Just as Hina was secretly sighing about her comfortable life.

She had just been drinking ice cola, but her movements suddenly paused, and her body turned from lying comfortably to sitting upright.

Something crushed the thin layer of Honkai energy that she had covered around the branch, and there were quite a few of them!

He closed his eyes and manipulated the mini-Dash-class Honkai beasts that were scattered around the New North American branch to act as ears and eyes, and let these "ears and eyes" that were about the size of a fluttering moth help him detect the identity of the visitor.

But no matter how hard those mini-Hunkai beasts that were about the size of a fluttering moth tried, the perspective they gave was always empty.

Invisible! A large number! Heavy machinery!

It must be someone from Anti-Entropy!

With these important pieces of information, Hina could directly infer the identity of the visitor. She drank the last sip of ice cola and looked at the Valkyries around her who were enjoying a happy afternoon tea with her.

She couldn't help but struggle in her heart, how should she deal with the sudden attack of the anti-entropy with a working attitude.


Forget it, it's over now, let's get off work first!

Standing up and walking towards the locker room, Hina estimated the arrival time of those anti-entropy mechas according to the location of the broken ice surface.

In the end, Hina happily concluded that as long as she walked a little faster, she could catch up with the anti-entropy mechas by the time difference.

After changing into casual clothes, Hina walked towards the gate without stopping - the new North American branch was like an agent base in the movie, hidden at the bottom of a theater, and the Valkyries normally went through the main entrance after work.

As soon as she pressed the button of the exit, a Valkyrie called out from behind her: "Hey, Sina! You and I will be on duty tomorrow night. What do you want to eat for supper?"

Sina paused for a moment, then turned around and smiled gently at the Valkyrie: "Same old! Big Mac and super large iced cola!"

"Okay!" The food-loving Valkyrie turned around and went back to work after getting the answer, leaving Sina standing at the exit, looking at her back thoughtfully.

"Tsk, since you guys treat me to dinner every day, I'll be merciful and think of a way for you!"

After a sigh, Sina stepped into the elevator again. When the elevator started to operate, the B-level Valkyrie Sina Nash, who was interning at the New North American Branch, had disappeared.

The one who walked out of the elevator was the S-level Valkyrie Bianca Orlandel of the Destiny Headquarters.

In the ten seconds that the elevator was operating, Xina had repeatedly deduced the reasons and solutions for Anti-Entropy's attack.

The logic is roughly as follows: Anti-Entropy dared to take action because the combat power of the New North American branch was in the bottom echelon among all the branches of Tianming. Anti-Entropy was likely to remove the New North American branch, which was a thorn in the flesh and close to its jurisdiction.

To dare to do such a thing, Anti-Entropy must have done a good job of intelligence work and preparation. They came this time... not to say that they would take this place 100%, but at least it was 90% certain.

To stop Anti-Entropy's actions, they must be made aware that the success rate of this action is extremely low.

Then they must need high-end combat power, such as the military deterrence of the S-level Valkyrie.

At first, Xina planned to become Theresa, after all, she and Theresa lived in the same villa, and she looked like her.

But... she finally rejected the plan of becoming Theresa before leaving.

First, because the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, Walter, is in Saint Freya, and he might be holding a teacher's meeting with other teachers. It would be easy to be exposed if he pretended to be Theresa.

Second, because Theresa's Judas was too heavy, it would be tiring to make a scale model with ice.

Based on the above two points, Xina finally decided to imitate the S-level Valkyrie Youlan Dell at the Sky Destiny Headquarters, who she had met once in Singapore. (It is definitely not because Xina has only seen these two S-level Valkyries!)


"Report to Lord Cocolia, the first mecha tactical team has arrived at the hiding place of the Sky Destiny New North American Branch, please give instructions!"

"Great! Since we are here, then..." Cocolia stood on the bridge, observing the first-person perspective of each Titan mecha on the big screen in front of her.

Thinking of the results she was about to reap, Cocolia was overjoyed. She waved her hand and was about to issue an attack order, but Einstein beside her hurriedly called a halt.

"Dr. Einstein, what are you doing?" Cocolia looked at Einstein with dissatisfaction, but noticed that his gaze was not on her, but on a split screen on the big screen.

"You are looking at... that is... this is impossible... how could that Orchiddale appear here!" Cocolia squinted her eyes and looked at the split screen, her pupils slightly contracted.

Then, as if she had seen a ghost for a long time, she rushed to the operating table and splitThe screen zoomed in.

"Report to Lady Cocolia, a Valkyrie walked out of the New North American branch. The facial recognition system determined that she was the S-level Valkyrie Orlandel of the Destiny Headquarters. Should we continue the original mission?"

"Cocolia, if Orlandel is here, your mission success rate is only 7% now." Einstein looked at the 'Orlandel' on the screen expressionlessly, and muttered in his heart:

Although Orlandel only obeys Otto's orders and is usually elusive, it is unlikely that she would appear here just when I was about to take action!

Could it be that Otto guessed our plan, or there was a traitor among the executors?

Damn it! Is this also in his calculation? He is really worthy of being that man!

"Seven percent... Seven percent..." Cocolia gritted her teeth and looked at the screen with her hands in her pockets, blowing gum bubbles, and was about to say: The enemy is in the dark, she is unprepared, we attack suddenly, and we may not have no chance of winning.

But the slap in the face came the next second...

Yulan Dell, played by Hina, found the location of the anti-entropy stealth mecha based on the range of the thin ice on the ground.

She walked down the steps, stood in front of the theater door, turned her body towards them, and gently tapped her neck with her index finger, then stretched out to those mechas and hooked them provocatively.

The general meaning is: I'm here, come here if you have the guts!

"What! Even the invisible Titan mecha can be found, is this intuition? These S-level Valkyries are just like monsters!"

Einstein didn't understand the bug of the S-level Valkyries, but she was shocked!

"Damn it, we've been discovered!" Kokolia hammered the instrument in front of her hard. After seeing the arrogant and confident smile on the face of 'Yulan Dell' on the screen, as if everything was under control, she finally panicked.

Just like that, after a long silence, Kokolia bit her back teeth and said reluctantly: "Attention, all teams, the mission is cancelled, retreat!"


After receiving Kokolia's order, the anti-entropy mechas that surrounded the theater began to retreat in an orderly manner.




(I looked at the voting results and saw Xiaoshi at first glance! Can I only say that you are worthy of it? It's really such a terrifying voting result.)

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