Shenzhou calendar ○ year ○ month ○ day...

A flight departing from North America and ending in Singapore was stopping at a city in the far east for transit.

In the first-class cabin, a girl in a black dress with a slightly gloomy face watched the fuel truck that refueled the plane slowly leave the apron from the small window on her right hand side.

'God, why did you let me go to that place...Yes, I said something wrong, sorry! '

The girl lowered her head, and a rare strange expression similar to embarrassment appeared on her face.

After a while, she raised her head and restored her too pale face. She grasped the corner of her clothes impatiently with both hands, and muttered in her heart why this broken plane had to stop here for so long.

While she was complaining in her heart, the energetic voice of a young girl came from behind her: "Class monitor, how could my aunt think of letting us sit on this to complete it... Um, class monitor, why are you covering my mouth!"

From this youthful and enthusiastic voice, it is not difficult to see that the owner of this voice is a little princess who is spoiled by many people.

It's a pity that people's joys and sorrows are not connected, and Hina only feels noisy.

Before turning her head to the other side, Hina's eyes accidentally noticed the two people coming from behind.

The girl who was pushed forward from behind with her mouth covered was completely in line with her stereotype of a "little princess".

"Okay, Kiana, keep a little quiet in public places and don't disturb others."

What can I say! This young lady is pretty. It would be great if she could change those two big braids into a different hairstyle.

Hina complained in her heart, and then looked at the girl behind the white-haired girl, who was called the class monitor.

For some reason, after seeing the young woman with red-framed glasses and a neat suit behind the white-haired girl, Hina instinctively felt something strange, and even the suppressed Honkai energy in her body fluctuated.

That kind of inexplicable and strange feeling, as if... the girl with glasses could kill her with one punch.

Hina's intuition has always been very accurate. As soon as she noticed something was wrong, she immediately retracted her playful gaze and looked at the two obviously unusual girls with the corner of her eyes.

"Ms. Fu Hua, Miss Kiana, please follow me, your seats are here..."

"Oh! Is her name Fu Hua?" Hina hummed, then looked up and threw away the unrealistic thoughts in her head, and said to herself: "I hope they won't get in my way in Singapore..."


With the noisy engine sound, the plane that had been parked here for a long time started again, flew up along the runway, and soon disappeared in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Leaning on the soft recliner, Xina felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and then she fell into deep darkness.

In the endless darkness, there was no light. Xina, who was at a loss, didn't know where to go, and could only walk slowly along the dark path in front of her.

Gradually, the passage that seemed to have no end was illuminated. Xina walked forward in surprise, but stood there in shock.


"Why are you here? Aren't you already..."

Hearing Xina's words, the middle-aged woman standing in the light flashed a trace of disgust in her eyes, and snorted with disdain.

"Xina, how could I die! I just found an opportunity to leave you. In my eyes, you are just a disaster star that brings bad luck to relatives and friends!"


Xina couldn't believe that her dearest mother would say such hurtful words to her, and she wanted to refute it several times.

But what was even more tragic was that she couldn't find any words to refute.

Was she the calamity that brought bad luck?

Recalling her short life, Xina sadly discovered that what her mother said...maybe...was all true...

However, the woman in the light curtain was still chattering, criticizing Xina to the core.

"Stop talking! Stop talking!" Xina looked up at the chattering woman, gritted her teeth and rushed towards the light curtain desperately.

Ping pong!

The light curtain was broken, and when Xina came to her senses, the light curtain returned to its original state.


In the distance, a dull thunder sounded.

Along with the rolling thunder, large drops of rain fell from the sky.

"Xina, you freak! Stay away from me!"

"Go home!"

"It's a freak anyway, just die."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at her, doesn't she look like a ()?"

"Freak, monster, hahahahaha..."

The harsh and familiar shouting and cursing came from the light curtain. Several half-grown children have replaced their mother and are heading towards Xina.Throwing stones.

They looked at me with disgust, just like seeing a dirty stray dog ​​on the roadside.

If it were usual, I would have covered my head and stayed away.

But this time, Xina had no intention of tolerating them. She bent down to pick up the stone on the ground and walked towards the bastards who had bullied her for several years.


Xina raised the stone high and swung it in a beautiful arc in the air, knocking the bastards to the ground one by one.

Ignoring their pleas, she repeated her mechanical movements over and over again until the cries completely disappeared. Xina then left the bloody stone and slowly stood up.

Looking down, looking at the blood stains on her sleeves due to excessive force, Xina felt inexplicably happy in her heart.

Snap! Snap!

The light curtain broke again, Xina raised her head woodenly, she wanted to see what she could see this time.

This time, nothing happened, no abuse from relatives or curses from others, only comic-book-like images.

Everyone in the image had a smile on their face, and each one was so... happy. Compared with them, Xina felt that her life was so ridiculous.

It was the same life, why were others so happy and comfortable, while what awaited her was only darkness and pain.

In an instant, Xina seemed to have been drained of all her strength and fell to her knees.

All the grievances, anger, unwillingness, and thoughts that were hidden in her heart and dared not be revealed to the world all came out at once.

After the pictures were displayed one by one in front of Xina, they disappeared, and everything returned to darkness again.

Only Xina heard the low whispers of the so-called "God".

"Child, you are an alien in the eyes of these dirty humans and will never fit in with them. But when you see them so happy, don't you feel angry in your heart? Don't you want to destroy their happiness?"

"Angry... am I... angry?" Xina muttered with her head down. After a long time, she raised her head and said, "God, what should I do?"

When this sentence came out, a strong light suddenly descended, and they domineeringly dispelled all the darkness around, making Xina unable to open her eyes.

Until she completely adapted to the brightness of the surrounding environment, Xina looked around in confusion. In such a nearly blank space, she saw a "person".

No, perhaps it can be said that it is a god that humans cannot understand.

Along with surprise and fear, Xina's heart began to doubt and waver.

'Child, are you willing to become my apostle, carry part of my power, and help me destroy the dirty human civilization? ’

“Destroy humanity? Can I? I’m just a…”, Hina hesitated for a moment, and before she could make a decision, the voice of ‘God’ sounded in her mind again.

‘It seems that you are not firm enough or confident enough, but I am willing to give you a chance and a small gift. Use all the means you can use to take back () () () (), let me see your determination, and I will give you real power! ’

After the words fell, the light dissipated, Hina opened her eyes, covered her head and sat up. I don’t know when, her pair of gray-blue eyes that sparkled like gems have been stained with light gold.

“Miss Hina, are you okay!”

The stewardess who came over leaned down with concern and handed her a warm towel. Hina raised her hand stiffly and took the towel handed to her by the other party. As soon as her white palm touched the towel.

A layer of light blue ice crystals spread upward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey!" Xina was stunned at first, then she grabbed the towel and wiped her forehead lightly, and then forced out an ugly smile, saying: "I'm a little thirsty, please help me get a glass of water, thank you..."

"Okay, please wait!" The stewardess retracted her gaze from the seat beside her and turned to walk to the end of the aisle.

Only Xina was left looking at the white towel frozen into an ice lump in her hand in disbelief and muttered to herself: "Is this the little power given to me by 'God'?"

Putting down the ice lump and covering her chest, Xina looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she lifted up her clothes. As far as she could see, several pink lines like blood vessels extended from her chest to her limbs and then disappeared.

She felt that there seemed to be something extraordinary on her body.


Five minutes ago, St. Freya College, the dean's office.

"Jizi, what's going on?" The dean, who was wearing a miniature nun's uniform, hurriedly closed the comic book on the table, picked up a document and pressed it on top, looking at the visitor with a guilty look.

"The Science Department reported that a huge collapse was just observed over the southern part of Shenzhou Sea.Energy fluctuations, although the duration is less than 0.01 seconds, but from the energy level, it seems to be the fluctuation of the Herrscher! "

"Impossible, theoretically only one Herrscher will appear in each Honkai, isn't the third Herrscher still under our surveillance? ! ", Theresa walked out from behind the desk with her waist swelled, she looked at the report handed over by Ji Zi, and asked in confusion: "The Honkai energy fluctuations are fleeting? Could it be that the instrument is wrong?"

"This... I don't know, after all... the energy peak only appeared for 0.01 seconds and then returned to normal."

"If you ask me, the guys in the Science Department are still very reliable most of the time. It's better to believe that the Herrscher exists than not. It doesn't hurt to send someone to investigate."

Ji Zi spread her hands and said helplessly.

"Then let Fu Hua and... Oh, by the way, Fu Hua has gone to Singapore to carry out the mission with Kiana. "

Halfway through her words, Theresa slapped her forehead fiercely, pulled Jizi over, and said with a wry smile: "How about you, Major Jizi, take the trouble to take two students to check the situation?"

"Tsk, our dean is really good at ordering people around!" Jizi put her left hand on her forehead and her right hand on her waist, and finally succumbed to Theresa's unusually generous verbal promise: "After this trip, you won't ban me from drinking for this month, right? Okay, I'll take this task!"





(You can raise any good opinions. There may be omissions and errors in the plot and settings. I hope everyone can correct them. The author will listen to your opinions. If it is not well written, you can directly spray "a little lighter", and the author will correct it as soon as possible)

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