
【Qiong: Brother Bo Bing! Handsome!】

【Jing Yuan: Brother Bo Bing! Handsome!】

【Sambo: Brother Bo Bing!】

【Sanyueqi: Hahaha! Sorry Uncle Bo Bing, I couldn’t help laughing because it was really funny!】

【Yanqing: Handsome!】

【Kiana: Cool!】

【Qingque: Handsome!】

【Danheng: Handsome】

【Jizi: Phew~】

【Yukong: I think Brother Bo Bing will definitely be able to reach the other side, because he has transcended this world!】

【Walter: Stop it.......】

【Qiong: Surpass Brother Bo Bing!】

【March 7: @Qiong, you must be pretending to be unconscious! Even if you are conscious, you are too excited!】

【Qiong: Oh, my life is like walking on thin ice.....】

【March 7: Poof——】

【Walter: That's enough. Stop it.......】

【Kiana: Haha!】

【Kiana: @Walter, Bronya has already posted the screen recording to her friends circle. When Dr. Tesla and the others wake up, they should all see it.】

【Walter: This......】

【Walter: Spare me.】

【Walter: It seems like my reputation is ruined now!】

【Walter: But I want to let you know I'm safe. I'm fine. I just can't go back for a while.】

【Kiana: Okay!】.......

【Now let’s reveal the answers to"Stars"!】

【「Star" chose answer C, I am the Galaxy Bat Man!】

【Correct answer!】

【Randomly drawing rewards.......Rewards selected!】

【Congratulations to"Xing" for winning: Skyfire Holy Judge Star Core Drive Edition!】

【Videos with correct answers will be shown soon!】

【The ban on"Star" has now been lifted!】......

【Pera: ???】

【Greenbird: ???】

【Estelle: ???】

【March 7: ???】

【March 7: What the hell is this answer?】

【Kafka: Interesting name, isn't it?】


【Silver Wolf: It's over, there's no saving this child.】

【Hanabi: I am dying of laughter. Here comes a more abstract one.~】

【Gui Naifen: This is the answer the child chose himself!】

【Su Shang: I didn't expect you to be such a star baby】

【March 7: @Xing, the ban has been lifted, are you awake?】

【Star: My head hurts a bit......】

【March 7: @Qiong, you have nothing to say! How can you be so energetic when you are unconscious!】

【March 7: You just know how to take advantage of me!】

【Walter: ???】

【Kiana: ???】

【Kiana: Holy Fire Judge? ?】

【Walter: Star core drive version?】

【March 7: Uncle Yang, is this also a weapon from your world?】

【Walter: Yes】

【Kiana: What is a star core?】

【Walter: It's a bit complicated to explain, but you can simply think of it as a core that can cause collapse, but it's much more powerful than the Herrscher core.】

【Kiana: Doesn’t that mean that the Holy Fire Judgment has been upgraded by several levels?】

【Walter: In theory, yes.】......

Black Tower Space Station.

Support Section.

On the platform.

Qiong, who had been lying in March Seven's soft arms, suddenly opened his eyes and finally stood up.

The camera in the live broadcast room also quietly moved from Walter's body to him.

"What? Now that you've been exposed, you finally stop pretending, right?"

March Seventh condemned Qiong mercilessly.

But Qiong didn't care, and walked straight to Xingmei who was lying on the ground next to her.

She was now sitting up, holding her aching head.

As the rewards in the live broadcast room were distributed, a fiery red sword suddenly appeared in front of her.

Qiong first kindly helped Xingmei, who was gradually becoming clearer, up, and then"took advantage of the situation" to take over the star core-driven sword called"Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment" for her.

"How are you feeling?"

Qiong asked with concern.

"Yeah, much better."

Xing nodded.

"Can I discuss something with you?"

Qiong asked immediately.


Xing agreed.

"This weapon is not suitable for you."

"How about I trade with you a weapon that is more suitable for you?"

Qiong said as he let go of Xingmei and used the power of the Ruler of Reason to instantly construct a"cool" baseball bat!

Then he handed it to Xingmei.

"How is it? Do you like it?"

Qiong stuffed it into Xingmei's hand, while his other hand was still tightly holding the Holy Judgement of Heavenly Fire.

"I like it!"

Xingmei's eyes lit up when she took the bat.

"Just like it, then it will be yours."

"Listen to me, being handsome is a lifelong thing."

Qiong touched Xingmei's head with a look of satisfaction.

"Yeah, I understand!"..........

【March 7: ???】

【Kiana: ???】

【Silver Wolf: ???】

【Walter: ???】

【Gui Naifen: ???】

【Qingque: This is hard to judge.......】

【Fireworks: As the saying goes, people from the same family stick together.~~~】

【Silver Wolf: This number is useless】

【Gui Naifen: This is easier to deceive than Su Chang.....】

【Su Shang: ???】

【Su Shang: Xiao Guizi, are you itching for trouble? I won’t cooperate with your performance next time!】

【Gui Naifen: Oh, I was just joking. I was praising you for being simple and kind!】

【Su Chang: That’s more like it!】


【March 7: @Qiong, do you have any shame? You even betrayed your own sister!】

【Qiong: What are you talking about! How can this be called a trap?!】

【Qiong: Don’t underestimate the relationship between us brothers and sisters!】

【Kiana: So thick-skinned......】

【March 7: @Xing, are you serious? You want to exchange this Holy Fire Judge for a baseball bat?】

【Xing: Of course, because I'm Galaxy Bat Man!】

【March 7:......】


【Gui Naifen:......】

【Qingque: This child is hopeless.】..

【Now start playing the video associated with the correct answer!】.............................................

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