Why do they say they want to live forever?

Because they think their "mission after birth" is to entertain Ouyang Qianjin, or entertain Ouyang Qianjin.

If Ouyang Qianjin really has eternal life, but they die.

How can they have fun then?

"Eternal life? It's really an eternal topic..."

Sitting on the sofa, Ouyang Wanzhang rested his head on the backrest and looked at the glass lamp hanging from the ceiling.

"It might have been impossible before, but who can say for sure in this situation now."

Taking a sip of black tea, Ouyang Wanzhu smiled.

People cannot escape birth, aging, sickness and death.

But that was before.

No one can tell what will happen now and in the future.

"That's true."

Ouyang Wanzhang naturally knew this, but he had no sense of immortality.

He just liked the present and never thought about it, not even this question.

But now, it was about their Ouyang family.

He had no choice but to think about it.

But compared to the lucky 'necromancer' like Ouyang Qianjin.

It is still very difficult for their profession to obtain 'immortality', but at least there is a direction to find fun, right?


As he thought about it, Ouyang Wanzhang's left shoulder began to hurt again.

This is the pain that has appeared from time to time since it was torn off by Ouyang Qianjin's skill.

Some people call it phantom limb pain.

But Ouyang Wanzhang felt that this should be caused by 'the torn wound has not healed'.

It is definitely not a mental illness like hallucination.

"Why, it hurts again."

Ouyang Wanzhu's face was covered with a smile imitating Ouyang Qianjin.

"If it didn't hurt, I wouldn't scream. But it was really painful to endure it in front of my elder sister... But at least I didn't embarrass myself."

Ouyang Wanzhang's soul was burning now. It hurt.

But when he mentioned his endurance in front of Ouyang Qianjin, he couldn't help but proudly show off in front of his own sister.

"Of course."

Ouyang Wanzhu put down the teacup in his hand.

Then he stood up, walked around the sofa, and walked to a row of glass cabinets behind him.

There were different musical instruments of different sizes in the glass cabinets.

From sheng, flute, bassoon, Hulusi, to board, drum, erhu, violin, it can be said that there are all kinds of Chinese and Western musical instruments.

Even cello, guzheng, piano, guitar, bass, etc. can be seen in this room.

It's better to say that except for the coffee table and sofa where they just sat opposite each other.

The rest of the place is filled with musical instruments.

It was like a world musical instrument exhibition hall, which was an eye-opener.

"What do you want to listen to?"

Ouyang Wanzhu asked, looking at the musical instrument in the glass cabinet without looking back.

"Fork bell."

"The musical instrument used by the Pharaoh priestess to communicate with the soul, you know what's good!"

Opening the glass cabinet, Ouyang Wanzhu took out a metal bell with a sun shell tied to it and a goddess' surrender carved on it.

Then he began to shake the beautiful music.

Ouyang Wanzhang leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and looked like he was enjoying it.

The pain just now was reduced.

It was as if the wound of the soul was slowly healing.

But it was only healing.

What was lost was lost, and this was not something that could be repaired by any music.


Just when the two siblings were holding a "concert", Ouyang Qianjin had already walked to the interior of the Whale Sea New World.

Although they suddenly appeared on the Whale Sea.

But except for the initial short section of the road which was a bit muddy and difficult to walk, the rest was relatively easy.

It was like the entire land suddenly fell from the sky, raising a small tsunami before returning to calm.

"Tsk tsk, is the depth of the Whale Sea included in this calculation?"

Ouyang Qianjin was still sitting in her pumpkin carriage, eating melon seeds and complaining.

Just now when entering the new continent, Ouyang Qianjin specially asked Sebastian to check it.

It was found that the plate of the new continent was slightly higher than the original coastline of Black Cat Paradise by a few meters.

Moreover, the continent was not seamless, and there were many lakes and rivers formed by sea water in the middle.

Although there may be some discrepancies between this and the land area calculated by Ouyang Qianjin, it does not seem to be a big deal.

The important thing is the reward!

And the things on this land!

Although there are many signs of monsters around.

But in the pumpkin

The car was guarded by golem puppets, and the rest were all skeletons.

There were also many gargoyles flying in the sky.

In terms of the size of the team, it was enough to scare them away.

To be honest,

Ouyang Qianjin now had many more gargoyles than golem puppets.

There were only two or three thousand golem puppets.

But there were eight or nine thousand gargoyles, close to ten thousand!

After shoveling away the concrete in the parking lot and some collapsed buildings, Ouyang Qianjin felt it was a waste, so she turned them all into gargoyles.

For these, she even spent several thousand cattle and sheep.

If you say she was frugal, she used scrapped building materials.

If you say she was extravagant, she used several thousand cattle and sheep.

It felt like "I made dumplings just to eat that little bit of vinegar."

"Sebastian, do you know this place?"

The team was walking on a weedy plain, and Ouyang Qianjin sat at a low table and asked Sebastian in the car.

"I don't know. We need to wait for the specific information from Canon to be sure."

Sebastian shook his head, with a kind of loneliness in his tone.

"That's right."

Looking at Sebastian sitting cross-legged in the car, Ouyang Qianjin nodded indifferently.

Then the two stopped talking.

Ouyang Qianjin continued to eat melon seeds, and Sebastian accompanied him silently.

From time to time, he went up to add some hot tea.

Now that Ouyang Qianjin is moving, it means that Canon, who is leading the way in front, can get a larger range of activities.

So there is no need to climb the mountain to observe the place that Sebastian wanted him to observe before.

Instead, go directly to the 'original place' in Sebastian's mind.

It's just that the other party has not sent back any news yet.

So they can only wait.

Boring, but a little expectant.

What Ouyang Qianjin was looking forward to was the rich resources on this land.

And what Sebastian was looking forward to was——

[Miss, some building remains were found at the place designated by Sebastian. Judging from the scale, it should be a small city. 】

Canon sent back the news.

Ouyang Qianjin and Sebastian both heard it.

Then the two fell into silence.

Pa Pa Pa——

Ouyang Qianjin patted the melon seed shells on her hands.

Then she picked up the teacup filled with green tea and took a sip like Ouyang Wanzhu.

"Windmill Territory?"

Ouyang Qianjin put down the teacup and said lightly while looking at the tea in the teacup that was slightly rotating and shaking.


Sebastian was a little sad.

He had come to Windmill Territory since he was in his thirties.

This place was also his hometown.

He didn't expect to be able to return here again hundreds of years after his death.

"Hahaha! That's really wonderful..."

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