The song is about to be sung, and the song is about to be sung.

"Didn't this singer say that she would join whoever wrote a song she approved of? Could it be that Anti-Entropy has already finished it?"

"We also wrote a few songs for her, but they were all rejected!"

"Damn it! Doesn't this mean that our songwriting level is not as good as Anti-Entropy?"

"Some netizens have said so!"

"They also said that in the Battle of the Little Gods last month, our first place was almost anally raped by Anti-Entropy. If it weren't for the time limit, the first place would have belonged to Anti-Entropy. How could we give up!"

"Anti-Entropy! Anti-Entropy again! So annoying!"

"Qu Yin! He wrote the song when we snatched the destiny list! He was the one who wanted to blast our asses! Who is it this time? Where did Nien-Entropy get so many monsters!"

"Don't be discouraged! The new singer competition is coming soon! As long as we win the competition, we can save everything!"

"That's right! As long as the newcomers who let us Zhuhuo win the competition, we can not only wipe out the previous shame! But also prove that the song we wrote is better than Nien-Entropy!"


While Zhuhuo was gritting his teeth and wanted to win the competition, Penguin was having fun at this time.

"Great! Nientropy has accepted the custom order for the theme song of our gunfight song!"

"We spent a lot of money!"

"It's worth it! As long as we release the news that the theme song of this gunfight song will be produced by Nientropy, it will definitely attract a lot of attention!"

"Nientropy has the ability to do custom orders. The last time it wrote the theme song for the movie of Destiny, it directly made the movie popular. Its power can be seen!"

"This time, our game must take the top spot on the new game list! Avenge the previous shame!"


Time quickly came to the 5th. This day was ordinary in the eyes of most people, but it was extraordinary in the eyes of some insiders!

Because today is a big competition in the rap world of Changkong City!

The band from distant California, against the composer Qu Yin and the mysterious rapper [Kindergarten Assassin]!

Many people are waiting to see who will win this competition, and even stay up late waiting for the news!

As expected, after midnight on the 5th, the California band took the lead in releasing its original rap song "LOSER".

As you can see from the name, loser, a very sarcastic song.

The content of the song is the same, full of contempt and disdain, anyway, it means:

You are all a bunch of losers, I am the only king.

Although the lyrics are arrogant, it is undeniable that the speed of this rap is very fast, with all kinds of single rhymes, double rhymes, and skip rhymes. Even at such a fast speed, the intervals between the singer's pronunciation are as precise as a robot, perfectly matching the beat.

There are also senior S-level rappers who commented: "The singer's various extreme voices, high and low notes, are all very good, and the pronunciation is almost invincible. This level has reached the level of S-level rappers."

As soon as this was said, all the netizens watching took a breath of cold air.

Even the S-level rapper admitted the other party's level. It seems that Qu Yin and [Kindergarten Assassin] are in a very unfavorable situation this time.

Unless the two can show strength that is not inferior to that of an S-level rapper, how can they fight?

At this time, in the hotel room where the California band is located, a group of people looked at the comments on the Internet and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, the one we dispatched this time is Eminem, who is the king of the people in our California! He has the strength of a top A-level rapper! And this time he performed exceptionally well, directly showing the strength of an S-level! How can the people of Changkong City compare with us?"

"There is no comparison in the first place, that Qu Yin is too arrogant. If he released pop music, we would still need to worry a little, but he insisted on releasing rap. There is an old saying in China: If there is a road to heaven, you don't take it, and there is no door to hell, but you force your way in. Isn't it talking about him?"

"There is also a person called [Kindergarten Assassin] , haha, this name really makes me laugh to death, is he really a kindergarten graduate? "

"I really don't know why the higher-ups insist on sending us to Changkong City. People here don't even know how to rap, and the rap culture is really too backward."

"Yeah, it's really boring. It's better to stay in California. There's no challenge here."

"I heard it's for cultural exchange. They said that cultural integration may be accelerated in the future, and cultural exchange channels are being gradually opened up now."

"Really? Cultural integration has been called for many years. Are we really going to do it?

At this moment, a young blond man came out from the inner room.

“Don’t talk nonsense! The higher-ups have their own considerations. We just need to do our own thing.”

Seeing the blond man, everyone’s attitude was obviously much lower, and they were very respectful to this man.

“Em, you’re awake. Our song has been sent out, and the effect looks good.”

“Well, what about the other party?” Eminem didn’t have any expression, and he was not surprised by his own achievements.

“The other party hasn’t sent it out yet.”

“Call me after the other party sends it out.” After saying that, Eminem turned around and was about to leave, but heard his companion exclaim.

“The other party sent out a song! ”

Eminem turned back immediately after hearing this, and indeed saw two updates posted on the WeChat account of Qu Yin on the computer screen.

[The first song is "Rebounding Pipa" by my friend Kindergarten Assassin. I posted it on his behalf since he doesn't have an account.

"Rebounding Pipa".mp4, singer: Kindergarten Assassin.]

[The second song is a rap song I wrote casually, called "My Sky".

"My Sky".mp4, singer:?/Ms. Fu Shi is the best in the world.]

Seeing these two updates, everyone in the California band looked at each other, a little confused about the situation.

Generally speaking, this kind of rap songs are full of gunpowder. Not to mention the lyrics, even the song titles are aggressive and tit-for-tat. For example, the song title of the California band is "LOSER", which is very sharp.

But looking at the two people in Changkong City, whether it is "Rebounding Pipa" or "My Sky", there is no such sharp feeling.

And the second song seems to be sung by two people, but what does that [? ] mean?

Everyone turned to look at Eminem, waiting for his thoughts.

Eminem thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, let's listen to it in order first."

The member in front of the computer nodded and directly clicked on the audio file of "Rebounding Pipa".

The strange notes that suddenly came out made everyone in the room stunned for a moment, and they didn't react for a moment what instrument it was.

"It's Pipa!"

It was Eminem who reacted first and said in a deep voice.

"Pipa! "Everyone's eyes widened.

Rap with pipa accompaniment?

This is unprecedented! This is unprecedented!

PS: Please feed me today (1/1)

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