Chapter 76, Tendo Kimura’s revenge, complete the chat group mission!

Tendo Family

As a prominent family in this place

He has no good feelings towards Tian Tong Mu who has the same surname.

When she was young, she witnessed her parents being killed by the Tendo family.

The other party just wanted to kill the family members because the family’s activities were known to the political enemies.

Even when she was young, she was hunted down and eventually suffered from multiple diseases, aphasia, and almost died there.

If I hadn’t joined the chat group later

I got to know everyone. If there was no drug treatment in the group

She might have died of illness in the police company.

And now she wants to bring the final judgment to the guy who brought her nightmares.

Standing at the gate, looking at the gate of the magnificent Tiantong family

Tian Tongmu sneered at the other party’s extravagance.

The Grammer cavalrymen behind him are ready to help.

Her face was cold as she clenched the hot melt blade

Under the blessing of energy, the blade is filled with terrifying temperature!

Every time you take a step, the stone bricks beneath your feet will be cut in half!!

At the gate, Satomi Rentaro, who had been in a state of panic recently, stood there with a complicated expression.

He stopped the young lady and refused to let her in.

Looking at this young lady in front of him, he had grown up with her like a completely different person.

Rentaro Satomi was in great pain. He couldn’t understand

We can sit down and have a good chat.

Why use force to mess things up when we can punish these guys with the law?!

The situation has become so bad, why should we continue to let it get worse?!

Satomi Rentaro gritted his teeth and said”seven six seven”

When I think of the recent news that Tendo Boku was directly with those white armored warriors who brought destruction to the world!

Especially now that they are standing completely together!

He was broken-hearted and said angrily

“Why did Tendou Mugen do this? What good would it bring to you to kill them? Wake up, this is not you at all!”

“You have been brainwashed by them. They are the real villains. They have destroyed our lives. Come back, let’s fight side by side, just like we did before!”

“Help those cursed children, bring them fairness, and provide financial assistance to them. As long as we keep working hard, there will always be hope!”

“I am willing to stay by your side forever, and together we will deal with the Tendo family, find evidence of their crimes, and punish them with the law!!”

Tian Tong Mu stopped and looked at the slightly happy guy in front of him.

Rentaro Satomi thought that Tendouki had changed his mind and was willing to listen to his advice.

Just like in the past, when I was about to walk over, I saw the other person looking at me like a fool.

Tian Tongmu couldn’t understand

How on earth had I been so nice to this guy in the past?

What was wrong with me in the past that I was always willing to listen to what he said?

This guy, Satomi Rentaro, is so naive and pathetic.

Strong but soft-hearted, can’t tell right from wrong, always want to take care of things beyond your knowledge

I have always insisted on the so-called justice in my heart, and I can’t tell the difference between true and false, black and white

Everyone has tenderness towards children, but in the past I was always framed by their tenderness and lost some of my judgment.

Tendou Kikunosho is a high-ranking official. If the law punishes him, it is like the left hand to the right hand.

In the past, she may have only had a strong hatred for this family.

But now, with the help of everyone in the chat group, he finally knew what this group of people had done.

The people in Tiantong’s family enriched themselves and directly misappropriated the funds for the construction of Monolith No. 32, and even cut corners on materials!

When he found out about it, he was also shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he found out in time and everyone came at the right time.

If we don’t show up early, the third Battle of Kanto might break out!

By then, all lives will be lost and it will be too late.

Tian Tong Mu threw the collected evidence in front of him.

Ignore the other party’s attitude and walk inside

Rentaro Satomi silently picked up the things on the ground, and was shocked when he saw all the evidence laid out inside.

But he still revealed his internal mechanical prosthesis and pointed his palm at Tendo Kimura!

“Stop, I told you to stop, Kigen, don’t make the same mistake again!”

Behind him were the trembling Tendo family, including many of the people who had intervened in the past.

After seeing the other party’s appearance, Tian Tong Mu was completely disappointed and said coldly

“You are still insisting on the so-called justice. What have I done wrong? Is it wrong for me to avenge my family?”

“You have not experienced the pain I have experienced, so you are not qualified to make decisions for me.”

“There is no place for such a desperate and painful world. If you want to stop me and stand with them, then be prepared to die.”

Seeing that he couldn’t get away with it, Rentaro Satomi rushed forward and tried to subdue him.

But the prosthetic technology he was proud of had no advantage at this moment.

In a split second, between lightning and flint

All the weapons on his body were cut off.

Tendou Kigen kicked it into the wall.

Regardless of the other party’s life or death

Between the flashes of swords and the shadows of swords, with the destruction of swords and flames

All the people in the Tendo family died tragically at the scene.

Including the culprit Tendo Kikunosho?

Tian Tong Mu was bathed in blood, and his heart was at peace for the first time.

She finally got rid of the curse brought by her family!

“Thank you everyone, thank you everyone in the chat group, I am finally free”

She closed her eyes and thought of everyone in the chat group.

But she thought of Brother Su Lun, and she smiled knowingly.

If it weren’t for the help he provided

Not only did he solve the problem of the cursed child, but he also helped him get his revenge.

Maybe she will never be able to fulfill her wish in this lifetime.

“I really want to find an opportunity to thank him.”


In a fortress in the inner city

The interior is heavily guarded. This is where the supreme ruler of the entire region, the Holy Son of Heaven, resides.

There was continuous artillery fire outside the fortress, and the entire fortress was filled with dust.

The Holy Emperor looked gloomy as he watched all the information reported by his subordinates.

The glued face no longer had any radiance, and the whole body and mind had fallen into despair.

She couldn’t understand why they were hit like this.

As an idealist who pursues peace, she has a high number of followers in this era.

After knowing the current situation of the cursed child

The Holy Emperor made up his mind to do something!

Has been committed to helping cursed children, improving social status, and promoting various laws

Hiring outstanding talents like Rentaro Satomi will help improve the entire region

She has always wanted those children to truly integrate into human society.

Although he is not particularly outstanding in ability and is weak in diplomacy, he is willing to believe that he will definitely grow up.

But before that, she is willing to trust everyone. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She believed that as long as everyone worked together, this issue could be resolved!

Therefore, she trusted the Tendo family who taught her step by step and almost handed over the politics of most of the region to them.

I just need to be a qualified student, display the dignity that a Saint Son should have and keep most of the directions.

But now, when all the data was presented in front of her, she was shaken.

During this period, the world came into contact with those mysterious white armored warriors.[]

They gradually figured out why the other party came.

The other party came to protect the cursed children, and their second purpose was to destroy them completely!

It is the same content as what the cult groups found everywhere these days say!

The Holy Emperor couldn’t understand, because everything he did was for the cursed child, but the ending was so bad.

She couldn’t figure out what was going on?!

Is everything she did really wrong?

Tendo Kazumitsu is the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of this region

Watching all this with cold eyes

At the same time, I couldn’t help thinking about the things I had done over the years.

He knew that group of demons very well, but he wanted to avenge those cursed children.

If they knew that the shoddy work on the 32nd stone they were responsible for was exposed,

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but shudder.

Now tragic news is coming from all over the world.

Many forces and people dedicated to persecuting the cursed child were destroyed.

As a member of the Tendo family, he knew exactly how much his family had done to target the cursed child.

He will die miserably.

Now that the trumpet of doom has sounded, no one can escape. He thinks of the people at home and only hopes that his fate will not be made public……

At this moment, the top of the fortress was penetrated.

Several Gramo Iron Knights and people from the chat group appeared here

Facing a group of fully armed and extremely frightened people

Qilin looked at the uploaded information, compared it with Tiantong and Guang’s faces, and said to everyone

“This is the last place, the main places have been solved”

“After get off work, Bronya went home and wanted to go to sleep.”

In the blink of an eye, the lives of several people were written into the death list.

Tendou and Guang, who were extremely frightened, said to the people around them

“Guards, guards, what are you doing? There are intruders, there are intruders!!”

The guards of the Holy Emperor who were on guard outside heard their leader’s shameless words.

Rushed in quickly and stopped everyone first!

But Bronya raised her hand and activated the energy cannon to blast it into pieces.

Becoming a Valkyrie doesn’t mean he won’t kill people. Before coming to Saint Freya, she was a young soldier.

She has no psychological burden when it comes to killing people.

Especially most of these guards

A large part of them have persecuted cursed children!

The tragic situation of the guard frightened everyone

Bao Xie Zhuo Ren, as the captain of the guard team, was so frightened that he couldn’t stand and sat on the ground

A strong fear enveloped him, and he even peed his pants.

As a man of the upper class, he looked down on those so-called cursed children.

But he didn’t like the attitude of the Holy Emperor towards the cursed child, and he was very jealous.

For this reason, Bao Xie Zhuo often led his men to slaughter the cursed children.

One thing after another was exposed.

Everyone in the chat group who knew the truth was furious

Qilin raised her hand expressionlessly and sent Bao Xie Zhuoren away. His head split open like a bursting watermelon.

This move undoubtedly frightened everyone present.

The Holy Emperor looked at the cowardly people around him. As the supreme ruler here, she gritted her teeth and stood up and said

“Why did you do this? Many people died now.”

Bronya compared the data she collected.

I found out everything he had done since he took office.

There is no trace of emotion on Sanwu’s face

At last, there was no trace of emotion.

“This person is okay, at least she really wants to help the cursed child, but she was deceived by her subordinates. After all, she is only 16 years old.”

“We can’t expect her to be able to fight against this group of political creatures. It’s good enough that she can stick to herself.”

The Holy Emperor was stunned. He could clearly understand every word.

But he didn’t understand when they were put together.

What does it mean to be deceived by subordinates and unable to defeat a group of political creatures? She doesn’t understand what this means?

Fu Nina saw that the other party was a little confused and threw the information in her hand to him.

The latter took it and checked it quickly.

When you see the attitude and behavior of the lower class people towards the cursed child

After seeing all the things that the senior officials he trusted had done, he was completely stunned and unable to accept it.

Finally, in order to save time, she was teleported away before she could react.

The remaining officials who were in panic were all people who had prejudice and hatred towards the cursed child.

Under the command of the Tiantong family, they misinterpreted or failed to implement many of the decrees issued by the Holy Emperor, and were also accomplices.

Finally, it was burned to ashes in the fire bag released by the Gramo Iron Knights.

Ending a life of sin

In the camp

Su Lun confirmed through scanning that a large number of cursed children are currently gathered here.

Those who are willing to leave with him and have a conscience, bring everything they can here

The reminder about rescue has been sounded in the chat group, and everyone has completed half of the requirements during this period of time.

And the next step is to destroy this extremely dirty world!

Su Lun glanced at the chat group and saw that the world of Black Bullet had a very low evaluation.

I told everyone in the chat group that I was ready to evacuate.

After the Grammer cavalry evacuated in an orderly manner

It disappeared on the spot and turned into Chaos Dragon Beast X and appeared on the moon.

The super infinite cannons on both shoulders are aimed at this planet

A red super infinite cannon

The world has reached its final chapter!

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