The bookstore is open, but the bookstore is closed.

"Hello? Mr. Li from Yuelai Bookstore? Want to order another 30,000 copies? Sure, wait in line first, huh? How long will it take? There are only about a hundred people in front of you, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang from Yucai Bookstore? Want to order again? If you're not in a hurry, I'll register first."

"Mr. Huo, it's full, wait for the next batch to be printed! When will it start? I don't know~~"


Raven finally experienced what it means to be proud. Before, because her game competition department didn't have many paper books to show off, these bookstore owners didn't pay much attention to her. Every time she went to promote books, she would be perfunctory. But now, the situation has changed, and it's finally her turn to be happy!

While Raven was enjoying himself, Gray Snake also got the news soon.

He was also shocked.

He knew that "The King's Avatar" would publish a physical book, but like most people, he thought that the book would not sell well.

But the current situation made him confused.

"What's wrong with these readers? Are they all crazy? Just to make Qianjian burst, they can do this?"

As a senior editor, Gray Snake naturally did not choose to enjoy himself like Raven did. The first thing he thought of was the printing of books.

With the current printing capacity of the World Snake Library, it would take at least three days to ship even at the fastest.

Three days, how much money will be lost?

Gray Snake did not dare to hide it and quickly reported the matter to the boss Kevin.

Kevin was eating noodles and reading novels in his big villa at this time. He was so happy, but after receiving Gray Snake's call, the instant noodles in his hand suddenly became boring.

"What's going on?" He didn't want to get involved, but when Mei asked him about the company's affairs recently, he didn't know anything and was scolded.

Now is the time to perform well!

"Well, I've been following this matter. Why don't you prepare more goods?"

Gray Snake was also depressed: "Boss Kevin, we didn't know that this book would sell so well? Those readers' money was like the wind blowing, and they didn't care at all! Some people bought not only one book, but two or three books, and some even paid more. Now the scalpers have raised it to one hundred per book!"

Kevin was dumbfounded.

"Are these people crazy? It's just a novel, isn't it? It's not a signed limited sale, why are they buying it?"

"......It seems to be to make Qianjian burst update......"


Kevin felt that his brain was a little confused. Are readers so fierce now? Is there such a direct and decisive way to urge updates?

But he soon remembered something and asked, "Wait, what's the name of that book?"

Gray Snake:......

You still don't know the name of the book? Why are you still following me?

"It's called "The King's Avatar."


Isn't this the novel I was reading just now?

Kevin was angry.

"Add more chapters! He must add more chapters! The novel is cut off at the most exciting part, what the hell?!"

Gray Snake was also angry: "That's right! What the hell? I have never seen such a lazy author! No wonder readers use such direct means!"

The two of them agreed and criticized Qian Jian severely, and then returned to the topic.

"How many orders have been added now?"

Gray Snake said: "Changkong City alone has added orders for one million copies! The total is more than three million."

"What are you going to do?"

"I think it may not be enough, so I asked the printing factory to print an extra million copies, but we can't print without restraint. Let's wait for a while to sell them and then see if we can continue to print more."

Kevin nodded slightly: "Very good, I think so too, then I will leave this matter to you. Just give me a concise report after the matter is completed."

Gray Snake:......

Fuck you!

This guy wants to be a hands-off boss again!

Kevin finished his work and continued to eat noodles contentedly: "I heard that the author named Qian Jian is a newcomer?"

"Yes, according to Raven's report, the author named Qian Jian is only 21 years old."

"So young?" Kevin was really surprised this time, "It's very promising, then you should pay close attention to it. Anyway, I only have one request, this novel must be updated stably!"

Gray Snake: You just want to see the sequel!


At this time, many other publishing houses also received the news and were shocked.

"What? A new physical book published by World Snake Library is actually popular?"

"Is this a hit?!"

"What?! Is the information true?!"

"And it's a novel about electronic game competition!"

"Are you sure it's about electronic game competition? Isn't this a niche subject?"

"It's because it's a niche subject that there is a lot of room for development! Those popular subjects have been written by a group of people and have been written to pieces, and readers have long been tired of them! Niche subjects are novel enough to make readers feel fresh!"

"World Snake Library is going to take off this time!"

"Is this Qianjian the vest of that big guy?"

"No way, the big guys of electronic game competition have their own pits, so how can they open new pits."

"Could it be that World Snake Library has picked up a treasure this time?"

Publishers are shocked, and readers are not idle either.

Readers who have read the novel all praised "The King's Avatar" and recommended it to people around them crazily.

Those who didn't buy the book borrowed it from friends everywhere.

As a result, many people found that their buddies, girlfriends, classmates, cousins... were all reading the same novel.

So everyone became more and more united in their hatred of the enemy and agreed to make Qian Jian update more frequently.


The quarrel outside did not reach Bai Qianqu's ears. He was just a little surprised to see that Li Yang had an extra copy of "The King's Avatar" in his hand.

"Look, Lao Bai! The King's Avatar! I got up early to buy it!"

Bai Qianqu was a little surprised: "Do you have to get up early to buy it?"

"Of course! I lined up in a long line! I almost didn't get it!"

"Do you still want to buy it?"

Li Yang said proudly: "Of course! This book is sold out now! All the bookstores in Changkong City are out of stock!"

Bai Qianqu:......

"So hard?"

"This is the best game competition novel I have ever read! Lao Bai, do you want to read it too? I guarantee you will be addicted after you read it!"

"Uh, I have read it."

Li Yang laughed, his face full of disbelief: "Boasting! The latest chapter is only out today - wait!"

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