Just as Hina was thinking about how to destroy the remaining rubbish of the Moonlight Throne, Rita smiled and looked at Theresa who was thinking.

"Lady Theresa."

"My personal suggestion is to cover the remains of the Moonlight Throne with a barrier that seals the Houkai energy to prevent the situation like Kiana and her classmates from happening again."

After listening to Rita's suggestion, Theresa thought about it, and finally nodded, saying, "This is indeed a good idea. I will arrange it as soon as possible."

"A very wise choice, Lady Theresa." Rita took a step back and said softly, "Since there is nothing for me to do, my mission here is over. Next, I will return to the headquarters to report on my work. I'll leave first."

"Okay." Theresa nodded, indicating that Hina, who had picked up Rita, should send her back.

Afterwards, Rita gracefully gave a maid salute to everyone and followed Hina away.

After Hina and the other two left, Theresa looked at Bronya and the other two next to Kiana:

"Okay, Kiana just woke up. Just in case, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua, you should take her back to the dormitory to rest."

"Understood." Fu Hua nodded, and together with Mei, she took Kiana to the campus path back to the villa.

"Himeko, you stay, let's discuss it."

"Okay." Himeko responded and followed Theresa to Hyperion.

On the other side, on the way to the airport, Rita, whose name was finally remembered by Hina, was sitting in the back seat and quietly looking at the Valkyrie driving.

As the deputy captain of the Immortal Blade Combat Team, Rita has seen quite a few excellent snipers in the past few years.

But Rita felt... even if all the ace snipers in the Immortal Blade were brought here, they might not be able to do better than Hina in the situation just now.

"Miss Hina, forgive me for being blunt. With your marksmanship, it should be natural for you to be promoted to A-class Valkyrie, but why are you still..." Rita pondered for a moment and did not finish the second half of the sentence. Instead, she tilted her head and squinted her eyes and laughed.

"Is it a promotion from B-class to A-class? I have already applied for that, but the headquarters did not approve it." Hina drove the car expressionlessly, and couldn't help muttering in her heart:

This Li... Liya suddenly said so much to me, is she trying to trick me or test me! Should we wait until she gets on the plane and then use the anti-entropy missile to blow her down...

"Didn't she pass?" Rita thought for a moment and checked the recently rejected application reports with her authority: "But... the Far East Branch has not applied to the headquarters for the report of the B-level Valkyrie being promoted to A-level Valkyrie recently!"

"My report was applied for in the New North American Branch. You should be able to find it if you check the New North American Branch!"

"New North American Branch? Perrin's branch?" Rita asked.


After she finished speaking, Sina looked at the red light ahead, gently rolled down the window, and idly put her hands on the window sill and hummed the tune of her favorite song.

"Listening to the tune, it seems to be... "The Gods Enter Valhalla" in the second act of "The Rhine Gold"? Does Miss Sina like to listen to opera?" Rita asked suddenly after checking the information she needed and listening to the tune Sina hummed.

"Eh~ I can't say I like it, I can only say that I occasionally listen to it in my spare time...", Hina turned around and grinned, complimenting her half-truthfully:

"On the contrary, Miss Rita... Miss Rita can tell the song I hum from my intermittent tunes. I am really impressed by her hearing! I think there are not many maids in the world who can appreciate music and opera as well as clean up the Houkai soldiers as Miss Rita!"

"I am so honored to receive Miss Hina's praise." Rita covered her face and chuckled twice, saying softly: "But you are right about one thing. As an excellent maid, only if you have a high enough taste can you better solve trivial problems for an excellent master."

"Really? Then I really hope that one day I can have a maid as excellent and dedicated as you."

"I will."

Ding ding ding! Ding ding ding!

After the red light turned green, the car behind honked at the impatient car that was not moving. The harsh sound forced the two to end their pleasant conversation.

"By the way."

Seeing that the airport sign in the distance could be seen by the naked eye, Rita asked the last question: "I have seen the application of the new North American branch, but the reply from the headquarters is..."

"You want me to pass the physical fitness test, right? I know this." Hina turned on the turn signal and turned to enterRight lane.

"But I see Miss Hina, you didn't take part in today's assessment. Can I ask the specific reason?" Rita looked up at Hina in the rearview mirror, as if she wanted to see something special on her face.

Oh, she finally got to the point!

Thinking of this, Hina opened the drawer of the co-pilot seat, took out her doctoral certificate, and flung it in front of Rita's eyes as if to show off: "Because I passed the doctoral exam, I plan to go directly to the research institute of the Destiny headquarters to work after graduation. I have checked specifically, and the treatment of the research Valkyrie in the research institute is better than that of the combat Valkyrie."

"So, you switched from the combat Valkyrie to the research Valkyrie not to fight the collapse, but because... the treatment is better?" Rita stared at Hina blankly, and her eyes widened in a rare loss of composure.

"What else do you think!?" Hina couldn't help but turn her head and ask Rita back. Rita felt a little guilty when she saw her righteous look...

Rita: "...", the world is big, and there are all kinds of people.

In the cabin of the plane back to the headquarters of the destiny, Rita was writing the mission report in a separate compartment.

However, the content of the mission report in front of her was not the inspection and assessment and confirmation of whether the Moonlight Throne wreckage had other hazards as she told Theresa before coming to St. Freya Academy.

[Observation record report: Target number: K-423]

[Compared with the past, the concentration of Honkai energy and combat effectiveness of the observed object have increased to a certain extent. However, the recovery of the special personality needs to be observed. ]

When writing this, Rita seemed to think of something, and the pen in her hand paused for a moment, but soon took another piece of paper and continued to write.

[Personnel promotion assessment form: Far East Branch, St. Freya Academy B-level Valkyrie Sina Nash. ]

[During the test, the combat power he showed reached the A-level level, but he lacked empathy and responsibility, and was too self-centered. It is recommended to do more character assessment. Reporter: Rita Rossweisse]

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