rusty when I put them on my daughter?

Su Lun teleported in front of her, under Kekelia’s horrified gaze. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He slapped her on the top of her head with one hand, and Yu Duchen used his power directly!

Directly smash Cocolia’s soul into pieces!!!

Solve problems directly at the source

On Deathbed

Cocolia’s eyes flashed with pain and regret. She wanted to open her mouth, but she couldn’t say anything because it was too late.……[]

Looking at Cocolia’s body on the ground

And the fragments of Cocolia collected from the cosmic dust

Su Lun shook his head helplessly, thinking it was such an awesome killing move.

Send mechas to fight him. Don’t you know that his power is specifically designed to counter mechanical types?

The World Snake is also interesting enough. It sent Cocolia to test his strength.

Bronya looked a little sad, but she was mentally prepared.

Her heart was the same as Kiana’s, and she made a decision

Goodbye, mother, goodbye, cowardly me

Su Lun had nothing to say, but it was her decision after all.

But after all, Bronya is still young. No matter how early he said it, she still hasn’t really grown up.

In response, Su Lun gathered the fragments of Cocolia from the Feather Dust, made a pendant and gave it to Bronya.

“This is the soul fragment of Kokolia before she died. As for the follow-up arrangements, you decide.”

“The evil she did in this world should be judged by the people of this world. As for Cocolia’s memories, I have taken them all.”

“In my universe, someone might do the same thing someday.���Decided to use this thing to warn her later.”

“Bronya, you don’t mind, do you?”

Bronya shook her head. She was already very satisfied and grateful.

It is indisputable that Cocolia’s provocation doomed her to death.

I thought that after killing Cocolia, nothing would be left, but now

But now there is a pendant in my hand

She was already very grateful to Brother Su Lun, very grateful for his kindness

The girl could feel Su Lun’s compassion

At least I won’t make the same mistake again.

She could still feel the remorse and regret that erupted from Kokolia before her death.

But that wasn’t enough to sway her.

She will bear all of this and truly grow up!!

Everyone in the chat group watched all this happen.

Qilin:”Ah, Bronya must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, really, this kind of role is really too difficult, too hard for him.”

Furninna:”Yes, facing a mother who keeps making mistakes, as a child, he really feels very powerless. She is great to be able to make such a choice.”

Toosaka Rin:”I will never argue with Bronya again. I never want to experience this feeling in my life!”

Qilin:”But then again, Brother Su Lun is really gentle. When facing the enemy’s provocation, he used thunderous means, but when facing the request of his friends, he still had a compassionate heart and did not really go to the last step.”

Funina:”Yeah, I’m really, really a fan. I’m just like a hero in an opera. I feel relieved.……”

Su Lun:”I heard everything you said clearly, there is nothing to brag about, Bronya, are you okay?”

Bronya:”Well, Brother Su Lun, I still accept this fact calmly. At least Cocolia’s mother is still alive and has the opportunity to face the real trial, right?”

This was a decision made privately by the two of them.

At least this makes sense to everyone.

The two doctors nearby were rescued.

Einstein and Tesla stretch their stiff bodies

They didn’t expect that the first meeting would be so outrageous.

Before we left, we had agreed to be at peace and be careful.

As a result, this woman, Kokolia, just didn’t listen. When she arrived at the location, she found that Theresa was not in the academy.

The woman started to go crazy, hacked into the firewall of the Titan mecha they were carrying, and directly kidnapped them.

Finally, I ran into this scene head-on

The two of them were quite awkward.

Just as the two were about to continue talking

Su Lun frowned and reached out to the jungle.

A middle-aged man was pulled out directly!

Walter looked at him in shock.

He couldn’t understand why he had mastered the art of concealment to the extreme.

It can still be found!!

“I said the leader of the anti-entropy alliance, after watching for a long time, finally revealed his true colors”

“Don’t think that if you tune the signal frequency to match the environment, you won’t be able to detect it.”

“If you didn’t come out, I wouldn’t have made it difficult for you.”

“But you chose to scan me with the Herrscher Core, which is a bit unreasonable.”

Walter looked embarrassed and said

“Sorry, I’m just too curious and have caused you trouble.”

“I just wanted to help you get rid of those clones, but I didn’t expect you to be so strong.”

Walter’s eyes were full of fear.

Whether he saw it from the video or with his own eyes, he was still shocked by this terrifying strength!

The huge amount of data and unfathomable technology measured by the machine, all the consciousness within the Ruler of Reason are warning him that this is not something they can contend with!

But it was still a step too late, and Walter had to pay for his actions.

Looking at Walter in front of him, who had a kind face and was trying to smile

Su Lun thought of something fun

The previous temptations and offenses were put aside because there was more fun to do.

When I think about the future, after the collapse is temporarily resolved, this person will follow the Void Wanzang to the Star Iron Universe.

Why can’t we give him a deep impression now and let him learn a lesson?

When I think of the shock Walter will show when he sees him in the future,

Su Lun thought it was interesting.

Randomly startled and said

“Walter, I am somewhat offended by your sudden scan this time.”

“What would you do if I took away the Herr of Reason core in your body as compensation?”

Walter’s face changed, and the two anti-entropy doctors were even more so!

The core of the Ruler of Reason is the lifeblood of anti-entropy!

Kiana saw this and was about to speak, but was pulled out by Bronya.

The latter collected all the things related to Cocolia and looked at the scene in front of him with a joking look.

She could feel that Su Lun was not angry, he was just teasing these people, at most to vent his anger at being offended.

Walter smiled, and the Herrscher Core was completely suppressed.

The only thing he can rely on now is a hand-made Star of Eden, but it seems to be of no use.

Now that he is being oppressed by Su Lun, he is almost crying.

And at this moment, a scorching attack came from the sky!

And then there was a loud male voice!!

“Walter, get out of the way, I’ll save you, let me give this guy a big one!”

“Skyfire, unsheathed!!!”

The huge red blade came over with unmatched heat!

Su Lun raised his eyebrows and caught the giant blade with one hand!

Protect everyone present

Looking at Siegfried who was in shock, Su Lun’s mouth twitched.

This time he was really angry.……

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