The more you learn, the more you will learn.

However, if you put aside the full text recitation, this "Wolf" is also a good short story, and the philosophy it contains is very educational, otherwise it would not be selected as a teaching material in so many Chinese textbooks.

Since the publication of "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" in 1765, there have been many versions published in the following 200 years. It is not only far-reaching in China, but also has a great influence abroad. Since the 19th century, more than 60 foreign language translations such as English and German have appeared. It has been written into the encyclopedias of major countries in the world, thus becoming a world-famous masterpiece with a high reputation.

"Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" has developed ancient classical Chinese short stories to a new height. Although there are many classical Chinese novels after that, it is difficult to surpass it.

Moreover, since the 1920s, there have been film and television works adapted from the novel, with about 70 versions. The most famous of them is the "A Chinese Ghost Story" series. Some of the scenes in it are childhood nightmares for many people.

Bai Qianqu received two versions of "Wolf", one is the classical Chinese version, and the other is the translated modern Chinese version.

Looking at the reward in his hand, Bai Qianqu fell into deep thought.

Although he was lucky enough to win four prizes this time, the only ones that can be used are "My Sky" and "Plants vs. Zombies". "Titanfall 2" cannot be made, and "Wolf" is not known where to send. Let's put it aside for a while and finish "The King's Avatar" first.


The day soon came to the end of the month, and Bai Qianqu found that everyone in the company seemed to be busy. Not only executives like Bronya and Raiden Ryoma had meetings every day, but even ordinary employees like Li Yang started working overtime every day.

Bai Qianqu was confused because he was not assigned any tasks. He seemed to be the only one doing nothing in the entire composition department hall.

After asking Bai Qianqu, he learned that because the Chinese New Year was three months away, many singers would choose to release songs in the last three months.

For no other reason, it was to avoid the war of the gods. It can be said that the last three months are the last time left for ordinary singers. Those big guys were attracted by the last month. These three months are calm and there will be no monsters to fry fish.

Therefore, these three months are also called the welfare period, and the new singer competition also starts in November.

There are many singers in Anti-Entropy, but most of them are just ordinary singers. They release songs in this period, so the company will naturally be busy.

Small singers do not have the strength to find special songwriters, so they can only choose from the company's music library, find the right songs for themselves, and apply to the company. The company will help them contact the creators of the songs, and then write lyrics and sing after both parties reach an agreement.

However, there were too many singers, and the songs in the music library were not enough, so Lei Dian Long Ma gave an order to the composition department, requiring all composers below A level to take out a song and put it in the company's music library for many singers to choose.

The reason why Bai Qianqu was not assigned a task was that he had already written a song for Ying, which was considered to have completed the task, so Lei Dian Long Ma did not look for him.

Originally, Bai Qianqu was still complacent, thinking that he could continue to slack off, but the good times did not last long, and he was called to the office by Lei Dian Long Ma.

"Originally, you had nothing to do, but the woman Cocolia learned that you had nothing to do, so she insisted on borrowing you to help their lyrics department."

After hearing what Lei Dian Long Ma said, Bai Qianqu was immediately struck by lightning.

Is this the legendary evil secondment?

Unscrupulous black-hearted capitalists!

But there was no other way. One had to bow his head under the eaves. He obediently ran to the lyrics department to report. Fortunately, Cocolia did not assign him many tasks, just checking the lyrics.

In Cocolia's words, judging from Bai Qianqu's current ability to create lyrics and music, he was fully qualified to be a lyricist. Just checking the lyrics was a piece of cake.

At that time, Bai Qianqu's face turned black, but Cocolia did not give him a chance to speak at all, and ran directly to the meeting. Xing came to deliver something, so Cocolia asked Xing to take Bai Qianqu to the workplace.

Walking through the office hall of the lyrics department, Bai Qianqu found that there were obviously more people in the lyrics department than in the composition department, because composition requires some professional knowledge, while lyrics are much broader.

Xing looked at Bai Qianqu with a face full of

Looking depressed, he couldn't help but laugh with gloating: "Hahaha, who made you so capable? Don't you know the principle that those who are capable should do more work? Fortunately, you can't sing, otherwise, believe it or not, you would have to sing too!"

Bai Qianqu was speechless. He wrote the lyrics and sang the songs, but he didn't make a penny for others, right?

"But don't underestimate the importance of lyrics!" Xing said again, "You know, a good song is not only about the melody, but also about good lyrics. When our company selects a song, we often write several sets of lyrics for it! So the workload of the lyrics department is very large!"

Bai Qianqu was a little confused: "Generally speaking, don't you write the lyrics first and then compose the music for the lyrics?"

"That's the general situation." Xing didn't care. "You should know the current market situation. Many listeners only listen to the melody and don't care about the lyrics at all. As long as the melody is good, they will pay for it even if the lyrics are not written. Of course, the order of lyrics and music is not fixed. It mainly depends on which one is more suitable."

The two talked as they walked through the hall and came to the corridor. Suddenly, Xing stopped and looked forward with some fear.

Bai Qianqu was surprised and looked in the direction of Xing's gaze. He saw a girl with long light blue hair standing in front of them, looking at the two of them expressionlessly.

Seeing Bai Qianqu, the girl spoke: "Hello, my name is Lilia. Are you Teacher Quyin? Minister Cocolia asked me to assist you in your work. Xing, you can go back."

Xing was immediately unhappy when she heard this.

"Hey! Minister Cocolia clearly asked me to take him to the workplace. I must take him to the place. What does it mean that you suddenly come to take over in the middle of the process? Now it's you who should get out of the way!"

Lilia still had a blank expression on her face, but she had no intention of getting out of the way.

"Xing's mission has been completed, and there is no need to continue to follow Teacher Quyin."

"Ah? What did you say?!"

The two looked at each other and refused to give in. The smell of gunpowder instantly spread in the corridor.

Bai Qianqu was helpless. It seemed that these two people would always be so at odds with each other no matter where they were.

The dispute between the two soon attracted the attention of many people, and Bai Qianqu knew that he could no longer stand idly by.

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