When the first ray of dawn broke through the sky, the gentle sunshine once again shone on the earth, bringing a new day.

Xina slowly opened her eyes, and just flicked the curtains with her fingers, and two ice-blue hooks appeared out of thin air, slowly pulling the curtains to both sides.

Outside the window, the birds on the tree jumped up and down on the branches, chirping and calling.

Xina sat up straight from the bed, and after a while, she got up and walked to the window.

Opening the window, the fresh air unique to the morning rushed in,

"Spare your lives." Xina raised her right hand and aimed at the sound-making machines that disturbed people's dreams. After stretching it in the air for a while, she silently put it down.

Knock, knock, knock…

“Hina, are you up?”

There was a knock on the door. Hina turned around and walked over to open the door. She saw Raiden Meiyi wearing an apron at a glance: “It’s Meiyi! You got up so early…”

“Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health!” Meiyi smiled and said, “How was your rest last night?”

Except for the unscrupulous boss who kept urging her to work faster, everything was fine.

Hina scratched her head, wanting to cry but unable to, and smiled awkwardly: "Thank you for your concern. I rested well last night... I slept soundly."

Raiden Mei smiled faintly after hearing this: "That's good. After breakfast, Teacher Jizi will take you to take the entrance test. You must do your best!"

"Okay, I got it. Thank you."

Thinking of the test that required her to be relaxed while not being lame, and to be low-key while being cool, Hina silently frowned and said indirectly: "By the way, Mei, you must have participated in that test! Can you tell me the content of the test!"

"What about the content of the test!" Mei didn't seem to expect Hina to ask her for advice so directly, so she seriously thought about the various situations she encountered during the test at that time, and planned to summarize them for Hina.

"Generally, this kind of test will be conducted in a special test site, and the test site is located in a special barrier space constructed by Honkai energy. No matter how many injuries you suffer, your body will recover to the state before entering the test site after you come out."

"The most important thing is that Honkai beasts and death warriors that have appeared in reality can be constructed in the test site. Although they are all virtual modules, they are all simulated with the combat data of these Honkai beasts that have appeared, and the strength is not much different from that of real individuals."

"Like the opponent I tested at the beginning, it was a simulated Honkai beast, but... I remember that you have no foundation, right, Hina? If so, I suggest you start with the death warrior challenge!"

Fighting simulated Honkai beasts and death warriors?

It doesn't seem too difficult. As long as you let it go well, you can definitely get away with it!

Thinking of this, Hina's face flashed with a barely perceptible joy. She nodded to Mei and smiled, "This is very helpful to me. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I'll go call Kiana and Bronya first. They haven't woken up yet and must have played games together until late at night... You can go downstairs to have breakfast after you wash up."

When she got ready and walked out of the room, Jizi and Fu Hua were already sitting at the dining table and started eating. Seeing Hina coming downstairs, Jizi raised her hand and waved to Hina, saying, "Hurry up, new classmate! After we finish eating, we're going to take the entrance exam!"

"Okay." Hina sat next to Jizi and ate for her future good figure.

After they finished breakfast, Kiana and Bronya, who had almost stayed up all night, went downstairs sleepily at Mei's drive.

To be honest, seeing that the two of them didn't open their eyes, Hina was really worried that they would slip and roll down the stairs.

Because they were not going in the same direction, Jizi and Hina set off first and headed for the test site known as the nightmare of poor students.

On the way, Hina looked at her empty hands and realized a very serious problem: she couldn't use her fingers to make a small pistol and shoot it at the target during the test!

Although it's not impossible, but... at least it shouldn't be done.

"Teacher Jizi, do we have to test with empty hands?" Hina whispered tentatively.

"No, if you have this need, you can use weapons during the test... Forget it, it's still early anyway, I'll take you to the standard weapons warehouse to pick out a handy one! When you pass a higher level assessment later, it will be in time to change to a better weapon."

Jizi pondered for a while and led Hina to another direction.

Jizi took Hina through a research and development area where scientific researchers came and went, and finally came to a plain silver-gray metal gate.

Hina touched the gate with her hand, and suddenlyI have a basic judgment on the security level of this place:

The authority level of this area is not high, and even the gate is just a normal anti-theft door.


"Fingerprint confirmation, authority verification passed, welcome, Major Jizi."

In the friendly electronic sound, the closed metal door slowly opened in front of the two.

Jizi pressed the lighting switch next to the door and walked in with Hina.

As the lights in the room came on, what caught Hina's eyes were weapons that were slightly flashing under the lights.

Tachi, broadsword, boxing gloves, sickles, pistols...

There were several of each kind of weapon, and they were placed horizontally on the shelf, which made Hina dazzled.

And there was a sign standing in front of each weapon, which seemed to be an introduction to the weapon.

"Here are standard weapons that can be used for adaptive training. Pick the ones you like!"

Because she was blown to the sky by an anti-entropy missile in North America because of her poor physical fitness, Xina is more or less a B number for her physical fitness.

She is sure that she is suitable for lighter weapons, like the giant sword leaning against the wall over there. The sickle is not suitable for her at first glance.

As for small-caliber artillery and boxing gloves, after a brief entanglement, Xina also passed them together with the giant sword and sickle.

In this way, it is really difficult to find a weapon that suits you.

Xina looked at the remaining swords and pistols, and she was not happy with them, but since she came here, she couldn't go back empty-handed!

"Alas... Let's take this!" Xina sighed leisurely and turned to walk towards the weapon cabinet where several kinds of pistols were placed.

She picked a pistol of suitable weight and planned to hand it over. When Xina turned around, the corner of her eye was instantly attracted by a group of objects hanging in the corner of the wall.

It was a completely black whip. From the two rows of blade-like barbs on it, it was not difficult to see the cruel scene of this thing beating organic creatures.

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