The car was so fast that it was too slow.

"What?! More than 200?!" Bai Qianqu was really scared this time, "Bronya! Why don't you just forget it! 90 is enough!"

"Don't you want to experience speed and passion? Where's the passion if it's less than 200?" Bronya obviously didn't want to listen to Bai Qianqu, "Just hold me tight."

As she said that, Bronya turned the throttle, and in Bai Qianqu's horrified eyes, the motorcycle accelerated again and went straight onto the highway.

This section of highway has no speed limit, but it is one of the safest highways in the world.

You should know that when driving at high speed, even small potholes on the road are extremely dangerous, but the thickness of the road surface of this highway is between 55-58, and the road condition is very perfect. Billboards are not allowed to be installed on both sides of the road to prevent distraction.

Of course, the most important thing is the advanced technology in this world. Even automatic driving has been perfected and popularized. Nowadays, vehicles without automatic driving functions are not easy to sell.

However, Bronya never uses the automatic driving function. She is a firm manual driving enthusiast.

The motorcycle carried the two people all the way. Bronya did not slow down at all. Bai Qianqu hugged Bronya tightly in the back and did not dare to open his eyes.

He personally experienced what it means to "fly in front and chase behind with souls".

This is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

Finally, after getting off the highway, Bronya parked the motorcycle on the side of the road. Bai Qianqu squatted on the side of the road with trembling legs. His face was extremely ugly and he almost vomited.

At this time, Bronya seemed to have had enough fun driving and recovered from the [speeding state], and she was a little embarrassed to see this.

"Sorry, Qianqu, I haven't ridden a motorcycle for a long time, and I got a little carried away today..."

Bai Qianqu waved his hand weakly: "It's okay, I came here by myself. Let me take it easy, I feel my feet are out of control now..."

After a short rest, Bai Qianqu finally felt better, and Bronya also bought two bottles of drinks from the roadside vending machine, and the two sat on the bench by the roadside drinking drinks and chatting.

Although Bai Qianqu was almost scared to death, he had to admit that Bronya's driving skills were really good, and she was very stable and smooth along the way.

"By the way, when did Bronya start learning speed racing?" Bai Qianqu asked curiously, "Look at your equipment, it's just like a professional racer."

"You can see that too? In fact, I almost joined a professional racing team at the beginning." Bronya's words surprised Bai Qianqu.

From professional racing driver to general agent of entertainment company, it feels like two completely unrelated industries.

"That was a long time ago." Bronya looked up and fell into memories, "That was when I was in junior high school. I often secretly rode teacher Walter's motorcycle and took Seele and others for a ride. Later, I also met some people from amateur teams and participated in many amateur competitions together, and won several good results."

"Junior... junior high school?!" Bai Qianqu was shocked again. Junior high school students were still busy studying and playing basketball, but Bronya started to take her sister for a ride?

"Yes, later, teacher Walter saw that I liked riding motorcycles, so he specially asked someone to customize this motorcycle for me and gave it to me as a gift for adulthood."

Bronya stroked the vehicle next to her with sparkling eyes, "Is it beautiful?"

"Indeed." Bai Qianqu looked at the streamlined body and nodded. To be honest, there is absolutely no other motorcycle like this on the market.

"Later, a professional team invited me to join, but at that time I became interested in music, so I declined the invitation and joined Anti-Entropy." Bronya said a little embarrassedly, "Originally, I wanted to be a singer, but I didn't have the talent to do it."

"Bronya wants to be a singer?" Bai Qianqu became interested, "Really?"

"That was in the past." Talking about the past, Bronya was embarrassed again, "I failed to debut, so I became a manager, but I didn't expect to become a general manager all the way. Life is unpredictable."

"That's because other people's vision is not good. Who said Bronya can't sing?" Bai Qianqu was immediately unhappy, "If someone says Bronya can't sing, I'm the first to disagree!"

"Teacher Walter said."

"Ah, this-is there a misunderstanding?"

"He said my singing is too milky."



Did you laugh?"

"No, hahaha!"

"You're still laughing!" Bronya was immediately angry and clenched her fists, pretending to hit him.

"Wrong, wrong, I didn't mean it, haha."

"You're still laughing!"

Yaya's fists fell like raindrops, but without any strength.

The two of them quarreled for a while, and then stopped panting. Looking at the big duck pretending to be angry, Bai Qianqu laughed and said, "In fact, the milky singing method is not bad, but it is more picky about songs."

"Milky singing method, what is this new word." Bronya burst out laughing, "Okay, I know you want to make me happy, but I also know my own weight."

"I'm not kidding, this is my original creation. ”

“It’s very difficult to create an original singing style. For example, all the current singing styles are created by countless people. A celebrity once said that when you are driving on a road, you should understand that it is not that you are good, but that everyone has widened the road for you. So Qianqu, you are still too young. ”

Bai Qianqu: ???

“Bronya, are you driving?”

“Huh?” Bronya glanced at the motorcycle next to her with an innocent look, “No.”

“Ahem, it’s okay.”

“Qianqu, you are really weird. Forget it, but you did create a new path in the field of rap last time, which is also very impressive, but things can only be done once, and you may not be so smooth if you create an original path again. You know, the first soldier to break through the city must have blood on his head. "

Bai Qianqu:!!!

Bronya is driving!

Bai Qianqu felt that he could not fall behind, so he said seriously: "In the journey of music, I have climbed mountains and dived into the abyss, both of which have benefited me a lot. Even if it is a deep and endless cave, I dare to explore it! Even if it becomes a black hole, it is a place I want to explore in my life. In art, there is no dilemma that can stop me. "

"You are bragging again. You always think that you have reached the deepest part of the cave, but in fact, someone has already reached a darker and deeper place. Do you think those music gods are paper tigers? "

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