The old man was buried in the tomb.

Yato Shrine.

Located in the cherry blossom country of Yatoyama.

In terms of geographical location, it can be said that it is "across the sea" from the Black Cat Paradise.

Black Cat Paradise is in the north, and Yato Shrine is in the south.

There is a whale sea of ​​about 850 kilometers in between.

Just as Ouyang Qianjin led the army to the territory of Yato Shrine where Kobayakawa Tomoyo was located.

In the main hall of Yato Shrine, a strong man was sitting on a small stool with a big horse and a golden sword. The strong man was wearing samurai armor and a helmet with two big sharp horns on his head.

But the most eye-catching thing is the strong man's eyes.

On the closed right eye, there was a very obvious, horrible knife wound from top to bottom, which almost occupied half of the face.

It looked quite old, probably several years or even more than ten years ago.

The other eye was open.

But the only open eye looked scarlet, and even had a glow.

It was obvious that he was not easy to mess with.

Under the strong man's hands, two groups of people were kneeling on the left and right.

One group was wearing the same samurai armor as the strong man.

The other group was dressed as monks wearing black and white monk robes and rosary beads around their necks.

"Your Highness, the people who went out to investigate just now came back to report that the cause of the earthquake was a huge piece of land that suddenly appeared on the sea of ​​​​cherry blossoms."

A samurai supported his hands on the tatami, lowered his head, and reported to the strong man.

"Huge? Huh, how huge?"

The strong man's voice was unpleasant.

It was like the call of a frog, with a "high-pitched feeling" that did not match his body.

After the sturdy man snorted, the temperature in the entire shrine hall seemed to drop by a few degrees.

Batou Mountain is not very high.

And because of its geographical location, it is still in a small basin.

So from this position, you can't see what is happening outside.

So after the violent earthquake, the sturdy man sent people to check the situation.

It took about 7 hours to get the report just now.

"According to the spy's report, he ran north for three hours and didn't see the end."

The subordinate reported like this.

"Three hours north..."

The sturdy man called "Your Highness" frowned slightly.

Based on his understanding of his spies, running at full speed for three hours can run 300 kilometers.

But even so, he couldn't reach the northernmost sea.

That's really big.

"Is it so big?"

"Who would have thought that it was land that descended this time?"

"I don't know what the resources are on it."

"The spy ran at full speed for three hours, so it must be at least 300 kilometers?"

"Yes, with such a large area, there will be a lot more grain-producing land in the future."

"Then let the warriors take the serfs up there and try to cultivate it first?"

"I don't think it's appropriate."

"Why don't we let the monks go over there to see how big it is and investigate it at the same time?"

"It is indeed necessary. Now we only know how big the land is, but we don't know what is on it."

"Warcraft, land, mountains, rivers, maybe minerals and rare medicines?"


After listening to the report, everyone began to express their opinions.

The whole hall was noisy like a vegetable market.

Although earthquakes occur almost every day in Sakura Country, earthquakes like the previous one are rarely experienced.

So before getting the news, people didn't think anything.

But when the news came back, everyone's thoughts changed.

The Batou Shrine is originally a small basin, and the land is not rich.

And there are a circle of monsters around.

Even if you want to fight it out, it is not an easy thing.

Although there are people who escaped from outside during this period.

But with the increasing number of people, this piece of land has long been overwhelmed.

Even so, it was only because the leading strong warrior conquered many monsters and monsters that it was won.

But if you want to continue to expand outward, you can only do it slowly.

Originally, they had found a very suitable method.

Just need to eat away at the territory of the monsters little by little as time goes by.

Unexpectedly, such a large piece of land suddenly appeared now, and it happened to be the northern port they had just opened some time ago.

That's simply a pie in the sky, a good thing for a pillow when you are sleepy!

At that time, not only can you get a lot of territory through there, but also

Through there, you can go to the east-west passage that has never been opened.

But to be honest.

If it weren't for the powerful monsters and magic beasts around, they wouldn't be as powerful as they are now.


Just when everyone was "speaking freely", the only strong man sitting on a small stool at the head stabbed his samurai sword into the ground.

Just a moment.

The originally noisy "vegetable market" was as quiet as the "execution ground" after the execution of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Everyone shut up.

"Your Highness, what do you think?"

The white-haired old man in armor at the front of the right asked carefully.


The strong man closed his soul-stirring red eyes and continued to think.

"Dear curators, I haven't finished reporting yet."

The man who was kneeling on the ground with his head down just now has not raised his head until this moment, and still maintains the previous action.

! ?

The people who were discussing fiercely just now only realized that there was a person kneeling in the middle!


The little strong man didn't waste words.

"After the spy advanced about 360 kilometers to the north, he found that there seemed to be a thick black cloud moving southward."

"Although the speed is slow, it is certain that it is moving southward."

"Because the spy needs to report back, a group of people were left behind."

"But until now, no definite news has been reported back."

"I guess there may be some evil spirits in this land, and I need your instructions."


The people who were happy about getting the land just now can't laugh now.

Evil spirits moving southward?

This is not good news.

Although the coast of the northern part of Sakura Country near the Whale Sea is very long, the black cloud may not necessarily come to the place where the Eight-Headed Shrine is located.

But it should be certain that there may be enemies in it.

It doesn't actually matter what the black cloud is.

The important thing is that they must take over this vast land.

"Send someone to confirm."



When the meeting was over, everyone walked out of the chilly hall.

However, the temperature outside, where it was snowing heavily, was not much higher than inside the hall.

"His Highness Kobayakawa has agreed. Samurai, monks, and serfs, all move. Those who need to go to investigate should go to investigate, and those who need to reclaim should go to reclaim."

"This is the biggest and most critical moment for our Yato Jinja Shrine. If anyone fails at this critical moment, I will be the first to chop him off!"

The one who spoke was the white-haired old man just now.

At this moment, he was holding the hilt of the knife and giving orders to the people who were leaving.

"Director Yamashita, about the matter of the black cloud..."

"Didn't His Highness Kobayakawa say that he should continue to send people to confirm! Even if he doesn't come to us, the land of the New World must be ours!"


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