Nie Kong received a card, which was a thin metal sheet smaller than a postcard. According to Enatos No. 9, it was an invitation from Zacharias.

It contains several information, including the specific location and time of the banquet.

The beginning of the feast means the end of the sweet, gentle and peaceful days. The water droplets that flowed over the delicate cheeks of Enatos of No. 9 dripped quietly and flowed down without a sound.

“Is it a feast of flames? After a few months of preparation, it finally came.” Nie Kong took the five girls to the direction of the bridge at the end of the eastern district. Zaharias designated as the flame The place where the feast of light is held is in the old southeast area of Xianjin Island. A part of an artificial island floating in the southeast sea of the main island of Tenjin Island. It was originally a trial-produced artificial island built on an experimental basis. Later, due to the construction of the main island of Xianjin Island, it was used for people to live in. Most of the residents are directly related to the construction of Xianjin Island, urban designers and construction workers and their families. The old southeast area that was once the center of Xianjin Island has now ended its mission due to the completion of the four basic artificial islands, East, South, West, and North. Recently, the population has been declining. . Compared with the small and bad facilities on the main island of Kushigami Island, it is now designated as an abandoned area and decided to disintegrate within a few years. Compared with other locations in Xianjin City, the old southeast area can be described as deserted.

The aging ruined artificial island, as the stage of the banquet hosted by the arms merchant Zacharias, could not be more suitable than this.

The special zone guards completely blocked the road leading to the old southern district and used armored vehicles to form roadblocks. There are also fully armed mobile team members and people wearing protective clothing for anti-bacterial and chemical weapons. From the artificial island management commune, using a helicopter to inform the residents of Shijin Island. An unmanned propaganda helicopter of the SAR Garrison hovering over the sky. The speaker with a small wireless controller keeps emitting artificial sounds without emotion.

“Today, a patient suspected of a new type of infection was found on the artificial island and the old southeast area. Due to the risk of spreading infection, as a preventive measure, until safety is ensured, all access to the old southeast area is prohibited The communication bridge will be blocked. Now, all crossings to the old southeast area are forbidden. In addition, ships close to the old southeast area should not enter the port and wait at sea. Please follow the instructions of the quarantine officer. Violators will be fined.”

Nie Kong, who is qualified for the banquet, has used space teleportation to bring the five girls to the stage selected by Zaharias for the banquet, the central square in the old southern stone.

In the center of the square covered by tempered glass, there are twelve coffins arranged in a fan shape. More than half of them, among the eight coffins, eight girls are asleep. No. 11th Hernd Katos, No. 8 Ogudoos, No. 7 Herpordomos, No. 2 Deutla, Number One Blot… Seven are similar to Agurola. Maiden and an ordinary girl. More than half of the fourth true ancestor body. They are filling the magic power drawn from the sacrifices of the Nerapsi Autonomous Region. It should be sufficient as an incentive for awakening.

They are several flame-light night masters owned by Zaharias. Placed in their center is a gray girl wrapped in gem crystals. Zaharias looked at the skinny girl’s body silently, which appeared to be his biological younger sister.

Heavy footsteps sounded like signals, and Nie Kong uttered a voice: “Let you wait a long time, Zacharias!” He actually has seven bodies. No wonder there is ability to say Won the fourth true ancestor.

Zaharias looked back slowly, his appearance in a suit was very young. Only cunning’s fine eyes still have the appearance of the former weapon dealer.

“Welcome you to my feast of flames.” Zahariyas cast his sight to the other end, staring closely at the two bodies behind Nie Kong.

“Shut up!” Along with Verdiana’s anger, she summoned two beasts, the demon dog that entangles the flame, and the two-headed dog that exhaled the cold breath. The current Verdiaana exerted her greatest battle strength, and through a short distance, she gave up her life and hoped to get rid of the unguarded Zaharias.

“Die, Zaharias! Sir Father’s remorse and the pain of the citizens, please experience it!” Verdiana shouted with a hearty expression boasting of victory.

However, it was Zacharias’s voice that covered it up. It was a cold voice that had no chance of any wavering. Holding the hand of Number One Body Blott lying in the coffin, he calmly ordered.

“Come on, Vajra of the God Sheep!” As if to protect Zaharias, a huge beast appeared from in the sky. An unimaginably powerful monster.

That is a bighorn sheep with diamond stone flesh. There are thousands or tens of thousands of gem crystals floating around the beast, and those huge crystals turn into shields to protect Zaharias.

“The beast of the Fourth True Ancestor!? Is it really useless?” Verdiana’s expression was stained with an expression of resentment. The attacks of her beasts hit the protective wall of gems floating in the air without even causing any damage. The gems shot out like a rain of crystalline guns around the body of the Beasts that appeared, wiped out the two Beasts of Verdiana without leaving a trace.

Sure enough, he can control the power of several body bodies to fight and protect himself. He won the first body body from the territory of Caruana, and then controlled her to collect body bodies from all over the world. The only thing that didn’t dare to mess with was the three that’s all in the domain of the king of war.

“The guests invited have not come together, don’t to act blindly without thinking.” Zacharias lightly said with a smile, as if he had unlimited confidence!

Nie Kong held Verdianas little hand tightly, not caring about Zacharias at all, but looked towards the other end of the line of sight, the two women slowly coming, a white Clothed clothes women, one is black hair loli wearing a skirt. The moment they saw black hair loli, Enatos and Agurola in the back couldn’t help but shake.

“Thank you for your assistance, Mars Yuanshan Young Lady and Xiao Naisa Young Lady! Its too late to introduce myself. Im Barutazar Zaharias. The fourth ancestors Blood Servants.” Zacharias put his hand on his chest and gave a salute heavily.

“The servant of the true ancestor?” Naisa’s eyes were full of fear in the strong manner. She hid behind the distant mountain in fear, because in the underlying memory, Demon Race hurt her three years ago, causing her to be hospitalized, so she was afraid of Demon Race.

“haha, it seems that I’m a bit late. In this way, the twelve bodies are ready.” A hearty laugh came with a bit of pride, a blonde The man with evil charm led three loli behind them.

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