The song was a big success, but it was a big success.

"Just when she wanted to apply to enter the B-level, she had to temporarily withdraw from the entertainment industry because of an accident. Now she is making a comeback. This new singer competition is her comeback battle, and the song sung by Cai Kun is the one she has been polishing for three years."

"No wonder I think this song is so good." Bai Qianqu nodded, "So that's the case."

"Then-" Bronya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Bai Qianqu waving his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Ying's song is also a masterpiece, no worse than the other party's. We don't need to worry."

Hearing Bai Qianqu's words, Bronya was a little relieved.

After all, she is the most clear about Bai Qianqu's strength. Not to mention B-level, even A-level composers may not be able to get any benefit from him.

In fact, sometimes Bronya really wants to ask Bai Qianqu where he gets so much inspiration. Other composers work hard to write a song, and often need to rest for several months to find inspiration for the next song.

But Bai Qianqu never stops. Since the song "Xiaochou", how many songs has he produced in a row?

"The Wind Rises", "Fleeting Years", "Rebounding Pipa", "My Sky", plus Ying's song "Walking in the Rain".

Six songs in two months!

But after thinking about it carefully, Bronya smiled with relief again. These six songs must not have been written by him in the past two months. They must be the inventory he wrote before.

Writing six songs in two months is really too outrageous. It's so abnormal even if he is cheating.

Bronya is also very curious. How many stocks does Bai Qianqu have? Judging from his appearance, there must be a lot of songs hidden there that he hasn't taken out yet.

Bronya knew Bai Qianqu's age very well. He was 21 years old like her. He had written so many songs. Did he start composing songs when he was in school?

Just as Bronya was thinking, a familiar voice sounded behind her.

"Bronya, it's been a long time since we last met."

She turned her head and smiled.

"Sakura, you're here. Oh, Karen is here too. It's been a long time since we last met."

Upon hearing this, Bai Qianqu also turned his head. When he saw the pink-haired girl and the white-haired girl standing closely together, he knew that some people's heads had turned green.

Bronya took the initiative to introduce Bai Qianqu: "Qianqu, this is Yae Sakura and Karen. They are both my classmates and my good friends."

But when she wanted to introduce Bai Qianqu, she hesitated. For a moment, she didn't know how to introduce the relationship between her and Bai Qianqu.

"Uh... This is Bai Qianqu, my..."

Karen looked Bai Qianqu up and down and smiled.

"Bronya, you are so shy, could this guy be your sweetheart?"

"Hey? Hey? No! He and I are... are..."

"You're still saying no." Karen put her hands behind her back and bent over slightly, as if she saw something interesting, "Your face is as red as a monkey's ass."

"Your face is like a monkey's ass!" Bronya pouted, "Well, Qianqu, you introduce yourself!"

Bai Qianqu was watching the show happily, but when Bronya threw the question to her, she had to take the initiative to speak.

"Hello, I'm Bai Qianqu, an ordinary composer of Anti-Entropy, and a friend of Bronya."

Karen licked her lips excitedly, leaned forward and asked, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Not yet." Bai Qianqu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why is this Karen so gossipy?

But looking at the Karen in front of her with pigtails and casual clothes, she is really just an ordinary girl, full of vitality and curiosity.

Kallen's eyes sparkled: "Ah? Not yet, then is it going to be soon? How far has it progressed?"

Yae Sakura quickly pulled Kallen back and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my Kallen has caused you trouble, please don't bother him."

Kallen pouted: "How could it be? I just want to help him out of kindness. After all, Bronya has never been in a relationship before. If she doesn't, she will become an old maid. Be careful that no one will want her then."

"Bronya will not become an old maid! (ᗜ ˰ ᗜ )"

Hearing Kallen's words, Bronya was furious.

"Hehe." Kallen stuck out her tongue and hid behind Yae Sakura.

Bronya was going to continue to rage, but the remaining part of her eyes

When Guang saw Bai Qianqu, he coughed twice and returned to his usual gentle and elegant self.

Yaezakura also shook her head helplessly and quickly changed the subject.

"Bronya, what do you think of our singers' performance this time?"

Talking about business, Bronya also became serious: "The singers are good. Of course, the most important thing is that the songs you put out this time are really beyond my expectations. You actually invited Handel to come out."

"It was Handel's own request." Yae Sakura said with a smile, "We didn't expect her to come back this year. It seems that she has recovered well."

Kallen also stuck her head out and added: "The executives of Chasing Fire are very resentful of you Anti-Entropy. It seems that the previous failures made them very uncomfortable. This time, they are holding back a lot of energy to show you some color."

Bronya smiled: "It's really hard for them to work so hard. If they fail again this time, won't they be so angry? Oh, Sakura, you know, I'm talking about that group of guys, not you."

Yae Sakura:......

"Seeing you so calm, could it be that Anti-Entropy has some trump cards this time?" Yae Sakura glanced at the stage. At this time, Kun Ge's performance was about to end. "I have to It is said that you have done a good job of confidentiality. I don't know who your new song is written this time. " There is no more trouble for destiny. "" Speaking of destiny ... "Bronia asked a little puzzled," I heard you quarreled with Orto again? "He wanted to make a movie for you?" The messy movies were too wasteful. "Blinia laughed:" Haha, remind me of the time when I was in school, Otto squatted at the class at the class and waited for Kalian to go off class.

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