The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Bronya took it and looked at it curiously, and her eyes widened and she took a breath.

This document actually required most of the Kamisato family's assets in Changkong City to be used as collateral, and the total value involved was more than 1 billion!

Bronya put down the document in doubt: "Are you serious about this, Ms. Kamisato?"

Ayaka Kamisato still nodded with a smile on her face: "Of course it's true."

"The amount involved is too large, I wonder if Ms. Kamisato can make the decision?" Bronya was not overwhelmed by the huge amount of money, but became calmer, "I want to ask one thing clearly, is this cooperation the intention of the Kamisato family, or - is it Ms. Kamisato's own intention?"

Ayaka Kamisato showed a trace of panic on her face, but it was quickly suppressed.

"Is there any difference between what I mean and what Kamisato family means?"

"Of course it's interesting." Bronya suddenly smiled, "If it's Kamisato family's intention, this cooperation can indeed represent a high degree of sincerity, and the weight it contains is naturally heavy enough. But if it's your personal intention--"

Bronya looked up and down at Kamisato Ayaka: "Excuse me, you are not heavy enough."

"You--" Kamisato Ayaka frowned, but soon relaxed, "Miss Bronya is really smart, you saw through it at a glance. That's right, this cooperation is my personal negotiation with Anti-Entropy."

Bronya looked shrewd: "Then these conditions you proposed--"

"The conditions naturally count." Kamisato Ayaka said quickly, "The industries in Changkong City are written in my name, and I have the right to call on these industrial resources."

Hearing this, Bronya also raised her eyebrows.

"You are worthy of being the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, but I'm sorry, I still refuse to cooperate with you."

"Why?" Kamisato Ayaka's face showed a blank expression for the first time. She didn't understand why she had shown such great sincerity, but why Bronya still refused.

"Because the risk is too great." Bronya leaned back on the chair, "You are a member of the Kamisato family, which allows you to own these huge industries, but also because you are a member of the Kamisato family, these industries will eventually belong to the Kamisato family, not you. What the Kamisato family can give you, they can take back in the end. If I guess correctly, these industries should no longer be in your name now."

"How is it possible--"

Kamisato Ayaka's phone suddenly rang. After she answered it, she put it to her ear, and soon her face changed. After hanging up the phone, Kamisato Ayaka silently put her hands on her knees and took a deep breath.

"Ms. Bronya, you are right, the Kamisato family has frozen all the industries under my name."

Bronya had an expected expression.

The eldest daughters of such big families usually look glorious on the surface, but in fact, everything depends on their own families. When the family does not want to support them, they will immediately fall into the mortal world.

So from the moment Bronya saw Kamisato Ayaka, she knew that this conversation would not have any results.

The big family will not allow a person who is out of control to appear.

Looking at the distraught Kamisato Ayaka in front of her, Bronya felt a trace of sympathy.

Think about it, such a girl who originally lived in a greenhouse suddenly had such a heavy burden on her shoulders, and was also guarded against and suppressed by people in the same family. The grievances she suffered can be imagined.

As for the cooperation proposal proposed by Kamisato Ayaka, Bronya actually thought about it carefully. If it can really be achieved, it will indeed bring a lot of benefits to Anti-Entropy. Not to mention anything else, there are also many fine works in Inazuma's dialect songs. If the two sides can smoothly exchange culture, the quality of Anti-Entropy's singers may rise to a higher level.

Unfortunately, as the biggest cultural power in Inazuma, most of the Kamisato family are stubborn conservatives. They are not only conservative, but also particularly opposed to other entertainment companies intervening in the cultural industry in Inazuma, worried that their dominance will be challenged.

Previously, the head of the Kamisato family overcame all objections and finally reached an agreement with Nientropy to let Nientropy open a branch in Inazuma to exchange culture, but after an accident, the conservatives of the Kamisato family immediately tore up the agreement.

Even if Kamisato Ayaka personally came to ask for cooperation, Bronya did not believe that the Kamisato family would support her.

In these big families, the so-called family affection is a joke in the face of interests.


Nia was about to say something to comfort Kamisato Ayaka, but she spoke first.

"I'm sorry to waste your time."

Looking at the staggering Kamisato Ayaka, Bronya couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you know that there are so many people in your family who oppose you?"

Shinri Ayaka nodded somewhat blankly, then shook her head: "I know that many people will oppose you, but I didn't expect them to be so heartless. These industries are all left to me by my father, and I have been managing them all these years. I thought they would not be like this..."

Bronya couldn't help but said: "How can you be so naive? The most ruthless imperial family is the Kamisato family. The Kamisato family is the real emperor in the Inazuma culture. How can you pin your hopes on their family affection?"

"You treat them as relatives, but what about in their eyes? Maybe in their eyes, you are not even considered a member of the Kamisato family. After all, girls always have to get married. How could they give these industries to others with you? Maybe they have been thinking about how to take these industries away from you a long time ago, uh..."

The voice suddenly stopped, Bai Qianqu looked up strangely, and found that drops of tears slid from her chin and dripped on her hands.

Bai Qianqu widened her eyes and found that Bronya looked at herself a little at a loss.

Are you crying?

Good boy, you are worthy of it.

However, Bai Qianqu was also a little surprised. In his impression, Kamisato Ayaka was a very strong girl, kind and generous, and polite to others. With her intelligence, Ayaka was impeccable in her dealings with potential partners and difficult nobles.

But here, Kamisato Ayaka seemed to be a child who had just taken over the banner. Her behavior was dignified, elegant and polite, but she was still very immature in her understanding of people's hearts.

Or, in the past, Ayaka only showed her successful side in front of outsiders, and before that, she grew up quickly after experiencing these pains, right?

PS: Few people mentioned Ayaka's early experience. When her parents were still alive, Ayaka was a playful child who did not understand family responsibilities and lacked the skills and experience to deal with various people. Ayaka's father aged prematurely, and the status of the Kamisato family also plummeted. After her father passed away, the burden fell on Ayato's shoulders. She was no longer the little Ayahua. Now she is Kamisato Ayahua, the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family. Sword training has become a part of daily life, and it has continued from the day it started until now, without interruption. After an unknown number of days, Ayahua was finally able to defeat the enemy with one strike. In an instant, ice flowers condensed in the dojo, and in the middle of the dojo, a "God's Eye" as bright as an ice ridge hung on the tip of her sword. After thousands of hammers and grindings, Su Zhen was unstoppable, and even the gods were moved.

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