"Your attack should be over, right? It's my turn now!"

After stepping on the green wind snake and crossing more than ten kilometers in a flash to land steadily in front of Yulandel and the others, Hina saw the container of her good colleague, the Herrscher of the Void, who was also her dining partner, Kiana.

Logically, at this time, Hina should take advantage of the victory to grab the Holy Judge of Skyfire and the Black Abyss White Flower, and then kill all the Indestructible Blades, and finally leave perfectly.

But... looking at Kiana's little appearance of being covered in dirt and bruises but still stubbornly standing in front of Siegfried, Hina felt inexplicably more emotional, and the whole person exuded a breath of... called dejection.

As early as when she was working as a summer intern in the New North American Branch, she was led by the Valkyrie of the New North American Branch to check people on various instruments every day.

It can be said that as long as she wants, she can use the convenience of her position at any time to find the true identity of her father in the internal network of the New North American Branch.

Even if Perrin saw this kind of sympathetic thing, she would not say anything.

But... she never made up her mind to check.

Instead, she pretended not to know that those precision instruments had such functions and put this idea behind her.

Because she was afraid of knowing the truth, very afraid.

Over the years, every time she saw others living with their parents, she would always stubbornly tell herself over and over again in her heart:

Her father who had never appeared died long before she was born.

After all... Compared with the almost certain possibility of being ruthlessly abandoned by her father, it is actually not bad to coax herself with the excuse that her father died accidentally before she was born...

Of course, not wanting to do it does not mean not taking the good things in front of her. Maybe she can talk to Yulandel about the deal!

"That white-haired girl, don't look at me with that look. I'm too lazy to do it to a guy who has lost his ability to resist!", Xina rolled her eyes and stood quietly a few meters in front of Yulandel, waiting for the 'Law of Death' to finish.

A few minutes later, when a group of fusion-type Honkai beasts came with the remaining Valkyries and the Herrscher of Death, Sina pointed at her captives and negotiated with Yulandel:

"Your vice-captain and the remaining team members are all there. Let's talk about a deal, how about it?"

"What deal!?" Yulandel looked at Rita, who was suspended in the air by the Herrscher of Death, and then looked at the captured Valkyries, her face a little ugly.

"It's very simple. Your lance is very good. How about using it to exchange for your team members?"

As she said that, Sina clapped her hands, took a relatively intact hostage from the Honkai beast, and threw it to Yulandel: "I'll give you one first to show my sincerity."


Yulandel didn't say anything, but planned to ask Otto first, but Sina had long guessed that Yulandel, a stubborn girl, would do such a thing. As soon as the ice was broken, she couldn't wait to interfere with the communication in this area.

After all... the skyfire made such a big noise when it was unsheathed that the communication on the scene was interrupted, which is reasonable, isn't it?

After several calls, Yulan Dale still didn't get a response from Otto. In this case, as the highest-ranking Valkyrie on the scene, she had the right to deal with it during the war.

Just as Yulan Dale's eyes were turning back and forth between the Black Abyss White Flower and her companions, Xina's "good partner" Kiana spoke up. As soon as she spoke, Xina was overjoyed. She almost gave a thumbs up and praised Kiana for being a good girl.

Kiana walked sideways to Yulan Dale and questioned Yulan Dale: "No matter how precious it is, it's just a dead thing. Can it compare to your living comrades?"

It must be said that such a heart-warming blow successfully moved Yulan Dale, and she really took the Black Abyss White Flower and took a small step towards Xina.

"Captain, you must not give her the Black Abyss White Flower!"

Suddenly, a Valkyrie who lost both legs in the battle shouted at Youlan Dell with a grudge.

For a moment, the scene was silent. From the Herrscher, the Valkyrie to the Honkai Beast, they all turned their heads to look at the Valkyrie who was speaking.

"Tsk!", Hina said softly, turned her head and walked to the Valkyrie who was speaking, lowered her head and looked into her eyes, and whispered: "What did you say just now?!"

The close eye contact with the Herrscher obviously put a lot of pressure on the Valkyrie. She swallowed nervously and said in a trembling voice: "I... I said, Captain can't give it to you."

"Kill if you want. If I'm afraid, I'm not a Valkyrie!"

After the words fell, the Valkyrie who was speaking suddenly closed her eyes, looking like she was going to die generously.

At this moment, no matter who it was, they thought Hina would kill this brave Valkyrie. Some people were different fromThe Valkyrie, who was a good friend of hers, was already crying as she read her name.

"Kill you? Why should I kill you!"

Xina, who never played by the rules, knew that if she killed the Valkyrie at this time, this pleasant deal would really fall through, so instead of killing her, she gently combed her hair for her.

"Why do you all like to die so much?"

"If you ask me, pretty girls like you should go back and enjoy a good life. There's no need to die in this broken place, right?"

Xina stretched out her index finger and gently lifted the Valkyrie's chin, letting her face herself. Then she used the finger of her other hand to pick up a little blood from the Valkyrie's wound and gently outlined the color on the Valkyrie's lips.

The Valkyrie, who was forced to enjoy the makeup service of the Herrscher, opened her eyes uncontrollably in fear and looked away the moment her eyes met with the Herrscher's.

Then, she was surprised to find that her lost legs had grown back at some point.

"My...my legs...grew...grew?" The Valkyrie reached out to touch her lost legs in disbelief, her eyes full of amazement.

"Yes, they have grown back. You, put her down and walk a few steps." Hina winked at the Honkai Beast behind the Valkyrie with a fake smile.

The Honkai Beast immediately understood and released the restraint, allowing the Valkyrie to stumble to her feet.

As the old saying goes, who would want to die if it wasn't a last resort!

The reason why she dared to say that to Hina just now was not because she was so brave and willing to die so that Yulandel would not trade with the Herrscher.

She was proud and confident, but she simply didn't want to live as a defective product in front of familiar people.

Now that she is no longer disabled, she naturally regains the strong desire to survive of a normal human being.

Yes, humans are such complex creatures. Maybe she can face death calmly in the last second, but maybe after a few seconds, she will change her mind.

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