Bang! Bang!

Two more muffled sounds.

Fu Hua followed the gaps between the Honkai beasts and saw a big guy.

"Is it the Honkai Emperor? Kiana, this guy is not something you (or I) can deal with. Let's go. Our first priority now is to ensure the safety of the victims."

At this time, Fu Hua, who had already determined the appearance of the Honkai Emperor, said solemnly.

It was still too difficult for the two of them to deal with the Honkai Emperor (but if Kiana and the survivor Hina were removed, she could solve it with one hand.)

Suddenly, Hina frowned, and she felt a faint whirring sound in her ears, and the gloomy sky became even darker.

Looking up, I don't know when, a huge warship has appeared above the three of them.

The huge hull of the warship slowly sank, confronting the Honkai Emperor in the air.

"This is...", Hina's pupils shrank slightly, and her wandering eyes finally fell on the tall figure that appeared at the edge of the warship.

The man was holding a big and scary heavy sword, and he jumped straight down from the sky.

"Great, it's Aunt Jizi!"

After seeing the identity of the person, Kiana shouted excitedly.

"Ha!? Aunt? What a joke! Am I that old?" After hearing the annoying word "Aunt" from Kiana's mouth, Jizi's chest was aching slightly, but considering the powerful enemies around her, she thought that it would be better to put Kiana aside for the time being!

Yes, Jizi led Hyperion to explore the collapse reaction point inside the city, but unexpectedly ran into the Emperor of Collapse and Kiana and others!

'Let's go! '

Hina gave orders to the Emperor of Collapse expressionlessly.

A few seconds later, the Honkai Emperor, who was confronting Hyperion in the air, smashed several buildings fiercely and ran quickly in other directions. The Honkai Beasts of various levels gathered around him lost their leader, the Honkai Emperor, and dispersed like a tide.

"Huh, are they all gone? Then it's your turn next, Kiana!" Jizi put away the sword and turned to look at Kiana. The dangerous smile on her face scared Kiana so much that she quickly hid behind Fu Hua, trying to let the monitor's Wall of Sighs block Jizi's anger for her.

Does this kid think I can't see her hiding behind Fu Hua?

"......" Jizi looked at Kiana who was trying to cover up her mistake, and the anger that had finally risen retreated inexplicably. She moved her eyes to look at Hina beside her and asked Fu Hua: "Fu Hua, is this the survivor you rescued?"

"Yes, she has been with Kiana."

"In that case, let's leave here first!" Jizi glanced at the devastated scene around her. Naturally, she couldn't leave Hina, a fragile little girl, alone here, so she invited her to board the Hyperion with her.

Following Jizi and others into the Hyperion, Hina was shocked by the high-tech interior and technological facilities of the Hyperion.

If there weren't so many people around, she actually... wanted to touch it...


Sensing the identity of the visitor, the mechanical door of the Hyperion command room very intelligently opened to both sides, showing Hina the secrets of the core part of the battleship.

As this magical Hyperion door slowly opened, it also seemed to open a box with a strange style.

Kiana, who was normal just now, might have seen something that she couldn't resist. She instantly turned into a woman like the wind and rushed straight over past Jizi and Fu Hua, shouting a person's name: "Mei! Mei! My Mei!"

Mei? Isn't this the third Herrscher that the faker mentioned? Why is she here too? Could it be that...

"?!" Hina looked at Kiana's cheerful and jumping steps in confusion, and then looked at Jizi and the other two who looked normal next to her, and asked curiously: "From the looks of you, it seems that you are already used to this...?"

"Well, yes, I'm used to their intimacy." Jizi nodded, seeming to agree with Hina's statement.

Looking at Kiana twisting and turning in her arms, Mei Raiden's helpless expression became gentle again. She raised her hand and placed it on the head of the person in her arms and rubbed it slowly: "Welcome back, Kiana!"

After taking off the heavy equipment on her body, Jizi poured a glass of water from the water dispenser. She handed the cup to Hina and asked the question she wanted to ask.

"Miss, what is your name? Is there anyone else at home?"

"My name is Hina, and my family... um..." Hina thought about it, and finally shook her head, bitterly.Smiled and said, "Apart from the guy who left me and my mother when I was born, now... I am the only one left."

"Wuwuwu, living alone, you must have suffered a lot."

Kiana held Hina's hands, tears seemed to flash in her eyes.

She lost her mother when she was young, and Hina had no father since she was young. She certainly knew how difficult it was to be missing an important part of life.

"Well, it's okay, I live alone... It's actually quite comfortable."

Hina said nonsense expressionlessly that she didn't believe herself. If anyone could not hear the trembling and hesitation in her voice, I'm afraid someone would really think she was telling the truth.

Bronya, who had been sitting in a chair and observing them, also spoke at this time.

"Bronya has always been alone before, so she knows that this feeling is not good, but don't worry, everything will be fine."

"...", Hina lowered her head and didn't say anything, but she clenched her fists tightly together, and the force was so great that even the joints turned slightly white.

Damn, why do you act like this in front of me, are you pitying me? I am a Herrscher, I... I don't need your pity!

Feeling humiliated, Hina was ashamed and angry. She wanted to destroy the battleship called Hyperion directly after confessing her identity openly.

Finally, she had to leave in a chic manner in the surprised, shocked, and fearful eyes of these self-talking guys.

But... for some reason, when the words of confession came to her lips, Hina swallowed them back silently.

Because she could feel the sincerity of Kiana and the others' emotions.

They were not humiliating her, but caring about her in a human way.

Yes, it is care...

This kind of ridiculous thing, when I was a human, I almost never felt this kind of thing from others. On the contrary, after becoming a powerful Herrscher, these no longer needed things jumped out one by one.

This is really a great irony.

For some reason, Hina felt a little irritated in her heart, and even the frozen Honkai energy in her body began to become restless.

"Major Jizi! The Honkai energy reaction increased! The object suspected to be the Herrscher is approaching us!"

"Wow, the two S-class Valkyries failed to retain the Herrscher? Then we really won the jackpot this time. First-level combat deployment of the entire ship! Quickly move towards the reaction point! Let's buy some time for the S-class Valkyries!" Jizi immediately issued a combat order.

"Fu Hua, you take over the command, and leave the work of delaying the Herrscher to me!"

Jizi put on the armor she had just taken off not long ago with distress, and walked onto the deck with confidence with a big sword on her shoulder in the trusting eyes of several people.

"That... the Herrscher should be very strong... this Major Himeko won't be in danger, right?" Hina poked Kiana next to her, but her eyes were on Raiden Mei.

Although it was a little strange, but... it was certain that Raiden Mei was indeed her Herrscher colleague.

"Hey, don't worry, Aunt Himeko is an A-level elite of the Far East Branch, and the two trump cards of the Far East Branch!" Kiana said with a firm face.

From Kiana's confident words, Hina could see her conviction in Himeko.

"Oh? Two trump cards? Who is the other trump card?" Hina asked again.

"Of course it's the director of our Far East Branch, the S-level Valkyrie, Ms. Theresa!" Raiden Mei looked at Kiana with a smile and added: "This time, in addition to Dean Theresa, the S-level Valkyrie of the Destiny Headquarters also came to participate in the mission."

S-level? Still two!

Hearing this horrifying word, Hina's mouth twitched obviously.

She remembered that the faker said that the powerful second Herrscher was dragged by the S-class Valkyrie Cecilia of destiny and then exploded to death.

According to the combat power replacement formula, the five-power second Herrscher is slightly stronger than the S-class Valkyrie, and she, Hina, is just a weak, pitiful and helpless dual-power Herrscher.

Five>two, so the S-class Valkyrie is definitely stronger than herself.

More importantly, this time there are not just one but two S-class Valkyries, rounding off... If she jumps around blindly, she will definitely die.

At this moment, Hina was extremely grateful for her wise move of leaving after creating a target to attract firepower.

"Look, Aunt Jizi has already confronted the 'Herscher'!" Kiana lay on the table, pointing at the picture displayed on the floating screen and shouted excitedly.

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