The more you know about the situation, the more you will be disappointed.

Bai Qianqu sighed, feeling that these people had a deep misunderstanding of him, but he couldn't come up with any evidence to defend himself.

After all, every time he released a new song, many people would be excited, but he swore that he really didn't mean it.

He put down his phone helplessly and saw that the preparation time was almost up, so he looked up and wanted to see how everyone was preparing.

What made him strange was that everyone was still looking down at the paper in their hands, and no one seemed to want to try.

He just took the initiative to ask: "It's almost time, how are you preparing?"

Hearing Bai Qianqu's words, everyone looked up as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Ah! It's ok, Teacher Qu Yin, can we start?"

"Yes, let's start."

It was not the first time for everyone to work together, so they cooperated very well, and soon a melodious melody sounded in the studio.

The bass had a high decibel, and the guitar and piano interspersed in it played a very good auxiliary role. The addition of the violin set the atmosphere to a climax.

This beginning is very good, a very typical pop music beginning, and the accompaniment at the beginning of the song firmly attracted the audience.

At this time, Plank was still leaning on the sofa, with a smile on his face, swaying his body slightly with the rhythm of the melody.

When the rhythm of the guitar fell on the last node, Ying's voice also sounded, and her unique, penetrating voice lifted Plank's spirit!

[Every time

I am strong in wandering loneliness

Every time

Even if I am hurt, I will not shed tears

I know

I have always had a pair of invisible wings

Take me to fly, fly over despair


The lyrics are spoken slowly, but when the song sounded, Plank's hands tightly grasped the armrests of the sofa.

Her expression also became more serious from the indifferent at the beginning. The lyrics at the beginning are very simple, but they use the simplest words to outline a colorful picture in the minds of the audience.

The song is soothing but extremely firm, really like wings, as if slowly lifting a silent heart, gentle but powerful.

Especially when the climax of the song sounded, Plank resisted the urge to stand up, and her hands were tightly grasping the sofa, and her skin was slightly pale.

[I finally see all my dreams blossom

The youth I pursue

The singing voice is so loud

I finally fly

Look carefully without fear

Fly as far as you can wherever there is wind


At this moment, Yingmei's manager's eyes widened, and she held her legs tightly, as if she would stand up uncontrollably in the next second.

I thought I was just rehearsing today, but I didn't expect to come up with a king bomb!

Teacher Quyin actually gave this level of song to her own singer!

And this song was originally intended for Yingmei to perform on the Spring Festival Gala!

At this moment, the manager regretted it so much that she wanted to cry.

With this song, what else do you need? !

This song can completely kill the Spring Festival Gala!

She really wanted to stand up to pay tribute to this song, but she felt that it seemed a bit abrupt to stand up suddenly, so she could only hold it in.

When the climax sounded, she seemed to have goose bumps all over her body!

Yingmei's high-penetrating voice and the passionate accompaniment made her feel that her soul was almost flying away.

[Don't think

They have a beautiful sun

I see

The sunset changes every day

I know

I have always had a pair of invisible wings

Take me to fly and give me hope


At this time, Planck loosened her hands. Her body had leaned forward slightly at some point, and a smile reappeared on her face. If you look closely, you can even see a hint of moisture in her eyes.

There are many commendable human natures, but the most touching ones are very simple.

That is, persistence and redemption.

The courage to never give up and the determination to never bow to fate.

However, these words that people say are extremely difficult to do. Not everyone can persist until the time of redemption, and not everyone has the courage to fight against fate.

But precisely because it is difficult to do, people will generously offer praise and compliments every time.

There are many such inspiring songs, and Planck can't remember how many he has heard.

But there has never been a song like this one that made her

Touched from the bottom of my heart.

Yingmei's singing seemed to touch the softest part of her heart.

This kind of touching actually came very suddenly. Some people walking on the road, suddenly heard a piece of music or saw a blooming flower, and they couldn't stop their tears.

Music is something that enters your ears when you are happy and enters your heart when you are sad. When you are happy, you listen to the melody, and when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.

Love a song, often because of a certain line of lyrics, but what is really touching is not the lyrics, but the stories about this song in your life.

And this song "Invisible Wings" just draws out and magnifies the past in your heart.

In the recording studio, the melody is still echoing, and Ying, who is singing, also closed her eyes slightly. She is completely immersed in that artistic conception, and the emotion of singing has reached a peak state.

In the song, it seems to express resistance to fate, and it seems to express yearning for the future.

Bai Qianqu also stood aside and listened quietly.

Yingmei's performance surprised him. He originally thought that it would take at least a long time of practice to perform perfectly.

After all, the song contains a lot of emotions, and the singer needs to be able to devote himself to it.

Lyrics rehearsal is also a process for singers to constantly adjust. A good lyric naturally requires the singer to exert all his strength to show it.

However, Yingmei reached her peak in the first time. Fortunately, the recording engineer turned on the recording before, otherwise it would be a pity.

This kind of perfect fusion of people and songs is rare, and some people can never find this state again when they sing again.

Bai Qianqu originally just wanted Yingmei to get familiar with it today, but he didn't expect that it was recorded by mistake...

Later, he asked Yingmei to sing it again several times, but she couldn't reach the level of this time.

After the recording was completed, everyone was still immersed in the warmth of the song, but Yingmei's agent was excited and his scalp was numb!

As soon as the recording was over, she stood up uncontrollably, her face full of excitement. She wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth but couldn't say a word.

Lacking the ability to evaluate songs, she was very anxious to express something, but even though she had thousands of words in her heart, she finally blurted out two words.


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