
【Now start playing the social death video!】

【《An underground romance at the Black Tower Space Station!》】...

Black Tower Space Station.

In a deserted corner.

Qiong came over first.

He was sending a message on his phone.

The camera zoomed in, but the dialog box on the screen was covered with notes and avatars.

Only Qiong's avatar was displayed, but the content of the chat could still be seen.

"I've arrived"

"I'm here too, luckily no one saw me!"

The message was simple, but it was clear that the meeting between the two parties was secret.

Soon, another figure came into view.

But unfortunately, this mysterious person had been mosaiced in all directions....

【March 7: @Qiong, the protagonist is you again!】

【March 7: Scumbag!】

【March 7: You’re still having this secret affair without telling me!】

【Qiong: Scumbag? Hiding from you?】

【Qiong: So you are admitting that you are the official girlfriend?】

【Pera: I must be here!】


【March 7: I don’t have it!】

【Qiong: You refuse to acknowledge our relationship and you even call me a scumbag. This is groundless accusation! Slander!】

【March 7: Eh! You are so annoying, I don’t want to care about you anymore!】

【Greenbird: ???】

【Qingque: No way, this is all censored?】

【March 7: That’s right, what kind of exposure is this?】

【Pera: It seems that if nothing unexpected happens, this quiz will be about guessing this person.】

【Hanabi: It's exciting, isn't it?!】

【Sambo: Indeed, if the answer were revealed right at the beginning, it would be much less fun!】

【Kiana: It’s like watching a suspense drama!】

【Walter: It’s really curious!】

【Black Swan: +1~】

【Robin: +1!】

【Shiluwa: +1!】

【Jing Yuan: +1!】

【Su Shang: But how do I guess this?】

【March 7: I want to know where this place is in the Black Tower Space Station, I have no idea.......】

【Walter: This shows that this person is very familiar with the Black Tower Space Station】

【March 7: I am excluded first!】

【Xing: And me!】

【Hanabi: But who knows if you guys are pretending to be unfamiliar and trying to clear yourself of suspicion?】

【March 7: The answer will be revealed soon anyway, so there is no need for me to lie!】

【Hanabi: There are always people who are stubborn and hold on to a glimmer of hope, and they may even fantasize that Hanabi-sama will come to the rescue.~】

【Hanabi: If not, why doesn't that person come out in the live broadcast room now?】

【March 7: How should I know! Anyway, I didn’t lie!】

【Su Shang: Do you think he will not be in our VIP live broadcast room?】

【Walter: It's unlikely. According to the last live broadcast, those of us in the VIP live broadcast room are the main targets of social death.】

【Walter: No way out】

【Robin: How terrible】

【Firefly: +1......】

【Kiana: Huh? Then I want one too? Fortunately, Mr. Walter is the only one in your world who knows me.......】

【Qiong: But if nothing unexpected happens, then something unexpected may happen.】



In the Black Tower Space Station, the two people who have met each other do not look like a couple in love, but rather like undercover agents meeting each other.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up!"

The woman in the mosaics had even her voice processed, so it was impossible to tell who she was.

"Huh? xxxx, I'm less than one year old?"

"Shouldn't you take the initiative in this matter?"

Qiong's voice was clear except for the other party's name.

"Don’t you have experience with Xiao Sanyue?"

"I was passive......."

"Then why are you sticking out your tongue?"

"instinctive reaction, conditioned reflex.....".........

【March 7: Humph, I told you it wasn’t me!】

【Hanabi: But she's stealing your man? How can you still laugh?】

【March 7: It's just a first kiss, he hasn't officially confessed to me, he keeps talking nonsense! I don't care at all! Besides, he is not my man, what does it have to do with me!】

【Hanabi: Oh, why are you so anxious?】

【Hanabi: So I guess I got the point?~~~】

【Qingque: Case solved!】


【Pera: So it's not because you don't like it, but because Qiongbao doesn't have a sense of ceremony? Isn't it serious enough?】

【Qiong: That’s right......】

【Qiong: I understand. Thanks for your advice! (Balancing fists)】

【Qiong: I will confess seriously next time!】

【March 7: Oh no! No! And why are you suddenly saying thank you so seriously?】


【Qingque: But Qiongbao is less than one year old, it's really a punishment......】

【Shiluwa: Indeed.】

【Kiana: Huh? He's less than a year old? Is that true?】

【Pera: It's true in theory, but have you ever seen a 0-year-old child this tall?】

【Kiana: In theory.....There must have been something similar?】

【Walter: The Ruler of Knowledge?】

【Kiana: That’s right】

【Qiong: Well, no matter what, he is just a baby less than one year old!】

【Stars: +1!】

【Qiong: So, I am actually the victim who was bewitched and deceived.......】

【Qiong: There are always beautiful older sisters who are attracted to my body......】

【March 7: Oh, how shameless!】.......

The video continues - this time the scene has obviously changed!

Still a tryst!

But the conversation is blocked.

This time it is not as unfamiliar as the first time!...

The third time, still in the same place.

We started to get intimate.

The conversation was blocked....

The fourth time, it was a new secret location.

The conversation was blocked....

The fifth time, the same place.

The conversation was blocked.

But the key information came out.

The mosaic woman took a small golden man from Qiongbao's hand.....

The sixth time.

A new place.

The two are inseparable...

The seventh time, there was a toilet next to it!......

【Firefly: ???】

【Estelle: ???】

【March 7: ???】

【Bluebird: What a fancy play!】

【Silver Wolf: It has nothing to do with me】

【Qiong: ???】

【Qiong: Oh, there is really no privacy at all!】

【Fu Xuan: Humph, if you don’t want others to know, then don’t do it yourself!】

【Walter: I think I know who it is.】

【March 7: I think I know it too.....】

【March 7: I should have thought of it earlier!】

【Su Shang: Who is it?】

【March 7: Now that I’ve said it, won’t the correct answer be given for free later?】

【March 7: I also want to get a reward to make up for myself!】

【Qingque: The other party’s target is actually the little golden man!】

【Pera: So this relationship started because of a deal together?】

【Pera: I think I know who it is.】

【Su Shang: Huh? Why are they all riddlers?】

【Kiana: I don’t understandIs it because I missed too many live broadcasts?】

【Qingque: It seems that everyone is thinking about the reward.~】

【Qingque: It depends on who gets the right to answer first!】

【Xing: Brother, isn’t this the toilet I took you to last time?】


【March 7: ???】

【Kafka: ???】

【Firefly: ???】

【Silver Wolf: ???】

【Jizi: ???】

【Pera: Huh? ?】

【March 7: @Qiong, you really don’t even let your sister go?!】

【Qiong: Don’t you believe what I said?】

【Qingque: Do you believe it yourself?】

【Silver Wolf: Now the answer may not be so clear, it's difficult to deal with】

【Pella: +1】

【Walter: It seems that my previous guess may not be correct.....】

【Hanabi: Haha, these two little gray-haired ones are so funny.~~~】

【Fireworks: Poor Sanyueqi, his lips are almost broken from kissing and I can only sob through the screen, so pitiful!】

【March 7: I don’t! And you are so annoying!】

【March 7: I really want to beat you up!】

【Fireworks: Come on~~~As I said before - as long as you can find Master Hanabi, you can do whatever you want.~~~】......

【Now onto the Q&A session!】

【Question: Who are the women who have a tryst with Qiong in the video? (Multiple choice question)】

【A、March 7】





【F、Black Tower】

【The number of candidates for this round of quiz is: 3】

【Please answer within 30 seconds!】

【Start answering now!】.....

【Black Tower: ???】

【Black Tower: What does it have to do with me?】

【March 7: ???】

【Pera: ???】

【Greenbird: ???】

【Firefly: Multiple choice questions???】



Meanwhile -


In the snow, Qiong was stunned for a moment after reading the words"multiple choice questions", and then thought about it again, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"You are very proud now, right?!"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi glared at Qiong fiercely, then snorted coldly and walked forward quickly.

Qiong of course chased after him.......................................... ps: Ah, I am too sleepy and can't stand it anymore. I will update this chapter for now. This chapter has about 4,000 words. I will update it tomorrow.

There are many prophets who have made the first move.

It’s okay to guess this, because the line of fireworks will run through the entire Yalilo plot, which is very interesting!

As for who is the hunter and who is the prey, it’s hard to say, so stay tuned!.

I like this expansion. Please ask for the data.

I wrote it all night and my liver hurts.┭┮﹏┭┮..

Happy Qingming outing and reading! Top up 100 yuan and get 500 VIP points!

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