Theresa nodded at the information in Hina's hand: "It took so long, and finally I found the whereabouts of one of the gems."

Related to the gem? !

After listening to Theresa's words, the other people lowered their heads and began to study the real-time information in their hands.

According to the information, the Desire Gem is now located in the Oceania branch of New Zealand.

"Is there any problem with the gem in the Oceania branch? Is the Oceania branch going to hand it over to the Far East branch?" Ji Zi asked.

"No." Theresa shook her head solemnly.

After hearing Theresa's words, Hina looked at Theresa in confusion.


"Just now, the headquarters of the Destiny sent a message saying that a day ago, a strong collapse suddenly occurred in New Zealand. The cause is unknown, and the Desire Gem was lost at that time."

"Now, the local Oceania branch is severely damaged and is already paralyzed. I asked the headquarters to let our Far East branch go to investigate the cause of the local collapse and recover the Desire Gem. The headquarters agreed."

When Theresa said this, Hina already knew why Theresa called them all over.

As expected, Theresa should want Himeko to lead the team and lead them to New Zealand to recover the gem.

Great! Someone can automatically bring a pillow to you when you are sleepy!

Since the Oceania branch can't hold the gem, let her take it personally!

As expected, Theresa's next words verified Hina's guess:

"The headquarters attaches great importance to the recovery of the Desire Gem, and requires our Far East Branch to send at least two A-level Valkyries to carry out the mission. Fu Hua went to the Destiny headquarters for research last week, and the Far East Branch only has Jizi as the A-level Valkyrie. I..." Theresa pondered for a while and suddenly put her hand on Hina's shoulder:

"I just reported this matter to the headquarters. The headquarters temporarily raised your Valkyrie level to A-level. You and Jizi will lead the mission this time. As for the team members..."

"Since our main target, the Desire Gem, may be related to the information left by the Moonlight Throne, let you who have participated in the Moonlight Throne mission go together."

"After we get there, Jizi will command on Hyperion. Hina, you take Kiana and the others to explore on the ground."

"I...temporarily promoted to A-level?!" Hina looked at Theresa with a complicated expression, and couldn't help muttering in her heart: Trouble, what a trouble! Doesn't the temporary mention of A-level Valkyrie mean that I will be more popular than B-level Valkyrie? Then I have to make more preparations.

In one word, annoying!

Kiana looked at Theresa, with a puzzled tone: "Aunt! I have a question, what is this gem? What does it have to do with that throne?"

Ji Zi, who was standing next to Hina, also spoke: "Yes, Dean, I have wanted to ask this question for a long time."

"After the Moonlight Throne fell, I went to the database as soon as possible, but... even with my authority, I couldn't find any relevant records, so..."

Looking at the few people in front of her with a strong desire for knowledge, Theresa laughed helplessly: "Some secrets are not good to know, even if you will be entangled in trouble in the future, do you want to know?"

"Yes." Ji Zi answered without any hesitation.

"Even my lovely students are involved, so even if it will cause trouble, I must know the truth!"

Theresa looked at Jizi who looked serious, smiled meaningfully, and then looked at Hina who was silent on the side: "Hina, what about you, do you want to know?"

Looking at Theresa staring at her, Hina smiled bitterly and sighed: "Since it is related to the mission, I will listen! After all... no matter how fast the trouble comes, it will not be faster than this mission."

"Okay, since you all want to know, then this dean will tell you."

After hearing Theresa's words, Kiana and Jizi hurried over and listened carefully.

Then, Theresa began to tell the origins of the four gems to several people.


Hina, who had heard other versions from Einstein, stood next to her and felt that something was wrong the more she listened.

The difference between Theresa's version and the version given by Einstein was terrifying.

If the other later generations learned the abridged version of the Destiny textbook and did not know the details of the incident, this is understandable.

But Theresa was a Valkyrie who had personally experienced the Second Collapse and fought against Sirin head-on!

Why is there a problem with the version she told?

Could it be that she was old and confused and had forgotten the details?

No, when it comes to ChiaThere shouldn't be any problem with Theresa, or K-423, the problem must be somewhere else!

K-423 experiment... Kiana... Theresa... Second Collapse...

The only one who has something to do with all of this and has the ability to do it is Otto!

Yes, that's the problem. As the Bishop of Destiny, Otto must be familiar with all the special experiments, and the experiments related to the Herrscher are the top priority!

Judging from the fact that the Six Powers Sirin was blown to death by him in Siberia, this bishop is definitely a deep-minded and cunning person.

No matter how strong the Siegfried who stole people is, he can't be stronger than Sirin in her prime. Otherwise, the second Collapse would be left to Siegfried alone. Why would it be necessary to bring out the all-star lineup of Anti-Entropy + Destiny to fight for dozens of days and lose more than half of Siberia before sending Sirin away!

Siegfried was able to take K-423 away from Otto's secret laboratory so easily, and he was only wanted afterwards without encountering more siege operations and was safe and sound.

From this point of view, Hina felt that there was something wrong.

In other words, even a little girl like her, Hina, knew that she had to be prepared for everything. Would Otto, who was so experienced, have no preparations for such an important Herrscher body experiment?

It is possible that when Siegfried thought he had taken K-423 away from the laboratory with great difficulty, Otto, the old monster, was drinking coffee in the monitoring room on the top of the building, watching him work so hard and laughing!

Think about it, Kiana kept talking about the knight's glory of the Kaslana family and the family's gun fighting skills. Anyone who is not a fool can see something from it.

Based on Theresa's abstract operation of the communicator in the Titan siege, it is better to believe that she can hide the existence of K-423 from her grandfather Otto...

It is better to believe that Fu Hua can play the game without taking the guaranteed card...

From this, it can be seen that Otto is likely to turn a blind eye and let Siegfried take K-423 away from him.

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