The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next person to come to the party.

Yingmei slapped Kong, who looked like a pig next to her, and walked towards Bronya's table.

"Hello, are you Bronya's general manager?" Ying asked politely.

Although she entered the October new song list, she did not become arrogant and conceited, at least not in front of Anti-Entropy.

Anti-Entropy is one of the leaders in the industry, with more than 10,000 singers under its banner, not to mention that Bronya, as the general manager, has the power of life and death over Anti-Entropy's singers.

Bronya also noticed Ying, and stood up with a smile, shaking hands with Ying's sister: "Ms. Ying, please take a seat, the one behind is——"

She looked at behind Ying with some doubts, and Kong's eyes were straight.

Ying secretly gritted her teeth and stepped on Kong's foot.


Kong immediately put on a mask of pain.

Ying's sister said very embarrassedly: "This is my brother, Kong. He followed me out because he was worried that it would be unsafe for me to come out alone."

Bronya didn't care, just nodded with a smile: "Please take a seat, both of you. Oh, I forgot to introduce, this is Bai Qianqu, our composer of Anti-Entropy, and his stage name is Quyin."

Hearing Bronya's introduction, Ying and Kong cast their eyes to Bronya's side, and after seeing Bai Qianqu's face clearly, they all took a breath of cold air.

"Teacher Qu Yin?!"

The two of them were naturally very concerned about this composer who was very popular on the Internet, and Ying especially liked his song "The Wind Rises", so she even used this song as her cell phone ringtone.

Yingmei said excitedly: "Hello, Teacher Qu Yin! I'm your fan!"

Bai Qianqu knew it was time for him to speak, and he stretched out his hand to Ying: "Hello."

Ying stretched out his hand excitedly, but was beaten by Kong next to him.

He stretched out both hands and grasped Bai Qianqu's hand, ignoring Yingmei's murderous gaze, and kept swinging it up and down.

"I've heard a lot about you! Teacher Qu Yin, nice to meet you!"

Bai Qianqu:......

I'm saying hello to Yingmei, what are you doing rushing up?

He tried to pull his hand back, but failed twice in a row.

An idea emerged in Bai Qianqu's mind.

This guy... is he a sister control?

Finally, after the third attempt, Bai Qianqu pulled back his hand. Kong's hand was so strong that it made his hand red.

Bronya watched the scene with interest, even gloating.

Seeing that the farce was over, she spoke: "Okay, since everyone knows each other, I will get straight to the point."

"Miss Ying, what do you think of the suggestion I made to you on the phone?"

Hearing this, Ying withdrew her hand from Kong's waist and sorted out her words.

"I am honored to receive the invitation from Anti-Entropy, but my request remains unchanged. I hope your company can help me write a song. If it satisfies me, I will agree to join Anti-Entropy. I have also told Zhuhuo about this request."

Ying's words are very clear. This means that I will join whichever side of you, Anti-Entropy or Zhuhuo, whose song satisfies me the most.

The reason why she made this request was actually because she had no choice.

November is the annual new singer competition. Almost all new singers who debuted this year will participate, and Ying is no exception.

As long as she gets a good ranking in the new singer competition, it will have countless benefits for her future career development.

But as an independent singer, the songs she released before were either written by herself or outsourced to others. Without the help of professional lyricists and composers, it is difficult for singers to go further.

Of course, she can also choose to join the company directly, so that the company can be responsible for her lyrics and music, but Ying doesn't want to do this, because if she joins the company casually, she will be no different from those ordinary singers, and it will be difficult to attract the attention of the company, let alone the resources for training.

So she wants to get a good ranking in the new singer competition, and use it as a bargaining chip to gain the favor and attention of the company.

Bronya naturally saw Ying's idea at a glance.

"You want a good song to participate in the new singer competition, right?"

Ying didn't hide it, and nodded openly: "Yes."

Bronya pondered for a moment, and suddenly looked at Bai Qianqu.

Bai Qianqu's heart tightened when Bronya looked at her like this!

Could it be that she had just peeked at Ying being

Yaya found out?

Damn, it's all because I'm too beautiful. I looked at it too much without paying attention.

Bronya certainly didn't know what Bai Qianqu was thinking. She said, "Qianqu, you are also a composer who just debuted this year. Logically, you should also participate in this year's new singer competition."

"Ah?" Bai Qianqu was stunned, "I can't sing."

"Who asked you to sing." Bronya smiled, "You are asked to write a song for a new singer and participate in it as a group."

"That's fine." Bai Qianqu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it. He didn't want to sing under the spotlight. Just thinking about it made his legs weak.

"That's no problem." Bronya showed a sly smile, "You just work harder and write a song for Miss Ying to participate in the new singer competition. You will definitely get a good ranking if you team up as a group."

"Ah?" Bai Qianqu and Ying both widened their eyes and exclaimed in unison.

But Bai Qianqu was surprised, while Ying was pleasantly surprised.

Let Teacher Qu Yin be your composer to participate in the New Singer Contest?

Isn't this a complete mess?

Teacher Qu Yin has won the first place in the new song list!

Bronya explained: "Yes, the rigid requirement of the New Singer Contest is that not only the singers, but also the new songs sung by the singers must be written by new songwriters. Of course, singers can also cover old songs. This rule is mainly to prevent the situation where there are big guys leading the way, which is unfair to other singers."

Bronya glanced at Bai Qianqu again: "You just debuted this year, of course you meet the requirements, and if you can get a good ranking in the New Singer Contest, you will naturally benefit a lot. Apart from anything else, you can become famous just by taking advantage of the popularity of the contest."

Ying was very happy at this time. In her original imagination, whether it was Nien Tang or Zhu Huo, at most they would send a newly debuted C-level composer to help her write songs. After all, a small singer like her is not enough to alarm the big guys above B level to do it personally.

But I didn't expect that Nien Tang sent Teacher Qu Yin.

Although this person is also C-level, this is not an ordinary C-level. How can a C-level person get the first place on the new song list?

Generally speaking, those who can get the first place on the new song list are at least B-level.

PS: It's tragic. The first show is over, haha, and it's... a failure.

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