The enemy was defeated, but the enemy was defeated.

The puffer glanced at the bullet screen, curled his lips in disdain, and was extremely arrogant: "With the opponent's skills, I can beat him with one hand."

"Look at me and get another pentakill in the next round!"

Xilin continued to crush the opponent proudly, and finally after another pentakill, the opponent broke out.

[Parachute No. 1 roared and played (enemy): Okay, okay, this is how you play, right? You started it first! I'm going to call my friends to play! ]

The character controlled by the opponent lowered his head in place, and then began to spin rapidly.

All the people on Xilin's side were killed as soon as they showed their heads.

Xilin:? ? ! ! !

Damn! There's a cheat!

She quickly clicked on the report button, but it was useless. The opponent was still recklessly spinning and shooting heads, not even pretending, and the atmosphere of the game had been destroyed. Xilin had no interest in continuing to play.

"This game has cheats as soon as it was released, and it seems that the official ban is not strong enough. It is estimated that it will be a war of gods in the future."

The barrage also expressed agreement.

[Penguin has always turned a blind eye to cheats, and this new game is probably the same. ]

[I was looking forward to Penguin's new game, but now it seems that I should go back to playing Houmu. Single-player games are the source of happiness. ]

[Miss Puffer, why don't you go back to play "Angry Birds"? I like watching that game. ]

[But to be honest, the theme song of "Counter-Terrorism Fireline" is very nice, and Teacher Qu Yin is still stable. ]

[After all, Qu Yin's products must be high-quality. ]

[Host, let's listen to children's songs on the login interface. 】


Looking at the barrage, Xilin nodded secretly.

I was in a hurry to enter the game experience just now, and I really didn't listen to the songs. Now I have no interest in playing, so it's not bad to listen to some songs.

"Okay, let's listen to some songs to change our mood."

As she said, Xilin exited the game and came to the login interface. The passionate instrumental percussion of "Reverse War" immediately came from the speakers.

"This song is really good. It feels like my blood is boiling when I listen to it. Penguin has picked up a treasure."

Xilin couldn't help but stamp her feet to the rhythm.

The barrage echoed one after another.

[Yeah, it's too exciting! I want to play the game after listening to it. ]

[Goosebumps! ]

[The name "Reverse War" is really good, but shouldn't the theme song of "Counter-Terrorism Fireline" be called "Anti-War"? ]

[Oh, stupid! Aren't "anti" and "reverse" the same thing? ]

[Searched to death! 】

【I thought Qu Yin would not release any songs this month, but it turns out that she is going to make custom songs. Wait, doesn't this mean that Qu Yin will still be on the new song chart this month? 】

【It seems to be like this...Haha, I think those singers were quite happy at first, but now they are probably going crazy. 】

At this moment, Xilin's door was kicked open.

"Xilin bastard! Why are you stomping on the floor so loudly?! It's so noisy! Don't you know that my elder sister and I are watching TV downstairs?"

This is Kiana coming up aggressively. When she was about to continue speaking, her eyes fell on the computer screen.

"This song is pretty nice."

"Of course it is." Xilin stood up and pushed Kiana out of the door in a bad mood, "Don't come in and make trouble, get out quickly."

"Wait, who wrote this song? What's it called? Where can I listen to it?"

"The music is "Reverse War", the theme song of "Counter-Terrorism Fireline", roll roll roll."

When Kiana was pushed out of the door, Xilin immediately slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Damn it! You actually kicked me out! You don't take me, your sister, seriously at all!"

Kiana gritted her teeth and made fist gestures outside, then ran downstairs again.

In the living room downstairs, the eldest sister of the Kaslana family: Bianca Yulandel Kaslana was holding a teacup, frowning slightly as she looked at the layer of dust falling from the teacup.

Seeing Kiana running down again, Yulan Dell couldn't help asking, "Kiana, what are you doing? I feel like dust is falling from the ceiling."

"Listen to music! Teacher Qu Yin's latest song!"

"Teacher Qu Yin?" Yulan Dell, as a senior executive of Tianming, is currently responsible for external business. She also signed the materials for the cooperation with Qu Yin. Naturally, she knows that her company has cooperated with Qu Yin once, and Otto was very satisfied with that cooperation. He even praised Zofia during the meeting.

She has been busy with work and rarely has free time. Today, she is still busy because of a long-term trip.

After returning from the trip, she finally had a night of rest.

Although she was busy, she still paid some attention to Qu Yin, after all, she was a person praised by Otto.

"Doesn't Qu Yin have any plans to release songs? There is no publicity at all." Youlan Dell was puzzled. From what she paid attention to, Qu Yin should have no plans to release songs this month.

"No, but the theme song of Penguin's new game was written by Teacher Qu Yin!" Kiana quickly took out her laptop and searched for the theme song of "Counter-Terrorism Fireline". At first, she found that the song was not available on all online platforms. She had no choice but to download the client of "Counter-Terrorism Fireline".

"Penguin's new game?" Youlan Dell quickly searched for information about this in her mind, "The latest 3D gun battle game "Counter-Terrorism Fireline"?"

"Yes!" With an ultra-high speed of 10,000M, Kiana downloaded the game in a short while.

She opened the client directly: "Sister, come and listen! This song is so exciting! No wonder Xilin kept stamping her feet after listening to it."

"Really?" Youlan Dell couldn't help but laugh and shook her head slightly.

"Just listen to the song, why stamp your feet--"

When the music of "Reverse War" came out from the speakers, Youlan Dell, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly opened her eyes wide when she heard the music.

Although she is not a professional musician, due to the nature of her work, Youlan Dell has been exposed to many musical works, and she is also interested in learning knowledge in this area, so her music appreciation ability is very strong, even comparable to some professional musicians.

At this time, she also realized for the first time that this song called "Reverse War" is definitely a rare good song!

Youlan Dell couldn't help but suffer from occupational disease. Several movies of destiny popped up in her mind in an instant. If "Reverse War" was moved there as the theme song, it would be very suitable.

"Damn, if I can get this song——"

No wonder Otto attaches so much importance to this person named Qu Yin, and even specially allocated one million from the finance department as an extra bonus for him last time.

It may be good luck to complete a custom order perfectly, but it is perfect twice in a row, which shows that Qu Yin is very good at making custom music!

And Tianming is particularly short of such talents!

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