The truth is, the truth is that ... Kaiya chuckled and showed a confident look: "Based on various clues, I have a bold guess!"

"These songs are definitely not created by Qu Yin in the past few months! These are his inventory!"

"The reason why he was unknown in the past few years is that he has been creating songs! He has been accumulating songs! And then waited until now to make a big splash!"

"If he was like other composers, he would only release one or two songs a year. Although he could become famous, he would definitely not be as popular as he is now!"

"Or even more extreme and bold..." Kaiya's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, "These songs were not created by him, Or maybe he didn't create it alone, maybe there is a group of creators supporting him behind him!"

The agent looked at Kaiya's performance speechlessly: "If there is such a great creator, why don't they publish the songs themselves? Why do they have to rely on an unknown person? Is there anyone who is selfless enough to publish so many high-quality songs for others?"

"Maybe there are some ulterior motives behind it, such as money transactions?"

"You just said that Qu Yin is a poor man, where does he get the money?"

Kaiya scratched his head, a little embarrassed: " seems so..."

The agent turned He rolled his eyes: "So put away your groundless speculations, don't talk nonsense without evidence, and the company has long issued a gag order, not allowing the spread of or inquiries about Teacher Qu Yin."

Kaiya laughed heartily: "Hahaha, don't take it seriously, I was just joking."

"You can say whatever you want here, as long as you don't say it outside." The agent shook his head helplessly, "Okay, let's talk about business. How familiar are you with the song "Xiaochou"? The company said that they will send a special person to guide you in singing and recording, and I don't know who will be sent. Perform well at that time. As long as you can get the top three with this song, you will be eligible to impact the A level next year."

" I don't really care whether I can reach the A level or not. I am just more interested in Qu Yin. It would be fun if Qu Yin could come to guide me in recording. "

The agent rolled his eyes: "Teacher Qu Yin is so busy. He must be looking for inspiration for the next song. Do you think he is as idle as you, slacking off at work or taking a vacation at any time?"

Kaiya also laughed: "That's right, haha."


At this time, in Yaedo, the staff responsible for statistics of the illustration competition were counting the data. The voting time had come. They needed to analyze the data in the shortest time and then select the work with the highest number of votes.

But now all the staff were staring at the statistics in amazement. They found that the votes for work No. 22 and work No. 33 were exactly the same.

This situation has never happened before, causing everyone to freeze there at a loss, not knowing what to do.

As everyone was looking at each other, an elegant and charming voice came from behind them.

"Little guys, what fun things are you gathering to watch?"

Hearing this voice, everyone turned around and stepped aside, saying respectfully: "Hello, Lord Gongsi."

A gorgeous pink-haired woman walked up slowly, first scanning everyone with purple eyes, and then asked with a smile: "I told you to call me Editor-in-Chief."

Everyone quickly changed their words: "Hello, Editor-in-Chief."

"Yeah." The woman nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, what are you watching?"

"It's like this, Editor-in-Chief," a staff member came forward and said, "In the illustration event we cooperated with P Station, two of the submitted works had the same number of votes. Everyone has never seen this situation before, and they are a little at a loss."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes lit up.

"Such an interesting thing happened?"

She walked quickly to the computer and found that the votes for works No. 22 and No. 33 were both 18240.

"Hahaha, it's true

Meaning," the woman pretended to be in a state of thinking, "Well, with this as a template, maybe it can be written into the plot of the light novel."


The woman waved her hand to stop her subordinates from speaking. She seemed to have sunk into the creation of the novel plot.

After a long while, the woman recovered and said with a smile: "Since the votes for these two works are the same, let's just elect them together. Anyway, they are both first."

"This-how do we explain to P station? After all, they just want to choose a poster girl."

The woman said indifferently: "Anyway, we just announce the results. As for who the poster girl chooses, it is none of our business, right? "

Everyone looked at each other again, and no one spoke in the end, as they all tacitly agreed to the woman's decision.

After all, the editor-in-chief is the one who has the final say. The decisions she makes are the result of careful consideration. Sometimes they may seem inexplicable at first glance, but in the end, they are all proven to be correct without exception.

Everyone is also used to following the woman's arrangements.

In Inazuma, who doesn't know the reputation of Yae Kamiko?

If you want to select the most powerful woman in Inazuma, Yae Kamiko is definitely the first popular candidate.

Even if you pull a random person on the street, it may be Yae Kamiko's dog pretending to be, of course there is a probability that it will be Kamisato Ayaka's dog...

"Let me see, oh? The author of these two works is actually the same person——Noise? What an interesting name, it seems that he has never appeared before."

The subordinate next to him also said: "Yes, this artist has a newly registered account. If a new account is used for this kind of activity, it can be basically determined that it is a newcomer, because there is no advantage for an old artist to open a new account. ”

“It seems that a remarkable guy has appeared.” Yaejinko carefully looked through the two sketches, “Even if it is a contracted artist of our Yaedo, the sketches can’t reach this level, right?”

“Yes, we initially estimated that this artist should be at the A-level painting level.”

“A-level? Hmm~ Interesting, try to contact this artist, if he hasn’t signed yet, sign him, I am very interested in him. Okay, little guys, get this event done, and then continue to dig out light novel authors. The recent light novels are getting more and more boring. I really hope that a good book can be published. Fried tofu is more delicious with light novels...”

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