"This terrible thing... Could it be... Is this the Herrscher?" Xing-Marr began to attack in the opposite direction with great fear.

Compared with the mission, life is obviously more important.

After running a distance, there was no movement behind Xing-Marr.

"So fast..." Xing-Marr looked back and saw that no one was catching up. While operating the bracelet, he said angrily: "Hmph, don't think you won."

"Well! The broken copper and iron are still moving?" The Herrscher of Thunder glanced at the beeping mecha, obviously not taking it seriously.

After crushing the Titan in the blink of an eye, the Herrscher of Thunder walked towards Kiana step by step: "Kiana, I see you again. It's been a long time since we last met!"

"I remember a long time ago, I seemed to have said that only I could take your life, but seeing you like this now makes me feel very boring. Why not wait until I heal you and then take your life with my own hands!"

The Herrscher of Thunder tilted her head, revealing her rather playful smile, with lightning flashing on her fingertips.

"You fake, give me back my Mei!" Kiana roared and struggled to get up, just like she did in Changkong City that year, and resolutely rushed towards the Herrscher of Thunder.

"Your chattering is really annoying. Since you are so eager to die, then... I will satisfy you!"

Looking at Kiana rushing towards her, the Herrscher of Thunder seemed to think of some very unpleasant memories. She frowned and raised her fingertips, aiming the constantly jumping arc at Kiana.


After a loud explosion, a purple light column formed by more than ten purple lightning snakes shot towards Kiana with almost unstoppable power.

Kiana raised her head and stared at the lightning column, and her bright blue pupils were also reflected by the dazzling purple light in the same color at that moment.

Am I going to die?

At that moment, such a thought flashed through Kiana's mind, and then she was blown away.

"Just a mortal, that's it!" The Herrscher of Thunder turned around and was thinking about solving the electronic bomb on his heart, but a strange woman's voice came from behind: "Tsk tsk tsk, this kind of power can only kill a bug... It seems that you didn't want to kill her at all!"

"Huh? Someone is coming? When?" The Herrscher of Thunder turned his head and looked at the source of the voice.

In the smoke and dust, a woman wearing a black mask was standing in the position where Kiana was just now, waving at herself.

"Who are you?" The Herrscher of Thunder pinched out a ball of lightning with his right hand and stared coldly at the masked woman not far away, as if she would throw the thunder ball away immediately if she didn't give her a reasonable explanation.

"Oh, don't be so irritable! We are all family members. According to the order of rank, you are still my predecessor!", Xina smiled and coiled the black mist around her fingertips in a very realistic way, and finally extended a black sickle.

"You are also a Herrscher? This feeling... Herrscher of Death?"

Seeing a similar existence, the Herrscher of Thunder also slightly suppressed some hostility and nodded to Xina as a greeting.

Just as the Herrscher of Thunder was about to leave, Xina stopped her again: "Do you need a favor? You don't look very good!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you need help to take out the time bomb on your body? You can't go far with that thing on your body!"

As she said that, Xina didn't forget to point to her heart.

Yes, on the way here, Hina had almost gotten the words out of Theresa. There were two most important pieces of information: there was a time bomb buried in the heart of Raiden Mei, which would explode in five minutes if it went out of control.

The other was that once the time bomb was activated, it would quickly inform all the nearby Destiny branches. If she wanted to do something, she had to be quick.

"Oh! What do you want to do!" The Herrscher of Thunder thought about it briefly, and seemed to realize that he couldn't go far with the bomb, so he finally asked his kind for the other party's method.

"Two choices, one, I will open your chest directly, take out the bomb, and then use my power to make your wound heal!" Hina raised her right hand, raised two fingers, and said in a serious manner.

"Open your chest... sounds weird, what about the second method?" The Herrscher of Thunder thought of the horrifying scene of someone ripping out his heart, and subconsciously rejected this option.

"The second method is actually similar. You gather your consciousness into the gem, I take the gem from Raiden Mei, and then create a body for you to transplant the gem into."

"Gather your consciousness into the gem? And then let you take it out?" The Herrscher of Thunder looked at the Herrscher of Death in front of him with a strange expression, and a trace of doubt in his heart inexplicably arose:

Although both sidesThey are Herrschers, but they have never met before. What is the difference between putting your consciousness into the gem and letting the other party take it out and handing your life to the other party?

In general, it can be roughly understood that she doesn't trust this fellow who she met for the first time.

"What's wrong? Have you thought about it?" Xina looked at the time and estimated that the New North American branch had received the message, so she couldn't help asking.

"I think it's not necessary. I will find a way to solve this kind of thing myself. Anyway, I don't have any attachment to this rotten world. Even if I die, there is nothing to be sad about." The Herrscher of Thunder shook his head and walked out... with a very cool step.


Xina, who has always loved life, was stunned by the words of the Herrscher of Thunder. She thought of all the reasons why the other party rejected her, but she didn't expect the Herrscher of Thunder's reasons to be... so weird!

At this moment, she finally knew what her predecessor's attitude towards life and work was, but she couldn't be happy at all.

What do you mean there is nothing to be sad about even if you die?

Are you seriously ill? !

Although being alive is indeed... indeed... um..., but being alive is definitely better than being dead!

On the other side, the Herrscher of Thunder, who was listening to the countdown of the bomb on her heart, suddenly looked up at the bright and splendid sun that was radiating brilliance all the time.

She took a deep breath and murmured: "It's really amazing, there is something in my heart that I can't let go of! What bomb on the heart! Humph! How can such a thing hinder me!"

In the eyes of Hina who didn't understand and was shocked, the Herrscher of Thunder, who had just walked with a domineering look, fell to the ground.

Hina: "?", if my colleagues are all such abstract things, then my pressure... is a bit 'billion'!

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