Realizing that he had worked in vain, Otto's eyes twitched, and his eyes were inadvertently fixed on 'Siegfried' standing next to him.

He remembered that the Herrscher just said that 'Siegfried' had at most 30% of his strength left, so did this mean that he could take this opportunity to retrieve the Holy Judge of Skyfire in advance...

If so, then his trip was definitely not without gain... After all, during the second collapse, Siegfried released Skyfire six times in three minutes, which he still remembered vividly.

Leaving such an unstable factor outside was really irresponsible to his own plan.

Just as he was thinking, Otto's communicator rang, and he took a look at the note - it was Rita.

Rita is looking for me at this time, is there something urgent?

Otto hesitated for a moment before pressing the answer button. Who would have thought that as soon as he answered the call, the highly recognizable voice of the Herrscher came from inside: "Hello, is that Otto? When you hear me talking, I have already chased Hyperion and taken all the creatures on Hyperion as hostages."

"To be honest, I still feel a little guilty for leaving you there in the wind just now."

"So, how about this!"

"You ask your stubborn Miss Yulandel to hand over the Black Abyss White Flower to me, and I will let them go!"

Otto: "Huh!?" No, you caught up with them now?

"Don't disbelieve me! I am a very honest Herrscher. How about we start a video call?"

After the words fell, Otto's communicator received another video request. After answering the call, Otto's face sank - this Herrscher really didn't lie.

Let's go back to the second before the Honkai fission bomb and the ice crystal collided. Sina temporarily made a semi-enclosed ice tube (without rifling) in the air and squeezed into it very smoothly after compressing a lot of gas.

When the big explosion sounded, Sina released the compression of the gas.

She treated herself as a cannonball and shot out of the barrel...very plainly.

It is worth mentioning that after referring to the appearance of the missile, Sina condensed the air around her into a layer of compressed gas shell that is most suitable for flying.

After that, she used Mach as the speed unit and caught up with Hyperion and Yulandel in a very short time.

In the Hyperion command room, the technician stood up in horror and projected the screen onto the public screen: "Major Jizi, a Herrscher's high-energy reaction is detected flying towards us at a speed of... 12... no, 16 Mach."

"How much?" Jizi's expression was also surprised. She herself is a doctor of aerodynamics at California Institute of Technology, so she can naturally see the meaning of that outrageous speed.

First of all, the faster the missiles and other objects flying in the atmosphere, the greater the air resistance they encounter.

And if the aircraft wants to accelerate, the engine needs to provide greater thrust, and at the same time, more fuel will be consumed.

In such a "vicious cycle", the fuel consumed by the missile to reach a higher speed will increase geometrically.

Therefore, the speed of a missile flying in the entire atmosphere reaches Mach 8, which is already the fastest among conventional missiles.

But that is most likely the Herrscher's high-energy reaction point, which just casually soared to Mach 16 in the atmosphere.

This is enough to show that... the other party has ignored air resistance. Even if flying inside the atmosphere, it can reach a speed of more than Mach 25, just like those intercontinental missiles that cruise outside the atmosphere.


Before Ji Zi and others could react, the Hyperion flying at high speed in the air seemed to be hit by something and shook violently.

"Adjust the protection measures of Hyperion according to Plan No. 3. All personnel should be prepared to enter the escape pod. Also, call up the surveillance on the upper deck!"

After a brief thought, Ji Zi made a prompt decision and immediately issued an order to the technicians in the command room, but... a few seconds later, the energy supply system inside Hyperion was inexplicably cut off.

Fortunately, important facilities like Hyperion generally have backup energy for emergency energy supply. With the support of backup energy, the energy supply of several important areas was lucky enough not to be cut off.

"Major, based on the internal circuit detection... we can confirm that the reactor, internal functional circuits, defensive shields... and the surface armor of the warship have all been frozen... If there is no follow-up power supply, Hyperion will crash in forty minutes." The technician wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and reported tremblingly.

"Damn... what does this Herrscher want to do? With her power, even if she destroys Hyperion, it won't be a big deal.It's just a matter of waving her hand, but she insisted on destroying Hyperion's facilities bit by bit. Does she enjoy the pleasure of cat catching mouse? "

This feeling of being at the mercy of others is really bad. Jizi punched the operating table in front of her, venting her dissatisfaction.

After a long time, Jizi turned her head and looked at Rita, the most capable Valkyrie in Hyperion: "Miss Rita, let me ask, how long can the two of us buy for Hyperion in the face of that Herrscher? "

"If the Herrscher is in a good mood and greets us before taking action, we can probably delay her for half a minute, but if she refuses to greet us and takes action directly, then rounding it off... ten seconds is already the limit..."

Faced with this result, Rita smiled awkwardly, as if she was amused by this result.

At this time, Hina, who was standing on the deck of the Hyperion, was also regretful. She originally wanted to intercept Yulandel on the Hyperion.

But... she didn't brake in time and increased the flight speed too high, which was actually faster than Yulandel. Landel caught up with Hyperion earlier.

But... since she was here, it would be suspicious if she didn't do anything. Sina scratched her head and decided to freeze Hyperion's reactor.

After a while, Landel, who had left earlier than Sina, came after her from behind.

As soon as Landel came, she saw Hyperion, whose hull was surrounded by ice-blue crystals and forced to hover in the sky, and the figure standing on the upper deck of Hyperion, which made her feel very familiar.

"Is that the Herrscher? Wasn't she just..., how..."

Faced with this bizarre situation, Landel showed a rare look of doubt and confusion on her face.

Until the Herrscher standing on the deck pointed at Hyperion and waved to her enthusiastically, it seemed... the Herrscher seemed to threaten her with Hyperion.

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