The new song is still a big hit, but the new song is still a big hit.

On October 3, at noon, many netizens suddenly discovered that a new song suddenly appeared on the new song list, and it occupied the 20th place right from the start.

"What song is this? How did it suddenly become a hit? And it's ranked so high?"

"Look at the name behind the song, "Fleeting Time" - the theme song of the movie "Fifteen Years"!"

"Oh, I know, it's the latest movie by Tianming! Many people on the Internet are recommending it, saying that the theme song of the movie is very good, but I haven't had time to watch it yet."

"Wow, this movie was just released yesterday, right? The theme song was released the next day, which is really fast."

"Everyone says that the theme song of this movie is good, I want to listen to it, what is it like!"

"It can be in the top 20, so the quality should be good, right?"

"My friend After watching the movie, my friend recommended it to me like crazy, but the movie ticket was too expensive, and I was not interested in romantic movies, so I never listened to it. Now I can finally listen to it on the platform, and it is much cheaper here. "

"I heard a short part of my bestie singing it, it was very nice! Now I can finally hear the original singer! Subscribe first!"

"I just watched the movie yesterday! When the theme song sounded, I burst into tears. I didn't expect the platform to be launched so quickly. I subscribe without saying anything!"


The reaction of netizens was very intense. Many people who had watched the movie chose to subscribe without saying a word, which made many people very interested in this song.

So one person spread ten, ten people spread a hundred, and "Fleeting Time" was just released at 12 noon, and it rushed into the top 20. However, the speed of the increase in the number of subscriptions has not slowed down, but has continued to rise.

The singers in the top 20 suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Looking at the original 20th place, they had been kicked out, and now they were pitifully staying at the 21st place, looking like they had been ravaged.

It felt like everyone was in the room, fighting fiercely, and it was hard to tell who was better. Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open, and a masked man came in with a big and thick baseball bat, and locked the door with his backhand.

He almost said: Ah! Stand still!

But no matter what everyone thought, at 1 pm, in just one hour, "Fleeting Years" had defeated five people and came directly to the 15th place.

The 15th singer was a little girl who had just debuted for two years. She was scared and cried at this time.

There was no way. Below the top ten, almost no one could face this song directly. Looking at the terrifying increase in the number of subscriptions, everyone didn't even have the strength to fight.

The singers were also in a frenzy at this time. In a large group of professional singers, the message instantly became 99+. These first- and second-tier singers who usually didn't show up much now all appeared.

"Fleeting Time? How fast is that? Killing five people in one hour, too scary!"

"I'm the twelfth, why do I feel like my life is in jeopardy?"

"At this rate, Fleeting Time will probably kill you by three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Fortunately, I'm the tenth, so it shouldn't affect me, right?"

"Not necessarily, unless the rate slows down, the top ten will be broken."

"Who sings this song? Rosalin? It seems to be a B-level singer? Is she in the group?"

"@Rosalin, @Rosalin!"

"Don't @ I forgot that she had a quarrel with management last time and was kicked out? "" Uh ... "" I know Rosalin. Although she has a good voice, she is definitely not amazing. Listen to it, this song is just a god! "Many singers heard that they went to the platform and listened to the song. They were in the group. "I am envious of my A -level.

"Brother Li, do you think this song is good?" someone asked.

The S-level singer surnamed Li replied: "To be honest, if this song is thrown into the circle of S-level singers, there will definitely be a lot of people competing for it. Some people will even give up the song's dividends in order to compete for the right to sing this song."

As soon as this was said, the group was in an uproar.

Giving up dividends! This is the biggest concession a singer has made for a song!

Although the singer's dividends account for a relatively small proportion, if the total amount is increased, it is actually a lot of money.

And the most important thing is this attitude, which is completely to please the creator of the song, which shows how attractive this song is to the singer.

This is what the S-level boss said in person, and it is very credible.

"The lyrics and music of this song are all written by one person!"

Everyone took a closer look and took a breath of cold air again.

On the lyrics and music creation column, there was indeed only one person's name, all of them were [Qu Yin]!

"Qu Yin! It's him! "Many people recognized it immediately, "The song that ranked first on the new song list last month, he also wrote the lyrics and music of that song!"

"This is terrifying, brothers and sisters! He has been responsible for all the lyrics and music for two consecutive songs, and the quality is ridiculously high! This Qu Yin is too awesome!"

"He doesn't look like a newcomer at all! Even the old creators who have been working for decades can't compare to his profound lyrics and music creation skills!"

"Could it be a vest of some big guy?"

"To be able to write songs of this quality, the big guy still has to wear a vest? He can kill the same level directly!"

"That's right...that's right. If that's the case, is this Qu Yin really a genius composer?"

"One song "The Wind Rises" and one song "Fleeting Years" directly established his position in the music industry. I'm afraid no one will dare to underestimate him in the future."

"Stop talking, he has already exploded the chrysanthemum of the tenth place!"

"What? ! ”

When everyone in the group saw this message, they were all shocked and rushed to check the rankings. Sure enough, they saw "Fleeting Time" at the tenth place.

The singer who was originally ranked tenth was lost and his eyes were dull: "How... How could it be..."

PS: Thank you for the gifts, and add another chapter! That's right! Generating electricity for love is my favorite!

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