The first time I saw her was a big success.

When Rosaline's ranking entered the top ten, she couldn't believe it. She even wiped her eyes and looked at it three times to make sure she was not dreaming.

"I... I'm in the top ten?!"

The agent was already very happy: "In, in!"

At this time, Rosaline was ecstatic: "I'm the eighth! I'm the eighth in the Battle of the Little Gods!"

The two of them didn't care about signing any contracts and were completely immersed in joy.

Suddenly, Rosaline shouted.

"Teacher Qu Yin is awesome!"

The manager was stunned for a moment, then laughed and shouted, "Teacher Qu Yin is awesome!"

It's no wonder that the two were so happy. As a B-level singer, being able to get into the top ten in such a battle is simply a fantasy. I dare not say that there will be no one like him in the future, but it is definitely unprecedented.

This is the first time that a B-level singer can enter the Battle of the Little Gods! Even Eden wrote a song for an A-level singer to sing, which is how he won the top ten of the Battle of the Little Gods that year, and he was in the top three.


The industry at this time was also in complete shock.

Who would have thought that a C-level composer with a B-level singer could beat more than a dozen people and rush into the top ten?

If someone had said this to them before, they would definitely suspect that the person's brain was wrong.

But now that the facts are in front of them, they began to suspect that their eyes were wrong again.

Until now, "Fleeting Time" has established itself in the top ten with more than 30 million downloads, and everyone realized that there was nothing wrong with their eyes, this is true!

And several new topics appeared in the hot searches of the day.

#The first B-level singer in history to enter the top ten of the October New Songs Chart! #

#Anti-Entropy creates glory again! Another contestant entered the top ten of the October New Songs Chart! #

#Rosaline's new song "Fleeting Time" won the top ten of the New Songs Chart! #

#The mysterious C-level composer Qu Yin! #

#The best dark horse of the year is none other than him! #


A group of A-level singers in the industry looked at each other, and they were all a little stunned.

This feeling is like a group of A-levels were passionately gunning in the desert, and suddenly a C+ entered the room and shot everyone in the head without saying a word.

Anyone can't help but want to shout.

"You're fucking on!"

But reality is not a game, Rosaline can't cheat.

"No! She's on!" Suddenly, a singer spoke in the group, causing everyone to show puzzled expressions.

"Her cheat is the music!"

As soon as this was said, the singers in the group suddenly realized it!

That's right! Rosalin was just an ordinary B-level singer, how could she suddenly become so powerful?

The problem lies in the song she sang!

Everyone has heard the song sung by Rosalin, and it was enlightened at this time, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt it was right!

Many singers had an idea in their minds-if I were to sing this song...

Immediately, several A-level and even S-level singers were enlightened. Their voices were not worse than Rosalin's, and they were even better in terms of skills!

If they sang "Fleeting Years", let alone the top ten, even the top five or top three would not be impossible!

"Damn it! She was actually led by Teacher Qu Yin!"

"I was wondering how Rosalin could be so strong, it turns out she got a good song!"

"Why didn't I get the song?"

"If it were me, I would definitely be in the top five with this song! I'm just one song away from being promoted to S-level!"

"Move back a little, if you give it to me, I can be in the top three! Only the top three are worthy of this divine song!"

"Rosalin is simply wasting talent! I only regret that I didn't know Teacher Qu Yin at the beginning! She took advantage of me!"

"You don't know her now either?"

"It doesn't matter, I've asked my agent to contact Anti-Entropy, and my next song will be scheduled with Teacher Qu Yin!"

"Ah?! You actually sneaked away! I want to schedule a song with Teacher Qu Yin, too!"

"Me too!"


While a group of first- and second-tier singers in the industry were vying to schedule a song with Qu Yin, the songwriters in the industry were focusing on the other side.

"Hey, this music has something to it." The speaker is a senior A-level composer, who is also the creator of the fifth song of the Battle of the Little Gods.


Indeed," echoed the voice of an A-level composer who did not participate in the Battle of the Gods. "He won the first place in the new song list just after his debut last month. This time, he shined again and entered the top ten. "

Someone else joined the discussion: "When I heard the news last month, I just thought this junior was good. Although the song he wrote was just an ordinary pop song, the melody was very good. "

"Yeah, I didn't care at first, but now it seems that this junior is really good. "

"The strength of the composers who debuted in the past two years is not very good, and the songs they wrote are really hard to describe. But the two songs written by Qu Yin are really good, especially the latest one. If he participates in the Battle of the Gods, he may be able to enter the top 20!"

"Wow! You think so highly of him?"

"Be realistic. He just debuted and has no fame. If this song was written by an A-level composer and sung by an S-level singer, what do you think? "

As soon as this was said, everyone fell into deep thought.

It would be fine if we didn't think about it, but now that we think about it carefully, everyone can't help but be a little surprised.

It seems... that's really what he meant!

The fan base of first-line singers is not a small number, and they are born with a conspicuous aura, which is the best way to promote it.

With the help of the company, the War of the Gods is not without a chance to fight.

Of course, the most important thing is that the song "Fleeting Years" is really of high quality, and even an A-level composer can't write it casually.

Many composers in the group quietly Comparing their own masterpieces with "Fleeting Time", the more they compare, the more frightened they are!

Many people have found that if the singers are of the same level, their songs may not be as good as "Fleeting Time"!

However, everyone deliberately did not mention this topic. After all, they also have to save face. They are embarrassed to admit that they were defeated by a song of a junior who just debuted.

Not everyone is as generous as Eden.

However, there is one thing that they have reached a consensus on.

After this incident, almost everyone knew a composer named Qu Yin, and no one dared to look down on this so-called newcomer.

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