The frost was frozen, and the rest of the people were stunned.


After seeing these dozen people frozen by frost, the rest of the people could not help but be stunned.

Then they turned their heads and looked at Kobayakawa who was sitting steadily at the head.

I don't know when

You know, they came to respond to the call of the Kobayakawa family.

Unexpectedly, this person killed people when they disagreed.

Killing people is fine, but they also want them to accept other people's troops?

Although they are willing to do so.

But this is somewhat unreasonable.

And the most important thing is that they are also afraid that they will become the next such existence.

After all, you can't even see any expression on Kobayakawa Daisuke's face.

Not to mention the "unpredictable"...

Such an unpredictable expression suddenly made them feel that responding to Kobayakawa this time was not a wise move.

But now they were on the ship, and it seemed that it would not be easy to get off the ship.

Receive the army of these people?

It seems to be a good thing.

It happened that they had lost some troops when they went to investigate Ouyang Qianjin's bottom.

Now it happened that there were still some troops left.

It was also a good thing.

So, after weighing the pros and cons, everyone nodded silently in silence.

It was considered to agree with Kobayakawa

"Uh... Speaking of which, because of the chaos just now, we all forgot to ask the reason..."

After walking out of the main hall, a leader suddenly remembered what they had been asking before.

You know, the death of more than a dozen leaders was caused by this incident.

"If you want to die, go back and ask. Anyway, Kobayakawa doesn't plan to tell you."

"Humph, he was just a street thug before, but now he's a decent person."

"This is the end of the world, an era where even dogs can turn over."

Although they also want to know what caused this battle.

But after seeing Kobayakawa Daisuke take action, no one is willing to ask again.

After all, they are here to 'make money', not to 'play with their lives'.

I've made up my mind. If the situation is not right when fighting with Ouyang Qianjin, I will immediately take people and run away.

Or turning against them is also a good choice...

There is no need to hang on a tree, right?

"Director Yamashita! Look up in the sky!"

Just when the leaders were scattered to various hilltops to receive people, someone suddenly called Director Yamashita.

Although it is still snowing and cold in the sky.

But the afternoon sun still has some temperature.

Let those who bask in the sun get temporary warmth.

However, the sky, which was supposed to be clear, was slowly getting darker.

Looking up, there was a dark cloud approaching in the northern sky.

This cloud was very familiar to Director Yamashita.

I saw it almost every day during this period.

On the live broadcast sent back by Raven...

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

In an instant, the white-haired Director Yamashita shouted at the top of his lungs and turned to rush into the main hall.

The scene was so funny.

However, the warriors and monks around, whether they were standing guard or resting, could not laugh.

As soon as they heard the word "enemy attack", they immediately picked up their weapons.

Even some female warriors raised their naginatas to prepare for battle.

After all, everyone had lived from the Advent Day to the present, and they had experienced this kind of battle countless times and knew the importance of fighting hard.

But this time seemed a little different.

There were actually rumors about them.

Since Hanzo's team disappeared half a month ago, the upper echelons have been sending out soldiers to conduct reconnaissance.

Even more than ten days ago, they went out from that strange land through the newly opened port to "invite for battle".

But judging from the foreign troops that have been coming recently and the people who have been sent out and never come back.

Rather than saying it's an "invitation", they think it's more like a "request for help".

But anyway.

Now all we have to do is prepare for war! Then kill the enemy or be killed!


"What a depressing place, this Eight-Headed Shrine."

Ouyang Qianjin sat in the pumpkin carriage, eating melon seeds, looking at the dark scenery outside the window.

Since she encountered the last wave of samurai attacks half a day ago, her skeleton army has stepped into this black place.

Although Ouyang Qianjin also knew that this was basically certain to be the skill of the raven priestess of the Eight-Headed Shrine.

But she

But I still can't like the scene in front of me.

After all, I am an 18-year-old girl who has been in the hospital for so long.

In the hospital, I face a large area of ​​white all day long, and now I have to face a whole area of ​​black.

It is impossible to say that I am not irritated.

So now I use melon seeds to kill time.

No, to be more precise, it should be a weak diversion of my attention.

Not to say that something is better than nothing, at least it is very little.

But it doesn't matter now.

Because Ouyang Qianjin has seen it.

"What... what is that!"

"Eyes? Why are there so many eyes!?"

The professionals who were on standby around Batou Mountain looked up at the pale eyes like sketches on the black clouds in the sky and asked with a trembling voice.

They knew it was a skill.

After all, half a year has passed, and people who have seen a lot of messy skills know that "when in doubt, treat it as a skill" is definitely not wrong.

But the problem is that this skill is too big and too weird now!

As soldiers below, they were not told that the target of this battle was a necromancer.

They didn't know that this necromancer was the "well-known" Ouyang Qianjin.

So they still thought it was the BOSS that existed in the new world after it appeared.

But they didn't guess about the black cloud.

They just thought it was the "change of heaven and earth" in the new world.

But the strange performance of [Eye of Darkness] still made these people feel chilled.

Think about it.

So many eyes suddenly appeared in the sky, and anyone who was not stupid knew that the battle between them would be under the surveillance of the "BOSS".

If the battle started.

Every move of their side would be seen through.

There was no room for strategy at all, and they could only fight hard!

You have to know that this is not an ideal thing for both battle and morale.

Although no one wanted to think so.

But the word "defeat" still appeared very smoothly in everyone's mind at this moment.

Once this thought arises in the mind.

Some people can't even hold their weapons steady.

"What...what should I do?"

A samurai holding a samurai sword trembled with his hands and looked up at the large and small sketch eyes in the air and muttered.

"Bah...Bah! Don't ask me...I..."

A ninja squatting on the ground with a short sword in his hand and his mouth covered couldn't help but complain.

"Wait! What is that!"

But there was a strange thing in the distance where this ninja was responsible for observing, interrupting his previous complaints.

"That is...skeletons! Skeleton army!?"

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