The girl changed clothes very slowly. After Nie Kong led the boys to concentrate for five minutes, a dozen beautiful loli appeared in the volleyball court one after another wearing tight four-corner sportswear , One by one, poor breasts but cheerful thighs are particularly attractive.

Instruct the students to do a few minutes of seductive warm-up exercises, and then proceed to the topic of this class. Teaching a few first-year physical education classes and so on in junior high schools is too pediatric. Nie Kong has a lot of experience.

“Nie Kong Senior, what do you think we are going to do now?” The girl who smiled and took off her rustic eyes and said to Nie Kong with a smile.

“What? Isn’t he a Teacher, but the famous Nie Kong Senior at the school, he wants to pretend to be Teacher to come to class?” Hearing Lan Yu Qiansong’s words, the classmates seemed very surprised.

“Cough cough, there is nothing to be surprised about. Sasaki Misaki Teacher has important things to do, so I ask myself to substitute for the lesson. And I’m not sure, I will really become your Teacher in the future.” Nie Kong smiled confidently and naturally came out with a teacher’s temperament.

“Wow, is Senior actually our teacher.” The girls didn’t have the slightest opinion, but looked at Nie Kong with sparkling eyes, hoping that Nie Kong could really become their teacher.

“Is it okay? His academic grades in the first grade of high school were all down. He actually wanted to be a Teacher. Senior is a little talking big words.” A classmate with a lazy face said weirdly.

“Hehe, ancient city, don’t underestimate him. Look at his calm posture, he will definitely not be the first teacher.” The boy with headphones said with a smile.

“Lets talk about it later, its important to go to class now. Lets practice the rules and basic movements of volleyball. Light onion sauce, you are the first to come out!” Nie Kong looked towards the beautiful girl I met yesterday.

“Senior, if you don’t teach well, I won’t help you end it.” Qian Cong pouted, as if preaching to his friend.

“Hey, deal with you guys. Isn’t that as simple as drinking water.” Nie Kong said indifferently.

“Don’t underestimate our first grade in middle school. You are not just a Senior who is three years older than us. I am afraid that Senior will not be able to pass the exam if he comes to the first grade in middle school.” Qian Cong hummed with both hands. Akimbo and Nie Kong dispute.

“Okay, now Im going to practice serving. Ill demonstrate it, and then youll try it.” Nie Kong tossed a soft volleyball lightly, and in one go, he jumped and shot the volleyball on the opposite side Of the stadium.

Scallion failed to respond, and only saw a phantom stab at the corner of the court. The serve action is simple and neat and can serve as a good teaching material.

“Same Cong, come and serve.” Nie Kong said.

Shantong’s learning ability is very good, and he quickly learned to serve and smash. While demonstrating, Nie Kong explained to the students the rules and precautions of the competition in detail.

After roughly confirming the basic movements, they continued to practice in a leisurely game.

Although it is an informal competition, the class is enthusiastic about participating. More than 40 people were divided into eight groups to start the competition. Light spring onions in gym suits were mixed among the classmates.

The defender wiped the floor and used a parabolic serve from the enemy line. The ball flew upwards lightly, towards the side of the net where no one was there. When everyone thinks that the ball will pass directly over the sideline and become an out-of-bounds ball.

Shanton ran under the ball, slammed on the floor and jumped up. The small body lightly jumped up, and lightly waved his left hand to buckle towards the enemy camp. Landing silently on the ground, the students on the other side didn’t understand what happened and so on, and had already scored a point.

“Wow… I thought Qian Cong Jiang would be a quiet girl, and didn’t expect to be good at sports activities.” Companions around praised her. A smile appeared on Qian Cong’s face, which she didn’t know how to face, and dealt with the compliments of the students.

It is true that the light motor nerves are very good, and within the body seems to hide a huge power. The aptitude of the maiden is much stronger than that of Xia Yin, and a few simple exercises will naturally not be difficult for her .

After seeing this scene, Qian Cong felt a little depressed. She was not good at acting in front of others and had always been alone and independent. Although they are in the same class, they are actually wary of many people. The only people who can open their hearts to chat and talk are Yaase Keiki and Nie Kong in the class.

The difference between the strength of the two teams is too big, and the light-toothed team leads the opposite by five points. On one side, Akira Ancient City and Yase Keshu’s team were also suppressing each other.

Nie Kong took the girls with the sweat of vigor and youth, and the delicate body tightly in the clothes felt the excitement of nostalgia. Although I did a Teacher at Zero Degree Warrior, the course is fundamentally different from ordinary 2D.

The score is 10:24, and the light-scallion team leads. If you score them again, the opponent will lose.

“Light onion, get another point.” Although the pretty faces of the girls are full of sweat, their expressions are all very excited.

Preparing for the final point to decide the winner, it belonged to the Scallion team serving, and the back of the Scallion court swung his hand vigorously. The volleyball crossed an arc and rushed to the opposite side.

The opposite classmate began to react. One classmate pounced on the ball and batted the racket that was about to land regardless of his body. One of them slapped to the right spot, giving the spiker behind him a fatal blow.

The students are very serious about the competition and enjoying the active atmosphere of the physical education class.

A strong smash, the ball rushed to a dead corner of the court, it seems that they won’t give Qian Cong a simple victory.

Scallion, who was in charge of the serve in the back row, judged the route of the ball, and the landing position was on her left. The speed of the ball is very fast, if it is in front of the ball, she can give up a plop, but the left side is a little reluctant. Seeing that the ball is about to land, but she is three meters away from the ball, an unbridgeable gap. She strode desperately to the left, crossing two meters, barely reaching out to touch the volleyball.

Only the two sounds of ka-cha and bang were heard, and the landing volleyball suddenly bounced.

“Good job, light onion.”

The players hurriedly started running to save the lost victory. With a fierce smash, they got the final point of victory. Seeing the happy faces of the team members, their pretty face slightly smiled, when they first wanted to stand up, they couldn’t help but screamed, as if something terrible had happened.

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