The deadly disease is still spreading.

Bai Qianqu asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Don't you know? Zombies, zombies from the Resident Evil?"

"What are zombies?" Jiuxiao was also puzzled, "A kind of zombie? What is the Resident Evil?"

"The Resident Evil is... that is -" Bai Qianqu suddenly remembered that there seemed to be no Resident Evil in this world, and there was no concept of zombies.

The zombies in this world are still in the Chinese legends, the kind of ancient ghosts, specifically the ghosts that people become after death because of the heavy yin energy of the corpse.

It belongs to the category of ghosts and gods, anyway, there is no scientific basis.

In the original world, zombies, as an important part of subculture, were very popular. But before that, the word "zombie" did not exist. In Haitian culture, people believed that voodoo wizards could return people's souls to their bodies and continue to work for their masters. To put it bluntly, the so-called "zombies" at that time still had strong superstitious elements.

It was not until 1929 that the book "Magic Island" was published, which defined zombies as the creation of black magic and portrayed the image of "zombies" for the first time. In 1932, the first zombie movie "White Zombie" appeared.

Interestingly, this is actually a movie that satirizes evil capitalism. It tells the story of a wizard who resurrected many zombies and made them work for him 24 hours a day.

However, some people say that "The Return of the Living Dead" was mentioned in the earlier "Epic of Gilgamesh".

It can be seen that people's imagination is still very rich.

Before 1968, zombies could not escape the label of black magic, until the appearance of "Night of the Living Dead", which separated zombies from religious theology.

Zombies finally became the image in the minds of the public: pure unconscious monsters with only the most primitive hunting desire, all bitten creatures will be infected, the brain is their weakness, etc.

In addition to zombie movies, there are novels, such as the 1954 novel "I Am Legend", which first mentioned the concept of "disease", making people realize that zombies can be humans infected with viruses.

Since the appearance of "Night of the Living Dead", zombie culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has continued to spread in various cultural fields, including movies, novels, games, comics... It can be said that a hundred flowers bloom, and it has continued to this day.

And this time period of this world is still before "Magic Island". People only know zombies, but don't know what zombies are.

"Well, zombies are not zombies, nor are they ghosts and gods." Bai Qianqu patiently explained to everyone, "It is a product created by science."

Hearing this, everyone in the room gathered around, showing curious eyes.

"Can zombies be artificially created?"

"Could it be that some Taoist priests or priests and magicians summoned them using ancient formations?"

"That's not science either."

"Scientists create monsters? This sounds quite new. I thought they only made intelligent robots."

Little Rabbit: "Are you polite?"

"Simply put, it's a virus infection that causes humans to become monsters with only the desire to prey..."

Bai Qianqu briefly introduced the concept of zombies. In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, he also selected several more famous scenes in "Resident Evil" to describe them vividly.


"Zombies...are zombies so scary?"

"You will be infected as soon as you bite! Hiss, what virus can do this? The speed of infection is too fast!"

"Can it mutate? Can a person become as tall as a building? Is this reasonable?"

"Zombies are unreasonable!"

"If the biochemical crisis really happens, where should we hide to survive?"

"Robots should not be infected."


Looking at the people who were talking about it, Bai Qianqu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He could only say that it was a hot topic. He just threw out a concept and it could cause such a heated discussion.

"It's just an idea. Don't be so nervous. It won't really happen."

"Not that I'm nervous." Jiuxiao was a little excited. "With your idea, if it can be used in a game, it will definitely be a very good game! I have thought of the name! It's called "Biochemical Hoodoo Crisis"!"

"One day, a

Scientists have created a virus that infects all the Houmu, turning them into monsters that eat raw meat and drink blood! "

Bai Qianqu:......

How come the game can't be separated from the yellow rabbit?

Looking at the people discussing enthusiastically, Bai Qianqu also fell into deep thought.

Since there are no zombies in this world, I can definitely make a wave, and maybe I can even get the title of "Father of Zombies".

I just don't know how much the "Resident Evil" game will cost, after all, the movies and games in this series are big-budget productions.


The distant Inazuma, Yaedo.

As the world's largest light novel holy land, many people from all over the world come to visit every day.

The office where Yaedo is located The office building, the bottom three floors are open to the public, and like a museum, many excellent works are displayed, even original manuscripts and paintings.

The third floor and up are the office area, which is the dream place for all novelists and illustrators.

At this time, Yaedo seemed a little busy, because the deadline for the illustration competition held before had come, so almost all the editors of Yaedo were busy with this matter.

"This is an event jointly held with P station, and we can't mess it up. You know, P station is now one of the most popular websites for young people, with a huge user base, and it is also one of our closest partners of Yaedo."

"That's natural. Every time we Yaedo adapts a comic work, it is almost first released or exclusively broadcast on P station."

"Haha, there are quite a few entries this time. You know, there are masters among the people, and I don't know how many awesome works will appear."

"In fact, I also submitted this time, but I don't know if I can be selected."

"This time the selection of works is directly placed on the homepage of P station for netizens to vote, and we can't control it. "

Amid the discussion among the editors, all the works were reviewed, unqualified ones were eliminated, and the rest were packaged and numbered in random order until the P station voting channel was opened on the 15th.

At that time, any user who opens P station will see a big event title on the homepage - "Station Girl Election"!

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