Looking at Nie Kong lying peacefully on the bed where she often sleeps, Xiandumu Aye’s body showed a strong magical power, spraying towards the middle of the bed.

Nie Kong was too lazy to escape, letting the magic hit his body, Xiandumu Aye was surprised to find that his magic could not help Nie Kong. And the wooden bed and bedding he was lying on were divided into two halves from the middle.

“Let’s sleep half the time, don’t cross the boundary without authorization.” She pulled the skirt corner of her black and white twelve single kimono, bent down and took off her shoes. The white and beautiful jade foot sticks out of the shoes. The whole person’s movements are very demure, but not at all sloppy. She was lying on the bed with her back to Nie Kong. Nie Kong could only see her beautiful curves hidden in the bedding.

Although I agreed to spend the night with Nie Kong, Xiandumu Aye is always vigilant.

“It’s only one night, as for?” Nie Kong looked at the two halves of the bed and said silently. Comparing her indifferent attitude with Kiriola, there was a big difference. But Nie Kong feels that her personality is still like this, sleeping with a man in the opinion room, she is a normal girl’s reaction.

“Do you have any dissatisfaction!” she said indifferently.

“Nothing, anyway, you don’t need to sleep here anymore.” Nie Kong shook his head.

“Rong Wu said before going to bed, when you are asleep, please don’t do anything to me in that month of Nangong without authorization. You said you kissed her when you were asleep in Nangong, right. “Xiandumu Aye warned.

“Who can do it.”

“Just in case, I’m thinking about whether to tie yours.” Xiandumu Aye turned his back to Nie Kong , I don’t know if she was joking, her personality is really unpredictable.

“Um…” Seeing Nie Kong speechless, Xiandumu Aye let out a few low laughs.

“Stop talking nonsense, you must get up before 7 o’clock in the morning and go to bed.” Her breathing slowly became smooth, and Nie Kong murmured, “It’s not the topic you caused.”

Nie Kong closed her eyes and spent her first night in New World lying beside a beautiful woman.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Xiandumu Aye, who is used to the biological clock, first awoke. She eyes opened looked towards Nie Kong and found that he slept so hard all night and did not do anything out of the ordinary. She slowly stood on the bed, stretched out a beautiful figure.

Looking at Nie Kong sleeping sweetly, she gently stretched out her jade foot and stepped on Nie Kong’s belly.

“Hey, you wake up quickly, otherwise we will be locked in a confined space for one day.”

Nie Kongs hand is used to grabbing the one resting on his stomach Soft feet, muttered: “It’s not dawn, let’s sleep a little longer.”

“What are you doing by grabbing my feet.” His toes were held by Nie Kong. Her pretty face, who had always been demure, blushed, and stared at Nie Kong.

As if aware of the softness in his hands resisting, Nie Kong felt strange and slowly opened his eyelids. In the morning, he first saw Xiandumu Ayes pretty face with a little anger. And the softness of her fingers clenched, not something else, but her feet.

The white and flawless toes are as soft as boneless. The blue veins of light azure are very prominent, setting off the beauty of her jade foot. They are very small and cute, you can fully grasp them with one hand.

As for the scenery above jade foot, he can only see the slender legs through the corners of the kimono skirt. Unlike the exposed Giriola, she is very tightly dressed.

“Good morning.” Nie Kong lightly said with a smile.

She seemed to perceive Nie Kong’s gaze, and she hurriedly pulled out her feet.

“I promised to allow you to stay for one night. Didnt you say that you want to take me out of jail.”

Nie Kong yawned and responded, “Say. That’s right, but the first thing you should do to get up is to wash. Look at you, there is eye feces in the corners of your eyes.”

Xiandumu Aye panicked in her eyes and dropped Nie Kong for an instant. Go to the prepared bathroom in the dormitory. Looking carefully at her pretty face in front of the mirror, she found that she had been cheated. In his bright and energetic eyes, there is no eye feces. Qi flushed and rinsed. After she came out, she found that Nie Kong was waiting for her to wash. She was strange that she didn’t know where he was to wash.

“Alright, now we are ready to leave the prison. First, confirm a coordinate of the world outside, and use your daughter as the spatial coordinate. Can you give me a taste of your daughter’s magical aura? “

“The doll she made from my body sample has the same magical attribute as mine.” She said indifferently.

“In that case, use your right hand to release the magic of your body and put it on my hand.” Nie Kong stretched out her hand, Xiandumu Aye hesitated for a while, But choose to trust Nie Kong once.

With both hands clasped tightly, Xiandumu Aye can detect the warm breath from Nie Kong’s fingers.

“Are you ready? I’m leaving.” Nie Kong’s Spiritual Consciousness broke through the Space Formation and spread out all the way. He saw the sleeping Nangong Nayue Lori and the castle where she lived. .

breakthrough In the space surrounding the castle, he finally saw the blue earth gentleman. And his location is actually on an artificial island floating in the Pacific Ocean, floating near 330 kilometers south of Tokyo.

Compared with the same magic power as Xiandumu Aye, her daughter is in a sparsely populated mountain range in the Japanese territory, in a slightly gloomy castle. He saw a girl about ten years old accompanied by a few expressionless maids. No, she looks more like a male child with short hair! ! The breath is the same as Ah Ye, her daughter can’t go wrong.

“Find the target and start teleporting now.” Nie Kong’s teleportation is stronger than Wukong in Dragon Ball. Wukong can teleport across several galaxies. Nie Kong jumps out of Space Formation naturally very easily.

Xiandumu Aye’s eyes flickered, and in an instant she came to a spacious space from the airtight bedroom. Although it is all dark, the environment I see now is all so familiar. In front of her, there was a little girl who was carved out of a mold with her, staring at Nie Kong and her with her lovely and bright eyes.

“You Ma…” Although it was the first time I saw the daughter she made, Xiandumu Aye was very familiar with her. With a faint surprise in his eyes, he didn’t expect Nie Kong to really take him out of prison.

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