At this moment, the simulated synthetic Honkai beasts finally died. When they saw the whip coming at them, they felt like the sky was falling...

After easily defeating the simulated enemies, the huge assessment area returned to peace. Jizi took a pen and wrote and drew on a small notebook, while Theresa stood aside and looked at Hina thoughtfully.

Until a few minutes later, Jizi and Theresa showed some strange smiles on their faces, as if they had reached some kind of consensus.

Hina: Although I don’t know what they are laughing at, I always feel something is wrong.

Facts have proved that you can completely trust Hina’s intuition. Just after Jizi and Theresa reached a consensus, Jizi also jumped into the assessment area.

After transmitting a relatively ordinary set of armor, Jizi held a large and frightening giant sword in front of her and said with a smile: "I have discussed with Theresa. Since we are here, let's just take your rating assessment together. I will be the main force and you will be responsible for assisting me. You must perform well, Hina~"

"Ah? Good!"

Although Hina was still a little confused about what the so-called rating assessment was, but... if she was just helping, it didn't seem to take too much effort. Thinking of this, Hina nodded gently.

After seeing Hina nod, Jizi raised her right hand and gave Theresa a thumbs up.

Theresa, who received the signal, pressed on the virtual screen in front of her, and the pink mosaic-like object gathered again, and the Honkai energy shield used to protect the venue once again covered the entire platform.

Beep~beep~beep~ The familiar three alarms sounded, and the combined Honkai beasts appeared one by one in the open space in front of the two.

This time, 6 Honkai beasts and 6 dead soldiers holding bows and arrows appeared directly, and only two of the 6 were the same type of offensive Honkai beasts just now!

There are 2 new types of Honkai beasts. The two big guys standing in the front have a pair of unusually strong forelimbs and a pair of short legs. There is also a red crystal-like object between the bifurcated bull-shaped horns.

The two on the side are the knight-level Honkai beasts of Singapore. They hold long spears and move like cavalry.

"Xina, pay attention, they are now set to free attack mode. They will not stand there stupidly waiting for you to attack like before. You just need to..."

Before Ji Zi finished speaking, Xina had already swung out the whip and whipped the dead soldiers viciously. With the help of sunglasses, the color of the dead soldiers who were originally wearing black clothes became several shades darker.

In Xina's eyes, this color is simply written on the face: Hey! Come and whip me, five big words.

When two sets of cross-shaped slashes passed through the gaps between the Honkai beasts, accurately whipping the dead soldiers away and turning them into ice sculptures in mid-air, Jizi looked at Hina's whip that she had learned without a teacher and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that... people in North America are naturally proficient in using whips as a weapon?

She was obviously a lazy girl who would pant even when running, but when she swung the whip, the whirring appearance was completely different from that sick beauty.

Soon, Hina's request for help interrupted Ji Zi's thoughts: "Teacher, what should I do next!"

"It's okay, just follow the teacher!" Ji Zi dragged the giant sword and started to rush forward. While sprinting, she did not forget to give Hina scientific knowledge:

"There are three types of Honkai beasts on the field now. The advance-level Honkai beasts are fast, but their attack and defense are not strong. You only need to..."

As she was talking, Ji Zi slid to avoid the cross-sprint of two advance-level Honkai beasts, and after avoiding the attack of the Honkai beasts, she jumped up and swung the giant sword in the air with her backhand to create a beautiful crescent.


The two Honkai beasts that were in a short stiffness were cut into two by a sword. The Honkai beasts lay motionless on the ground, and their bodies gradually decomposed into garbled codes. It was obviously dead and could not die anymore.

At the same time, a knight-level Honkai beast also entered the charging state. It rushed to Ji Zi with a huge momentum, raised the spear in its hand, and stabbed Ji Zi with all its strength.

"Wow, it's coming so fast!" Jizi was prepared. She rolled to the side with the giant sword, avoiding the attack and keeping a distance from the Honkai beast.

There are still four Honkai beasts left on the field. The chariot class moves very slowly and needs to charge when attacking. It is a clumsy guy with high attack power but low attack speed.

The knight class has high attack power and fast speed, but there is nothing special about it. But why is there only one Honkai beast looking for trouble?

Thinking of this, Jizi looked to the side and back in surprise, and at this moment she understood the gap between the talented players and the hard-working players.

With her left and right bows, she repeatedly crossedJump, operate to the fullest to control the technical schools of Honkai Beast. Hina just stood there and whipped the three Honkai Beasts that dared not show their heads.

Not to mention that the two tank-level Honkai Beasts, which were already slow in movement, moved stiffly as if they were playing house.

Even the extremely fast knight-level Honkai Beast was crawling on the ground like a turtle under the influence of low temperature, dragging a layer of ice thicker than its body.

Hina only needed to move a few steps to the side like a stroll to easily avoid the Honkai Beast's slow attack.

It can be seen that Hina has always understood a truth: since I don't run fast, let you run as slow as me, so that I can defeat you in the field I am familiar with.

"Tsk, this is really a talent that makes people jealous...", looking at Hina who easily suppressed three Honkai Beasts by herself in the first simulated actual combat, Jizi couldn't help but compare her performance at the time with this child in her heart.

It would be fine if she didn't compare. Once she did, Jizi felt upset.

The feeling of the previous wave dying on the beach lingered in her heart for a long time.

It seems that I am really old. From now on, this world will belong to the young...

After thinking about it, Jizi couldn't help but sigh.

Listening to the heavy footsteps beside her, Jizi slowly turned around. She looked at the knight-level Honkai beast that was slowly approaching her, and she picked up the giant sword quite casually and said:

"But I am a teacher after all. I can't show this look of being hit in front of my students!"

Maybe it was because it entered the best attack distance, or maybe it was because it heard Jizi's words, the mount under the knight-level Honkai beast raised its forelimbs high, then stepped down heavily, and a light lit up on its tall body

Then, the Honkai beast rushed towards Jizi in a state of charging.

One big and one small, two figures intertwined, and the victory and defeat were decided in an instant.

The body of the Honkai Beast, which was hit by Jizi's giant sword, paused for a moment, then its two front hooves lifted up, and it fell backwards on its back, as if it had lost its balance.


Another sword fell, and the huge knight-level Honkai Beast turned into countless dissipating light spots after its head and body were separated.

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