After a while, the director Foboler, who had a big belly and polished his shoes, was brought into the police station by two women who were dressed in plain clothes but could be seen as Valkyries at a glance.

"Miss Hina, today's incident... is actually a misunderstanding..." Director Foboler looked at Hina, who was smiling as cunningly as a little fox, and silently cursed the blind Fobolers below.

Why are all kinds of people brought to the police station!

Can the people of Tianming be arrested casually?

Although North America is now dominated by Anti-Entropy, how could Tianming, as an old-fashioned force that is better than Anti-Entropy's predecessor, the North American branch, not have its own people left in North America?

Anyway, Director Foboler knew that he was no different from a small shrimp in front of these two giants, and he definitely didn't want to offend either side.

"So it was a misunderstanding!" Xina smiled and nodded, leaning back, resting her head on her arms and asked with a smile: "Then I can leave now, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Director Foboler nodded like pounding garlic, and the fat on his cheeks shook like jelly under his violent nodding, which made the two Valkyries on the side twitch their eyes.

"Director, but she..." Old Foboler looked at his timid director, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes. But just as he said half of his words, Director Foboler covered his mouth: "Enough! Stop talking, destiny is not something we can offend! If you still want to support your family, don't get involved in those areas that ordinary people can't control!"

"Yes! Sir, you are not as smart as your boss in this regard." Xina turned around with a smile, rubbed her fingers provocatively, and said: "People, it is important to know yourself!"

"Okay, don't waste time. The Far East Branch contacted us and asked us to send you there. We have booked your flight tickets. You should hurry up and follow us! Don't waste time!"

The Valkyrie who was responsible for coming to the police station to rescue Xina looked at the time and urged with a stern face.

In her opinion, Xina was a person in the jurisdiction of her North American branch. Even if she was a Valkyrie, she should join her new North American branch!

Why did the Far East branch chief Theresa call them personally to ask for their help in rescuing people?

The S-level Valkyrie was so concerned that she called them personally to ask for people. I'm afraid their new North American branch has missed another good seedling with a guaranteed A-level.

Damn! It's really annoying to think about it!

After leaving the police station, Hina looked at the two Valkyries in plain clothes and asked curiously: "Hey, it seems that after the North American branch was independently established as Anti-Entropy, Tianming still has people in North America?!"

"Well, the wisdom of the bishop is not comparable to those hateful traitors of Anti-Entropy. Long before Anti-Entropy became independent, the bishop had already arranged foresight and manpower!"

When Otto was mentioned, the Valkyrie of the new North American branch showed a look of reverence on her face, and her attitude towards Hina became much better.

Listening to the Valkyrie's words full of admiration, Xina's eyes turned, and she approached to ask: "Oh! From what you said, this bishop must be very powerful. What other powerful things has he done? Tell me!"

"That's a lot. Come, I'll tell you in detail..."

Watching the Valkyrie's car gradually go away from the window until it disappeared into the night, Old Foboler showed a complicated expression on his face. He turned around, as if he had made up his mind, picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number...


After half an hour of business praise and chatting, the two new North American branch Valkyries had a great change in their perception of Xina, and even had a vague sense of disappointment that they met too late.

"There are still 20 minutes to the airport. Go to the Far East Branch to study hard and strive to become a Valkyrie as soon as possible. When you finish your studies and return to North America to perform tasks, we will welcome you!" The Valkyrie in charge of driving opened the car window and lit a cigarette, and took a look at the rearview mirror.

Two orange-red ‘headlights’ were coming towards them at a high speed… No, they were not headlights! They were missiles!

“Oh no! Missiles are coming!”

Realizing that something was wrong, the two well-trained Valkyries unbuckled their seatbelts, roared, kicked open the car door and jumped out. As they rolled rapidly on the ground, they watched a missile with a long tail flame catch up with the out-of-control vehicle and turn it into a ball of fire that was moving irregularly.

“Where’s that girl!” The leader of the Valkyries stumbled to her feet. She looked around with a gloomy face. The interesting little girl did not appear on the road like herself!

Doesn’t that mean…

Thinking of this, the faces of the two Valkyries suddenly became ugly..

Looking at the burning car wreckage, the Valkyrie who jumped out of the car first said in a deep voice: "Team leader..."

"Report to the superiors! Just say that the mission failed and we were attacked by anti-entropy! Request support!" The Valkyrie leader pulled out the fragments splashed on her body from the car explosion from her wound expressionlessly, and gritted her teeth and said: "Those damn traitors will pay the price sooner or later!"

"Team leader, the message was interfered with, the communication was blocked..." The Valkyrie team members tried several times, but there was no call from the branch in the headset, only noisy rustling.

"Is it interfered? Then be prepared, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle!" The Valkyrie leader took out a weapon from the back and said coldly.

"Tactical mecha of the 5th team, cancel the stealth."

With the fall of mechanized electronic sound, the figures of black humanoid mechas appeared around the two Valkyries.

In the corner where no one noticed, the blazing flames on the car wreckage had disappeared, replaced by the spreading frost.

Just when the two Valkyries kicked the car door open to escape, Hina followed suit and kicked it... but the car door did not move at all.

Then, she was blown up into the sky by the missile...

Hina slowly opened her eyes, lowered her eyes and watched the parts of her body damaged by the flames regenerate at a high speed under the power of the Herrscher of Death, and silently made a vow in her heart that she would not be a Herrscher until she avenged this...

"Valkyries of destiny, tut tut tut, you look so embarrassed! Even with such a huge gap, you are unwilling to lay down your weapons and surrender?", a sarcasm came from the leading black mecha, but in response, there was only a round of bullets that were not very harmful but extremely insulting.

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll be punished!" The black mecha raised its mechanical legs high and stomped heavily on the ground. The violent shock wave instantly knocked the Valkyrie in front of it away.

Another mecha blocked the energy bomb fired by the second Valkyrie, and then punched the Valkyrie who had no time to react and flew away.

The Valkyrie who was knocked away spit out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground, and the team leader who was lying next to her was unknown.

"Report to the headquarters, Team 5, the mission is completed, the Valkyrie of destiny has been killed by all of us--!"

The leading black mecha suddenly stopped in place after transmitting half of the content, and the same happened to several mechas around it.

Cocolia looked at the real-time live images transmitted back by the mecha on the screen in front of her, and frowned slightly.

What's going on? The network card dropped frames?

It doesn't make sense! Their anti-entropy mecha can't have a network card!

Just as she was thinking, the screen in front of Cocolia went black, as if something destroyed her second mecha team in an instant.

"Why is it Anti-Entropy again? Last time, they sent a fake to annoy me, and this time they actually used missiles to bomb me. Okay, okay, I will remember this grudge, wait for me!!"

The sharp ice cone disappeared after tearing open the damaged car wreckage. Xina walked out of the gap slowly. She looked at the Anti-Entropy mecha covered with thick ice crystals into mecha amber, and silently made another note for Anti-Entropy in her little notebook.

Seeing that the Valkyrie who was just talking and laughing with her had turned into a cold corpse, Xina's eyes actually flashed with a trace of emotion. How weak human life is.

But now there is no time to feel sad for them. What she has to do now is to call for reinforcements!

Picking up the earphones dropped by the Valkyrie from the ground, Xina clearly heard the urgent call from the other end of the earphone: "Catherine, Catherine, this is the command center, please answer, please answer! What's the situation over there! Why couldn't we detect you just now!"

After adjusting her mood a little, Xina put the earphones on her ears: "Hello, is this the North American branch?"


After a short silence, a question came from the other end of the earphone: "You are not Catherine, who are you? Show your identity! Otherwise, you will be marked as an enemy by destiny."

"I am Xina!"

"Xina? The one that the Far East Branch Director Theresa asked us to pick up? What's the situation over there? Why can't we contact you here, and the satellite image can't see it...", the other end of the electronic earphone asked a series of questions, which made Xina a little confused.

"We were attacked by Anti-Entropy, and now I am the only one left. I am currently... well, I don't know where. Anyway, I heard from Catherine that it seems to be 20 minutes away from the airport." Xina looked at the unfamiliar wilderness around her and felt a little confused for a moment.

But think about it, this is the reason. Anti-EntropyNo matter how rampant they are, they would not play with missiles in crowded places. It is really the best to kill people on this deserted country road.

If it were Hina, Hina would definitely choose this place.

"Anti-entropy? I know, we will send reinforcements now!" The communication headset fell completely silent after conveying this sentence.

The Valkyrie on duty hurriedly found her branch chief and reported the situation in detail.

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