The truth is, the truth is that ... Soon the other party replied.

Looking at the other party's message, Thunder Dragon Horse sneered.

"No wonder the Penguin people wanted to see Xiaobai, it turned out that they had this little trick, but who doesn't have a few acquaintances in the paparazzi? It's just that Penguin's work is really flawless, and the one who contacted the paparazzi is not Penguin's people... If they really succeed, they can only blame themselves for their bad luck."

"This kind of trick is okay against small companies, but we are not Xiaobai at Anti-Entropy, and Penguin is underestimating us."

"Forget it, we have to quickly get Xiaobai's things done first, and the review side has to go through it again..."


A few days later, World Snake Library.

Raven is typing on the keyboard frantically, competing with dozens of bookstores online.

"What are you talking about? You only ordered such a small amount of "The King's Avatar"? Do you know how popular this book is on the Internet now?"

Raven was so anxious. He originally thought that with the success of "The King's Avatar" in the online literature market, these bookstores would definitely place crazy orders.

But the reality was not what she wanted.

These bookstores only ordered a small amount of "The King's Avatar", and most of the orders were given to other books, especially those of old authors. The order volume remained high, far surpassing "The King's Avatar".

The replies given by the bookstore owners were also very simple, with only a few replies.

"Qianjian is not well-known, and the readers of the bookstore may not buy it."

"The readers of the bookstore and the readers of the online novels do not overlap much. Many readers of the bookstores are only keen on reading the books of their favorite authors and will not easily try the works of new authors."

"There are many cases of successful online novels turning into paper books that died suddenly, and we dare not bet on the success of "The King's Avatar" casually."

"Electronic game competitive novels are unpopular, and few people buy paper books."


Raven gnashed his teeth, but he could do nothing about it.

What these bookstore owners said was not unreasonable, and their worries were real.

The readers of physical book authors have a high stickiness, which is different from online readers.

Online readers like to try books of different styles and authors, and often have a pile of various books on their mobile bookshelves.

On the contrary, physical book readers often have fixed styles of books on their bookshelves, and often a layer or the entire bookshelf is full of books of the same type.

When they like an author, they will even buy all the works of this author.

Therefore, as a new writer, Qian Jian, before there are enough physical book fans, the owners of various bookstores naturally dare not place too many orders at one time.

And the biggest problem is also fatal - the reader base of game competition novels is small!

Bookstore owners would rather buy more novels of other popular types, and will not give too much budget to game competition novels.

The reason why they still come to place an order is, on the one hand, to give face to Raven, and on the other hand, they find that there are more online readers of "The King's Avatar". If a physical book is published, those online readers may be willing to come and buy two copies as a collection.

Raven spent a lot of time and effort to persuade a few bookstores to increase their orders, but it was still far from her psychological expectation.

Of course, more bookstore owners simply read the book without replying.

"Damn it!" Raven said angrily, "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west! Don't bully a poor girl! You ignored me today, I will make you unable to reach me in the future!"

Of course, Raven was just furious.

If there is anything that can make these bookstore owners change their minds, it must be huge profits.

And huge profits require the novel to be excellent enough to be able to

Attract a large number of readers to buy it.

Raven was also in a state of anxiety at this time. She did not dare to guarantee whether "The King's Avatar", which was so popular in online literature, would be smooth sailing in the physical book industry.

Only time could tell.

However, she felt that she still had to tell Teacher Qianjian to give him a shot of prevention. Moreover, the other party seemed to know Teacher Quyin, and Teacher Quyin had promoted him last time.

Maybe she could ask his opinion.

Raven first considered it, and then sent the matter to Qianjian.

Soon she received a reply from Qianjian.

Just one word: Oh.

Raven could not help but cover her eyes. She had forgotten that this person was a man who was very frugal with words. What could he say?

But she had reminded him in place, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?


Bai Qianqu was also helpless after receiving Raven's message. He really had no good way and could only reply with one word.

But he did what he should do, and even used Qu Yin's publicity, and made a big mistake for it.

He will not use Qu Yin's account for publicity in the short term, otherwise it is too obvious, and it will be bad if someone with ulterior motives finds out something.

After all, if you brag about yourself, once you are discovered, you will be extremely socially dead, and it will become a black spot in your life that cannot be erased for the rest of your life.

So it is better to keep this matter to yourself forever.

Speaking of the stomach, Bai Qianqu felt hungry.

Turning around to see the time, it was time for dinner.

Originally, I wanted to invite Bronya to go with me, but I was told that Bronya went out for a meeting early this morning, so I had no choice but to go alone.

Today's Bai Qianqu is not the newbie who just joined the company. The meals in the cafeteria are free. He already knows this and keeps it in mind.

Therefore, every time he comes, he orders a lot of delicious food, and completely treats the cafeteria as a restaurant, eating happily every day.

The way of getting something for free has penetrated his heart and made him extremely happy.

There were a lot of people in the cafeteria today. Bai Qianqu waited for a long time before ordering a bunch of delicious food. He sat in the corner, opened the pilipili and was about to eat the electronic pickled mustard.

"Teacher Bai!"

Before it started, I saw Yingmei coming over with a plate of food. When she saw Bai Qianqu, she smiled happily.

Recently, Ying has signed a contract with Nientropy and officially became a singer of Nientropy.

PS: Last month's bill has been paid off! Do you want a reward for your hard work? ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ (Daily ticket request 1/1)

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