The more you look at the picture, the more you will be happy.

Seeing Walter praising Bai Qianqu, Bronya smiled sweetly, happier than when she was praised.

She took the initiative to say, "Teacher Walter, Qianqu spends a lot of effort to find singers for every song. He always says that the right singer should sing the right song, so that a song can be perfect."

"Really?" Seeing Bronya complimenting others in front of him, Walter also realized what it means that a girl should not be kept at home when she grows up.

She hasn't even married yet, but she's already turned her elbow outward.

Bai Qianqu thought it was quite normal. He worked hard to customize a song, and if it was sung in a mess, he would definitely be the first to disagree.

Walter continued, "Xiaobai, you also participated in the new singer competition, so you should know the new notice released by the official this time?"

"I know." Bai Qianqu also remembered the official notice about the debut of new singers. Because of this incident, a large number of singers who successfully debuted this year were reduced.

"What do you think?" Walter stared at Bai Qianqu and asked.

"Uh..." Bai Qianqu didn't expect Walter to ask him this question. He thought about it and decided to speak his true thoughts.

"The reason why the official did this is mainly because the current atmosphere in the entertainment industry is not very good. There are too many traffic singers who are just filling in the numbers and fish in troubled waters, which makes the level of the music industry worse year by year, even worse than ten years ago."

Listening to Bai Qianqu's analysis, Walter also nodded slightly. These situations are obvious to all, and everyone knows it, but few people put this matter on the surface.

The song "Rebounding Pipa" by the kindergarten assassin before tore off the veil used to cover the shame of the entertainment industry, which attracted many people to applaud.

Of course, there are also many people who are so angry that they even think that the reason why the authorities want to formulate new singer debut rules is because they listened to the songs of Kindergarten Assassin!

They do not reflect on their own reasons, but instead put the responsibility on others.

They dare not trouble the authorities, so they have to vent their anger on Kindergarten Assassin.

Now there are a lot of information on the Internet that slanders Kindergarten Assassin, saying that he only has one song, but he dares to say in the song that he is [the title of King can match me, who else can be the myth of Chinese rap], which is simply arrogant to the extreme, just a guy who is sensational and bluffing, and he dares not even reveal his true identity and voice.

There are quite a lot of such remarks, which shows that there are water armies in any world.

However, this makes the lyrics in "Rebounding Pipa" more real.

[DISS is just a kind of exchange, but the water armies hired by the stars always try to force the other party to death]

Kindergarten Assassin did not respond at all, and his lyrics are the best big mouth.

Netizens on the Internet didn't say anything, they just copied and pasted the lyrics to attack these water armies.

Of course, Bai Qianqu didn't know, he continued to answer Walter's question.

"Those traffic singers will indeed bring a lot of heat in the short term, but if it continues like this, the entertainment industry will inevitably become a mud pit, which is killing the chicken to get the eggs. Therefore, it is a good thing for the entertainment industry as a whole that the official can make up his mind to regulate the entertainment industry."

After listening to Bai Qianqu's words, Walter didn't say anything. After all, this is a relatively standard answer, but Bai Qianqu's next sentence cheered Walter up.

"In fact, the current entertainment industry is like this, the problem is not just with the singers."

"Oh? It's not just the singers' problem?" Walter became interested, "Then what other problems do you think there are?"

Talking about this, Bai Qianqu sat up straight and said seriously: "I have read many people's remarks before, saying that the reason why there are so many traffic singers is because capital has chosen them. But this is actually just a superficial phenomenon! The real ones who choose traffic singers are actually the vast audience."

"Oh?" It was the first time Walter heard such remarks, "What do you mean?"

"In fact, it is easy to understand. The reason why traffic singers have traffic is indeed that capital has fueled the flames, but it is mainly because the vast number of netizens give face. Whether it is really popular or not, as long as there are people watching, there will be traffic, and with traffic there will be money, and with money there will be more such traffic singers." Bai Qianqu talked freely, "It is clear that these traffic singers have no real talent, but there are still so many people watching, whether they are rushing to appreciate or criticize

Yes, as long as you go there, you will get traffic. This is the same in terms of data and has nothing to do with your purpose. "

"And fans in the entertainment industry also have strong stereotypes about singers. For a singer, most netizens only know the singer's famous works or one or two well-known works, and then use the style of these songs to bind the singer's style. But we all know that a singer's style is not fixed, they are actually good at two or even more. "

Walter also nodded in agreement: "Yes, in fact, it is the same for composers. Take Planck as an example. Her famous work is folk songs, so many people call her the folk goddess, but Planck is not only good at folk songs, her rock music is actually great, but few people know it. "

Bai Qianqu took the tea handed over by Yaya and took a sip, and continued: "The reason for this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, the audience lacks basic music theory knowledge, and on the other hand, fans do not recognize the differences or gaps between different music environments. Their subjective preferences and objective levels are often confused. A singer or a song cannot be judged whether it is really powerful just because it has many fans and how many people listen to it. "

"Those so-called pop songs have thousands or even hundreds of millions of plays. But does this prove that this song is a good song and the singer is a technically competent singer? "

In fact, the basic artistic accomplishment of the audience in this world is much higher than that of the original world, but this phenomenon of fan circles still exists and cannot be cured at all.

In short, the reason why the entertainment industry is like this is that the singers are responsible, but the audiences are also responsible. The problem cannot be simply thrown to one group.

"So if you want to cure the chaos in the entertainment industry, you need to take a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, you need to regulate singers and capital, and on the other hand, you need to give the audience good guidance and popular science, so that you can save the current entertainment industry. Capital does have great power, but the inaction of the government is to let capital run wild. "

After Bai Qianqu finished speaking, he felt dry in the mouth and took another sip of tea.

He looked at the tea in his hand with some surprise. He didn't expect that the tea here from Walter was comparable to the one given to him by Kamisato Ayaka. They each had their own merits.

It seems that Walter is also a person who understands tea!

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