This song is a good song, but it is not a good song.

It will definitely get a good ranking!

Bronya, who had an occupational disease, was immediately excited. She subconsciously compared this song with the previous songs, and the comparison result was very good.

As long as it is not the Battle of the Gods, this song can definitely enter the top five!

Such a result made Bronya excited, and she also had a new understanding of Bai Qianqu's strength.

This guy, when did he write this song?

Bronya didn't think that Bai Qianqu wrote it recently, and it was impossible to complete such a high-quality song in such a short time.

So that means - this song is stock!

Is it that Bai Qianqu's saying that he knows a little about rap is not modesty? But he really knows a little?

No! Not just a little understanding, but a lot of understanding!

Otherwise, how could he write such a good rap song?

Bronya looked at Bai Qianqu, who was drinking tea with a calm face, and suddenly a terrible thought popped up in her mind.

This guy is not pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger!

Hiss, I can't tell! It turns out that this guy is so black-bellied?

But when she thought of what happened to those California bands next month, Bronya couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Songs that can enter the top five of the new song list, unless the other party sends out A-level composers, how can they fight?

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

No wonder this guy has been so calm all the time, it turns out that he has a plan in mind!

Bronya, who has figured it out, is no longer in a hurry. She smiled slightly and leaned back on the chair, showing Bai Qianqu a meaningful smile.

Bai Qianqu didn't know that Bronya had labeled him as a "wolf". If he knew, he would definitely cry out for injustice.

It was obviously the group of people from the California band who came to him first!

He was just defending himself passively!

The reason why he wanted to write two songs was mainly because he didn't want to expose his identity. After all, many people saw his face when he was in the Xinyan Bar.

In order to clear the relationship, the best way is of course to create two people, so that no one should be suspicious.

Bai Qianqu thought so at the beginning, and he didn't think too much, so he said it naturally.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if there are too many vests.

The two of them have their own ideas, and no one knows what the other is thinking anyway.

Bronya suddenly hit her palm: "By the way, I was just thinking about your shitty thing, and I almost forgot something more important!"

As she said, she motioned Bai Qianqu to come behind her, and then pointed to the computer screen and said: "Look at the data of your songs this month!"

"What's wrong with the data?" Bai Qianqu looked confused. This month is almost over. Could there be any changes?

But when he saw the download volume of his song, he was stunned.

"Fleeting Years", download volume: 41 million!

"Ah? What happened? I remember it was only 35 million two days ago?"

These days, Bai Qianqu was preparing to participate in the TV live broadcast, and did not pay attention to the new song list. Unexpectedly, the data increased so much in just a few days.

"This is not the most important thing. Look at the gap between you and the third place."

Following Bronya's finger, Bai Qianqu saw the download volume of the third place: 41.5 million!

A gap of 500,000 is almost nothing for the new song list!

This means that he is only one step away from surpassing the third place!

Bai Qianqu was completely confused. He couldn't figure out what happened and why his data increased so much.

Could it be that someone voted for him?

But isn't it illegal to vote in this world? If you are caught, the consequences will be disastrous!

He doesn't want to go in and step on the sewing machine.

Damn, who is so vicious that he voted for himself!

Bronya looked at Bai Qianqu's red eyes, thinking he was excited, so she said, "Don't get too excited. The reason why this data has risen so quickly is mainly because there has been a wave of covers on the Internet recently, and many people are covering songs. And your song is the most covered, so it has attracted a lot of attention."

"Ah?" This is the second time Bai Qianqu said this word in this tone today, "Why?"

"Why? Don't you know?" Bronya looked at him with a weird look, "Didn't you leave a comment for an online singer who covered your song before? Did you forget?"

Bai Qianqu only remembered at this time that he seemed to have done this.

What is this?

When he saw Barbara cover his song, he wanted to write a song for Barbara, so he made a comment.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Bai Qianqu still couldn't figure out what this cover trend had to do with his comment.

Bronya had to explain the clues to Bai Qianqu, and Bai Qianqu finally understood what happened.

"So, this cover trend was really started by me?" Bai Qianqu had a complicated expression.

To be honest, he really just wanted to write a song for Barbara, and it had nothing to do with whether Barbara covered his song or not... Well, okay, it was a little related. After all, if Barbara didn't cover her song, Li Yang wouldn't show it to her.

Bronya said cheerfully: "Anyway, whether it was you who caused it or not, you did benefit the most. The download volume of the entire list has increased, and your download volume has increased the most and fastest."

While the two were talking, the gap of 500,000 between "Fleeting Time" and the previous one disappeared in a flash, and it directly blew up the third place, and sat on the throne of the top three.

At this time, in a room of Anti-Entropy, an S-level singer was holding his butt in pain, wanting to cry but without tears.

He really didn't expect that this month was almost over, and his chrysanthemum could not be saved.

Just when he was in great pain and thinking about how to save it, the phone suddenly rang. It was the singer in second place calling.

"Hey brother, what happened? Why was it suddenly exploded?"

Listening to the teasing voice on the other end of the phone, the S-level singer gnashed his teeth in hatred.

"Don't be complacent! You might be the next one to be exposed!"

"Hey, I'm more than two million higher than you, how can you touch me? Didn't you see that the data growth rate of "Fleeting Time" has slowed down?"

The S-level singer saw that it was indeed the case. Seeing that the growth rate of "Fleeting Time" was about to stop, his eyes were red!

How can a person suffer? He looked at the song of the colleague who ranked second. At this time, his download volume was 43.55 million!

"My chrysanthemum is broken, and your chrysanthemum can't be saved!"

PS: Accelerating typing, there will be another chapter in the evening!

A new month has begun! In response to the requests of readers, it is tentatively decided to add one chapter for 50 gifts!

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