After all, the two sides have been working hard.

Bronya feels that her thinking can't keep up with Bai Qianqu.

Is her idea the same as his?

It seems that as long as you have an idea, the song will come out directly!

This is too fast!

Even the finished product has been recorded?

How anxious are you!

How long has it been since I took the custom order? Less than half a month, right?

People write custom orders starting from two to three months, and some even take a year. Penguin's request to ship next month is already a very unbelievable request.

But it seems that for Bai Qianqu, there seems to be plenty of time?

Inventory! It must be inventory again!

The song has been prepared for a long time, but I am still worried! I feel it's all in vain!

Bronya stared at Bai Qianqu with burning eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He was puzzled. He thought it was a habit that only grown men could pass on. Why did Yaya start it too?

But it seemed that being stared at by Yaya was not bad?

But why did she seem to have some inexplicable resentment in her eyes?

Girls' hearts are so hard to understand.

"Qianqu." Yaya suddenly spoke, and her tone was also faint. "Will you let me know when you finish writing the song?"


"Now, let's go listen to your new song."



When the two returned to the door of Bronya's office, they ran into Seele. Seele wanted to turn around and run, but was grabbed by Bronya with a dark face.


Xier was so scared that she apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, sister Bronya, Xier didn't mean to eavesdrop on you and teacher Qu Yin--"

"What nonsense are you talking about, little girl!" Bronya flicked Xier's forehead, "Your teacher Qu Yin and I were just talking normally. I told you not to learn those messed up things from Hill, you have been taught badly."

"Oh, Xier knows." Little Xier covered her forehead and said pitifully.

After teaching Xier a lesson, Bronya's mood was obviously relieved a lot.

"I'm about to listen to his new song with Qianqu, Xier, do you want to come with me?"

Xier's eyes lit up with excitement, and she nodded repeatedly: "Xier wants to listen!"

This kind of original sound that has just been completed in post-production is very precious. It is usually encrypted by the recorder and sent to the cloud, and then uploaded to the cloud after a series of reviews.

What ordinary listeners hear on the platform network is downloaded from the cloud. Because it has been compressed, the sound quality will be more or less lost. However, the sound in Bai Qianqu's hand is a truly lossless original sound, which is difficult to hear at ordinary times.

In other words, Bai Qianqu can take it out directly, but others can't touch it at all.

Bronya smiled and pulled Seele: "Come on, follow me into the house."

The three of them entered the room and sat on the soft sofa, wearing expensive custom headphones, and Bronya inserted the USB drive into the professional equipment.

As the prelude sounded, Bai Qianqu and Seele were fine, after all, they participated in the recording and were mentally prepared.

But Bronya suddenly straightened her body.

She just felt goose bumps all over her body, and the cold rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

Bronya herself is a senior player, and she knows how much influence music has on the game. Fighting the BOSS with exciting music and fighting the BOSS without listening to music are completely two different experiences.

Listening to this song, I have the urge to fight with a gun.

Just one word: Absolute!

After listening to the song, Bronya looked at Bai Qianqu with complicated eyes.

This song is really suitable for Penguin's custom order. She even suspected that Bai Qianqu started writing this song after receiving the order.

Otherwise, how could it be so matched?

But reason told her that this was impossible.

In less than half a month, such a crazy and cool song was written?

It's a bit scary to think about it.

Of course, if it's a genius plus a flash of inspiration, it's not impossible.

Bronya now finally understands why Bai Qianqu acted so calm and confident when facing Walter's question.

With this song in hand, what else do you need to worry about?

If it were me, when facing Walter...

Well, I don't dare to be as arrogant as him.

"Penguin is going to be in the spotlight this time." Bronya took off her headphones and sighed, "With the gimmick of the 3D game and this theme song, it's hard for their "Counter-Strike" not to be popular.

. "

Hearing about 3D games, Bai Qianqu couldn't help but ask: "Penguin is making 3D games, why don't other companies do it?"

Bronya smiled bitterly: "Making 2D games is low-cost and profitable, who wants to make 3D? 3D is expensive and difficult, and it may not make money. Before Penguin, several companies tried to make 3D games, but they all lost money without exception."

"......How can you only look at the money when making games?" Bai Qianqu said righteously, "You have to create happiness with your heart!"


"Don't you know how to make games? You make one?"

"No money." Bai Qianqu spread his hands, "No people, no technology."

"You still know." Bronya rolled her eyes, "Most game studios are facing these situations. Making games is very expensive."

"I also set up a small game studio before and made a few Houmu games, but most of them died violently. "Bronya seemed to remember something and said angrily, "Jiuxiao, that guy, just didn't care about the game after it was made, and I don't know where he went to play. Now all the maintenance is done by Xiaotu."

Seele couldn't stand it anymore, and said weakly: "Sister Bronya, should Xiaotu take a break? She has been working overtime for a month."

"A month?" Bronya was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed, "I forgot, okay, give her half a day off later."

Seele didn't know what to say, and silently mourned for Xiaotu in her heart.

Bronya looked at Bai Qianqu again, as if she remembered something and laughed again: "Qianqu, you can also make games, do you want to join my game studio as a part-time job?"

Bai Qianqu widened his eyes and was shocked.

He heard it clearly just now, Xiaotu was almost squeezed dry.

He asked carefully: "How many people are there in your studio?"

"Three, what's wrong? Me, Bunny, and Jiuxiao." Bronya seemed very proud, "Don't look at my small studio with only three people, but we have the Hom IP! Penguin wanted to buy it for 10 million before, but I refused it!"

"This... Let's talk about it later."

"Okay." Bronya still had some regrets, "The Angry Birds you made before was quite fun. If you have our Hom IP, you can definitely make it into Angry Hom."

PS: Interim report, currently owes 17.5 chapters...

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